A REMINDER THAT DURING ADVENT -The blue paraments symbolize the hope that comes to the world in the birth of the Christ Child. -We omit the Hymn of Praise. -Each […]
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But we are proud to say that Paul Wagner contributed 835 entries already.
A REMINDER THAT DURING ADVENT -The blue paraments symbolize the hope that comes to the world in the birth of the Christ Child. -We omit the Hymn of Praise. -Each […]
CONGREGATIONAL MINI WORKDAY December 10 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon We will have a mini congregational work day to: • remove the wilted purple Wandering Jew (tradescantia zebrina) plants in […]
Angel Tree WE NOW HAVE THE TAGS ON THE TREE!!!!!! 1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping. 2. Please do not wrap gifts. […]
CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICES – December 24th Worship Service w/Communion Lessons and Carols – 4:00 p.m. A nursery will be provided. Christmas Eve Liturgical Worship Service w/Communion – 11:00 p.m. […]
POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services will be provided this year by Whitten’s for $16.00. Donors will be listed in the worship bulletin for the Christmas Eve services. If you […]
A few things to pass along to you this week include: I am happy to report that the name tags on our Angel Tree have arrived! The deadline to return […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, With tomorrow being Thanksgiving (and my usual day to send out these updates) I am sending them one day early. Here are […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are this week’s updates: 1) At our Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting this past Sunday we approved the proposed Spending Plan for Ministry (Budget) […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Some things of interest to pass along to you, include: 1) Our Congregational Meeting will take place Sunday in Fellowship Hall, beginning at […]
ADVENT SCHEDULE Advent Meals – 6:00 p.m. November 30 Luther’s Ladies – host December 7 Katie’s Ladies – host December 14 The Lutheran Church Youth – host (Note: 5:30 p.m. […]