Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
• The Quilting Groups in the congregation have been very busy. Sunday, as part of the worship service, we will be blessing the 48 quilts and 12 fabric kits that have been made, before they are sent overseas to those in need.
• Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Matthew 10:24-39, where Jesus warns his followers that they may meet opposition but promises always to be with them. We will explore how sparrows are connected with this passage.
• We are very close to having all the food items we need for our upcoming Saturday Servants project. Items may be placed into the room off the narthex into special bins marked “Saturday Servants.” Items still needed are:
a. 254 individual snack size bags of salty snacks (pretzels, chips, etc.)
b. 150 bottles of water (16 oz plastic bottles)
• You are reminded to refrain from giving out the general church door code to florists. If you set up altar flowers for a particular Sunday, most florists already have a code. If not, have them contact the church office as all florists have an entry code that is different from the one the church members use. If you need more details on this, please contact me.
• This past Monday morning we had 21 church members participate in the United Way’s SnackPack program, putting together meals for school children in the Anderson area. Please see photo below. Thanks to all who took part in this food outreach ministry. If you are interested in being on the email list of participants for future workdays, contact Mike Cox.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer