We welcome today Jody Cann who will be bringing us a message from the Gideons. You can
support the work of the Gideons by making a financial contribution. Checks may be made out to
“The Gideons.” Following the worship service, Mr. Cann will be in the Narthex to receive

If you wish to donate online please click on the link below



Saturday Servants Update

Once again Holy Trinity has demonstrated a servant’s heart. We were asked to make 75 bagged lunches (for Saturday and Sunday) for four weekends in July. The actual need greatly exceeded our expectations, resulting in our increasing production during the month. We made 528 bagged meals over the month – over 1,050 sandwiches. This represented a 60% increase over July, 2022.

In addition, we dealt with an increase in the cost of foods. The bottom line is that we did it! Donations of peanut butter, jelly, mayonnaise, cookies, and chips came in. Monetary donations came in. We had an all time high of participating HTLC members giving of their time on a Saturday morning to pack these lunches in an assembly-line fashion. In addition to feeding the hungry, we also enjoyed the fellowship of working together for a worthwhile purpose.

Great job HTLC Saturday Servants! Many thanks to you for your donation of time, goods, and financial support to feed our hungry neighbors in Anderson.

Thank You, The Service Committee

Casserole Ceollection Project update

Casserole Collection Project
“Back-to-School” is an exciting and busy time for all families of school-aged children.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of the HTLC congregation, foster parents at Calvary Home for
Children were provided a brief respite from dinner planning at the beginning of this school year. HTLC
donated thirty-one (31) casseroles to be shared among the five homes on their campus. These casseroles
included (but were not limited to) Baked Spaghetti, Chicken and Rice, Chicken and Broccoli, King Ranch Chicken, Lasagna, Enchiladas, Ravioli, Casserole, and even a “Heavenly Casserole.” (We all want to try that one!)

Holy Trinity gave these foster families not only dinner, but also the gift of being able to spend a
little more time with their children. Wonderful work HTLC! Thank you for your participation in this event and for supporting the children in our community.

Many Thanks,
The Service Committee


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and its members have generously donated money over the years to
support organizations assisting people in need in Anderson County. The HTLC Mission
Endowment Fund has been a significant donor, distributing more than $28,000 in 2022 due to
stock market gains in 2021. However, in 2022, due to market losses and the fund’s operational
guidelines, the fund will not be able to distribute any grants in 2023 to organizations assisting
those in need in Anderson County.
We feel it is important for HTLC to maintain a notable presence with community charities,
especially in difficult economic times.
Over the past three years, the Endowment Fund of Holy Trinity has been able to provide a
total average of $10,483 per year, which has been divided and given to the following
1. A.I.M.
2. Good Neighbor Cupboard
3. Anderson Free Clinic
4. Haven of Rest
5. Salvation Army of Anderson
Despite their continuing needs, they will receive no HTLC Endowment Fund grants in 2023.
If you already donate directly to any of these organizations or wish to contribute, we encourage
you to consider donating through their existing, specific HTLC designated account by marking
your charity donation on your offering envelope. This way, HTLC aims to ensure a regular
contribution to these organizations even when the Endowment Fund faces limitations.
These five organizations are familiar to HTLC for their efficient provision of basic services to
Anderson County residents, and we believe they should be the top priorities for our support.
Thank you for considering this method of helping these charities. Your support will make a
meaningful difference in the lives of those in need in our community.
The Endowment Committee

Frozen Casseroles for Calvary Home for Children July 23-30

Frozen Casseroles for Calvary Home for Children July 23-30

Over the years, through Operation Inasmuch, Holy Trinity has provided frozen casseroles for
Calvary Home for Children (CHC). With school starting two weeks earlier (August 2) this year
what better time than now to revive this project. Stocking CHC’s freezer with casseroles would
allow more time for the house parents to focus on the needs of the children than on “what’s for

So how can you help? Prepare and freeze or buy a frozen casserole dinner (size 9’ x 13”).
If you choose to make a homemade casserole, be sure to use a disposable container and label
by type, such as chicken and broccoli or lasagna, etc. Also attach the recipe or a list of
ingredients to help address any allergy concerns.

Service Committee members will be in the narthex on Sunday, July 23 and Sunday, July 30 to
accept casseroles. Of course, you may deliver your casserole directly to the freezer in the
Fellowship Hall. The freezer is located in the coatroom in the hallway just outside the
Fellowship Hall. Just use your key or the keypad to access the building. Casseroles will be
delivered to Calvary Home for Children on Tuesday, August 1.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Potter at 225-6460.

7/9/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Just a couple of things to relay to you about things going on in our congregation this week and next:


  • Please keep in mind that there is no Saturday Servants project taking place this week.   Even though Holy Trinity has the responsibility of providing bagged lunches for the month of July, another organization takes care of the 2nd Saturday of each month for the year.

  • The Service Committee is sponsoring another outreach opportunity for the congregation.  We will be receiving donations of frozen casseroles for Calvary Home for Children beginning July 23 through July 30.  Please see The Messenger or a bulletin for all the details or call Jane Potter at 225-6460.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text of Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 as we focus on what it means to hear the words of Christ, to be yoked to Him.

  • Wednesday, of next week, July 12, we will be gathering in Fellowship Hall for our next Summer Fun Night.  Our theme will be, “The Parable of the Lost Coin.”   Supper will be provided and we would love for you to come join us beginning at 6:00 p.m.  This is for all ages.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Share your garden’s abundance and help hunger

If you have an abundance of vegetables from your garden, would you please share them with the congregation?

There will be a chair in the Narthex for you to place your extra garden veggies for people to share for a small donation for World Hunger.

Any vegetables that are left will be taken to the Anderson Soup Kitchen.

Saturday Servants

Saturday Servants

Thank you to the congregation for your generosity in providing the needed peanut butter, jelly, snack cakes, mayonnaise bottled water. We now have all needed items.

Again this year, HTLC will prepare bagged lunches for the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through the Saturday Servants Program.
We will begin each Saturday in July (except for the second Saturday) at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. At 11:00 a.m. the food will be given away to the community at the Anderson Soup Kitchen for those who would like to participate.

In the gospel of Matthew (25:35, 40) Jesus says, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”



The beautiful quilts that will be draped over each pew on 6/25/23 are now ready to be sent to the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) warehouse in Maryland. This year,
fabric kits have also been assembled. These kits consist of two pieces of fabric and 2 spools of thread, simple supplies that lead to a useful, marketable skill. The 48 quilts and 12 fabric kits will be blessed during the services today.  From the Maryland warehouse quilts and kits are shipped by LWR to many countries where there is a

You may make a donation to cover the cost of the shipping by writing a check to Holy Trinity and putting “shipping quilts” in the memo and placing it in the offering plate.

Jane Potter, Roz Eckardt, Cherie Brown, Kim Hill, Beth Passow, Robin Sandwick, Barbara Thomas, and Nancy Korn worked on these quilts.

Fabric Kits were assembled by Nancy Korn.

06/25/23 Weekly congregational update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

• The Quilting Groups in the congregation have been very busy. Sunday, as part of the worship service, we will be blessing the 48 quilts and 12 fabric kits that have been made, before they are sent overseas to those in need.

• Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Matthew 10:24-39, where Jesus warns his followers that they may meet opposition but promises always to be with them. We will explore how sparrows are connected with this passage.

• We are very close to having all the food items we need for our upcoming Saturday Servants project. Items may be placed into the room off the narthex into special bins marked “Saturday Servants.” Items still needed are:
a. 254 individual snack size bags of salty snacks (pretzels, chips, etc.)
b. 150 bottles of water (16 oz plastic bottles)

• You are reminded to refrain from giving out the general church door code to florists. If you set up altar flowers for a particular Sunday, most florists already have a code. If not, have them contact the church office as all florists have an entry code that is different from the one the church members use. If you need more details on this, please contact me.

• This past Monday morning we had 21 church members participate in the United Way’s SnackPack program, putting together meals for school children in the Anderson area. Please see photo below. Thanks to all who took part in this food outreach ministry. If you are interested in being on the email list of participants for future workdays, contact Mike Cox.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer