4/2/2022 OperationInAsMuch

First a bit of background information: In 2009 one hundred and one members of Holy Trinity gathered to participate in the South Carolina Synod’s first Synodical community service blitz day known as “Operation INASMUCH”. Based on Matthew 25:14-46, “Inasmuch as you have done this to one of the least of these you have done it to me”, Operation INASMUCH strives to meet the needs of the least of these in our community through one-day service projects.

Now fast forward to 2022 and Holy Trinity is still participating in Operation INASMUCH, but on a somewhat smaller scale due to COVID concerns. The Service Committee has identified five scaled back projects that meet COVID protocols and will take place on or no later than April 2, 2022. They include:

1. Casseroles for Calvary Home for Children
All items should list the main ingredients on the dish as well as instructions for cooking it. Casseroles should be placed in the Fellowship Hall freezer no later than 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 2.

2. Notes of Encouragement for SnackPack Program
We will be writing notes of encouragement to be included in the food/snack packages prepared by the United Way SnackPack Program and distributed weekly to needy elementary school students. Those who sign up will be contacted and given details and supplies to complete the project.

3. United Way’s Middle School Market Program — a collection project
This is a newly created program designed to provide food to needy middle school students. The following items are needed: Peanut butter, Jelly, Cereal, Oatmeal, Pop Tarts, Mac and Cheese, Spaghettios, Applesauce and Crackers. Any size or type is acceptable. Donated items should be placed in the appropriate box located in the room off the narthex by April 2.

4. Clean Start — a collection project
Clean Start, a hygiene and resource center for the homeless in our community is in need of the following items: Paper Towels, Paper Plates and Cups (8 oz.), Trash Bags (13 and/or 30 gallon), Shampoo and Soap, Small Deodorants (or spray), Vaseline, Q-tips, Toilet Paper, Disposable Razors, Toothbrushes, ToothPaste, and Mouthwash. Items should be placed in the appropriate box located in the room off the narthex no later than April 2.

5. Congregational Litter Pick-up
Litter Pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 2 with the time to be determined. All necessary supplies will be provided.
Contact Leslie Cox to suggest a roadway you think needs our attention.

Beginning March 6 sign-up sheets for each project will be posted on the table in the room off the narthex. Collection boxes will be labeled and located in the room off the narthex, as well. If you
have any questions, contact Shirley Ebert or Leslie Cox, Service Committee Co-chairs.

Endowment Committee Requests

Endowment Committee Request
We plan to have an Endowment Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in the Office Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. to distribute 50% of our Endowment Fund earnings to charities that the committee feels would meet our contribution guidelines. If you know of a group or organization you would like for us to consider, please submit their name to me, or one of the committee members, for the committee’s review.
The request should include the name and address of the group, as well as a brief explanation as to why you feel them worthy of our support.
Thank you for your interest in this worthwhile endeavor.

Sincerely, Dave Rasche Endowment Committee Chairman


Thank you to all who participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday. The total raised for both Super Bowl teams was: the Rams ($170.50) and the Bengals ($265.50) for a grand total of $436.00. All monies received will be sent to AIM. Thank you for your generosity.

2/13/22 Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl of Caring
The Youth will once again participate in the Souper Bowl Of Caring, on February 13th.
As in year’s past, there will be soup pots in the Narthex for you to indicate your favorite team.
All money collected will stay in our community and be donated to AIM.
Thank you for your contributions.

Angel Tree

Angel Tree

1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.

2. Please do not wrap gifts.

3. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor (use door code).

4. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 15th,
after which, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to A.I.M.

5. In addition to selecting names from the Angel Tree in-person like we
Usually, do you also have the option of making a donation and someone from WELCA
will do, the shopping for you. If you would rather participate in this way,
just make a check out to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” and put
“Angel Tree” in the Memo. If you have any questions on any of this, please
contact Roz Eckardt

Trick or Treat so Others may eat

TOTSOME Trick -or-Treat- So- Others- May- Eat –

The Youth will meet after the Late Service on October 24th to gather for lunch and then go to their designated neighborhoods to distribute the bags.

We once again have bags available for the congregation to make food donations. The congregation is asked to pick up their bag and bring it back on the 31st filled with food items and place them in the room off the Narthex.

Then on October 31st, the Youth will return to the neighborhoods to pick up the filled bags. We will need some vehicles to help with the pick-up. If you are able to help, please see Amy Goodson.

