Come out and support our Good New Club at Concord Elementary and Mt Lebanon Elementary School

Holy Trinity currently sponsors two Good News Clubs — one at Concord Elementary School and one at
Mt. Lebanon Elementary School. We are thankful for our volunteers:
Sandi Jordan, Cherie Brown, Leslie Cox, Susan Straup, Anita Brady, Jane Cahaly, Phil Cahaly, and Amy Compton.
We are looking for more volunteers from our congregation.
If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, please see Sandi Jordan.
So many children are hungry for the Word of God. Will you be willing to help out?

Have extra vegetables?

If you have an abundance of vegetables from your garden, would you please share them with the congregation? There will be a chair in the Narthex for you to place your extra garden veggies for people to share for a small donation for World Hunger. Any vegetables that are left will be taken to the Soup Kitchen.

Saturday Servants 2019

Again this year HTLC will prepare bag lunches For Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through The Saturday Servant Program. There are four Saturdays in July. Each Saturday we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and 100 bologna sandwiches. Each bag will contain a sandwich, fruit, juice, sweet snack cake and chips. Eight hundred bag lunches will be provided during the month of July.

Lutheran Services Carolinas Capitol Campaign update

Thank You!
Lutheran Services Carolinas Capitol Campaign Benefiting LSC Child and Family Services in South Carolina Dear fellow members of Holy Trinity, Anderson,
As you know, the capitol campaign for LSC child and family services has been ongoing since March, and will continue for three years.
I want to sincerely thank all of you that have contributed toward this worthy cause! If you have not yet done so, and would like to be a part of this noble effort, please remember that the campaign continues for three years. Further contributions can be made locally to Holy Trinity (please write “Lutheran Services Carolinas”, or, simply,” LSC” on the memo line of your check), or to LSC directly, using the Statement of Intent form, which was included in the March issue of The Messenger. If you need a copy of the form, or the address, please call the church office. Be sure to add the name “Holy Trinity, Anderson” on the Congregation line of the form.
All of us know how important it is to help serve our neighbor in need, and to follow, as First John, Chapter 3 says, “the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”
Yours in Christ,
Bob Straup, Congregational Campaign Leader

3/30/19 Operation INASMUCH 2019


Thanks to all for making this year a big success!

2019 Operation Inasmuch Summary

By all indications, our OIAM ministry outreach into the Anderson community was well supported and attended this year. In case you are wondering how we did, here are the numbers:
57 people gathered in the Fellowship Hall for a Kick-off Breakfast and brief devotional.

40 bag lunches prepared for our OIAM work crews.

24 family-sized frozen casseroles delivered to Calvary Home for Children.

73 dozen homemade cookies delivered to The Sheriff’s Department, The Anderson City Police Department, Fire Stations 1,2,and 3 and to EMS to show our appreciation for their service to our community.

72 dental kits purchased and prepared for distribution to the clients of Anderson Free Clinic’s Dental Clinic.

420 encouraging notes written to be included in the SnackPacks that United Way distributes each week to needy children

20 big orange bags of litter collected from Vandiver Road and Simpson Road.

8 adults and 1 preschooler prepared dog treats, folded newspaper for kennels, washed dog bowls, and folded laundry at Anderson County P.A.W.S.

6 youth and 3 adults prepared planting beds at the Artisan Community Gardens. 1 official photographer and countless helpers took photographs of the projects.

4 adults trimmed hedges, cleaned out gutters, picked up limbs and debris, spread mulch and pressure washed the Cancer Association of Anderson.

131 items and a huge bag full of hotel size toiletries collected for Haven of Rest.





Love One Another Capitol Campaign

Coming Later in January
Lutheran Services Carolinas
Love One Another Capitol Campaign
Benefiting LSC Child and Family Services in South Carolina
Dear fellow members of Holy Trinity,
In late January, we will begin an exciting opportunity for ministry. We will be launching the Love One Another campaign, which is being conducted in congregations all across the SC Synod. The money raised will go toward maintaining and expanding services that care for young people transitioning out of foster care, extensively vetted refugees, and individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. LSC has a long, successful history of serving these three groups of people.
All of us know how important it is to help serve our neighbor in need, and to follow, as First John, Chapter 3 says, “The message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” Watch for more information about this important opportunity later in January!
Yours in Christ,
Bob Straup
Congregational Campaign Chairperson


To watch a short video on the Love One Another campaign click on the link below


Love one another campain pledge form
Click on the link above to download the form that you can print out.

What organizations did the church donate money to last year (2018)


Beneficiary                                                                                                               Amount
Anderson Free Clinic                                                                                               $750
ANDERSON INTERFAITH MINISTRIES                                                                 $ 3,215
Calvary Children’s Home                                                                                         $500
Camp Lions Den                                                                                                      $ 1,260
Camp Sertoma                                                                                                        $650
Child Evangelism Fellowship                                                                                   $790
Curtis and Katie Kline, missionaries                                                                        $250
Family Promise of Anderson                                                                                   $ 1,794
Golden Harvest Food Bank                                                                                     $502
GOOD NEIGHBOR CUPBOARD                                                                            $ 1,308
Habitat For Humanity of Anderson                                                                          $200
Haven of Rest                                                                                                          $700
Boisjoli, Haiti School support                                                                                  $800
Holy Trinity Lutheran Youth Group                                                                          $ 5,925
Lutheran Disaster Response                                                                                   $100
Lutheran Homes of SC                                                                                            $ 1,000
Lutheran Theological Seminary                                                                               $ 1,000
S. C. Lutheran Men in Mission                                                                                $890
Salvation Army of Anderson                                                                                   $600
Anderson Soup Kitchen                                                                                          $ 1,394
United Way of Anderson County                                                                            $400
SC / National WELCA                                                                                             $ 2,024
Total                                                                                                                        $ 26,052

Synod Apportionment                                                                                            $ 14,631
World Mission Support                                                                                           $ 1,500
ELCA World Hunger                                                                                              $ 8,363
Lutheran World Relief                                                                                            $370
Total                                                                                                                      $ 24,864

Grand Total                                                                                                           $50,916

Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 3/5/19

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Date: Tuesday, March 5
Time: Drop by anytime between 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Menu: Pancakes, Sausage/Bacon, Coffee, Orange Juice, Milk
Cost: $5.00 for Adults & $3.00 for Children
Location: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall
Cooks: Lutheran Men in Mission
For: Our congregation and friends
Tickets can be purchased from one of the LMM in the narthex after the worship service or by contacting the church office, which will help us in the planning of the food.
Please note: The Community Pancake Supper has been cancelled this year so we have decided to have a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper for our congregation and friends of the congregation.

Click on this link to download a word document on Why Enjoy Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday


Souper Bowl of Caring

Thank you to all who participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday February 2nd. The total raised for both Super Bowl teams was: the Rams ($395.00) and the Patriots ($195.00) for a grand total of $590.00 All monies received will be sent to AIM.

Mark your Calendars

Operation INASMUCH  Saturday March 30th

Lutheroad/VBS June 24th to 28th


Further details to come