9/5/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  1. We keep Elizabeth Fogle and her family in our thoughts and prayers upon the recent deaths of both of her sisters, Ashley Harvey and Kay Cherup, who died within the past two weeks with COVID.

  2. Sunday, I will be preaching on the Holy Gospel, Mark 7:24-37 as we look at “The Power of Words.”
    1. What are the most powerful words you have ever heard?
    2. What words have the potential to change our life?
    3. Sometimes the words we chose inspire others and lift them up.
    4. Sometimes the words we hear frighten us and scare us to death.
    5. Sometimes the words we use cause great damage.
    6. What does the word, “Ephphatha,” mean in our Gospel reading?
    7. In what ways does our Lord use this word in our lives today?

  3. Since we are currently not singing hymns in our worship service due to COVID, to compensate for this, on Holy Communion Sundays, our soloists will sing two solos – one after the Message as we have been doing and one will be sung during the distribution of Holy Communion.

  4. We are still looking for someone to fill our volunteer spot to take care of the maintenance of our small power equipment at the church.  Please see your copy of the bulletin or the Messenger for all the details.

  5. A reminder that the SC Women of the ELCA  are receiving donations for their two projects of their upcoming convention – Lutheran Disaster Response and the SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers. Details are also in your bulletin and the Messenger.

  6. Monday, the Church Office will be closed for the Labor Day holiday.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Haiti Earthquake relief

A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti on Saturday morning. Over 1,400 people were killed, and that number is expected to increase as search-and-rescue efforts continue. Blocked roads are delaying the delivery of vital supplies to hospitals, which are overwhelmed with more than 6,900 injured people. At least 26,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, but the full extent of damage is still unknown. Haiti is also suffering through a political crisis and was hit by Tropical Storm Grace on Monday night, which caused severe flooding in communities already damaged by the earthquake.

For over two decades, the ELCA has maintained a presence in southern Haiti through support for agricultural and sustainable development work. To continue our engagement with those communities, Lutheran Disaster Response is collaborating with partner organizations in the communities to meet relief needs, including food, water, medical supplies and temporary shelter. In the future, other areas of support will include psychosocial care, water and sanitation, and creating sustainable livelihoods through agriculture and livestock. We also stand with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Haiti as it assesses damage and impacts on churches and church life.

Your gifts will support earthquake survivors in Haiti. Gifts to “Haiti Crisis” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by the earthquake.
Together, as church, we can be there for our neighbors in Haiti.
In Christ’s service,

Daniel Rift
The Rev. Daniel Rift
Director, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response Fund
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
Write “Haiti Crisis” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522 or online.





The project for this year’s South Carolina WELCA Convention, which will be held on Sunday, September 26, is to provide monetary support to Lutheran Disaster Response and to the SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers.

The Lutheran Disaster Response provides aid to those impacted by natural disasters and the pandemic.
Lutheran World Relief

The SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers assist victims of abuse.
SC Network Children’s Advocacy Centers

If you wish to donate to this year’s project, please submit your contribution, payable to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, no later than September 19. Please indicate that it is for the WELCA Convention Project and include the name of the organization you wish to receive your support – LDR or SCNCAC.

Saturday Servants July 2021

Saturday Servants

Again this year, HTLC will prepare bagged lunches for the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through the Saturday Servants Program. Adequate precautions will be taken due to COVID-19. Each Saturday in July (except the 2nd week) we will gather in Fellowship Hall to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and 100 bologna sandwiches, along with other food items. This year the following will take place:

 We will be providing food for 4 Saturdays, July 3, July 17, July 24, and July 31, (another group will be taking care of doing the second Saturday of each month).

We will begin at the usual 9:30 a.m. to allow more time.

Masks and gloves will be required to prepare the food and to distribute the food.

Gloves will be provided.

 Kroger Bakery will be providing the bread this year, but Carolina Produce will not be providing the fruit.

 We are asking for financial donations to allow us to cover the cost of the fruit.

 We will be providing individual packaged pretzel bags instead of creating our own.

  1. Here is an updated list of needs we still need for the Saturday Servants projects:

      Saturday Servants is fast approaching.  We now have all the food items we need to make sandwiches.  The only thing we        still need are two things:
1) used plastic grocery bags, and
2) You!  We would like to have between 15-25 volunteers each Saturday during July.  There are no sign-ups.  Just show up            each Saturday morning in July at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  (Keep in mind that another group will be taking care of            the sandwiches on July 10 so we will not gather on this day.)

If you have questions, please contact Shirley Ebert, our Service Committee Chair, 864-353-7366.