2/13/22 Weekly Congregatinoal Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Some things to pass along to you:


  1. This Sunday will be Red Dress Sunday to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness.  So ladies, wear a red dress to support those who struggle with or have survived this dreadful disease.

  2. Our Congregational Meeting will be Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m. using Zoom.  We plan to finish up by 3:00 p.m. In preparation for this meeting, please have your Yearbook nearby.  If you have not picked up your household’s copy yet, they are in the narthex and you may come by the church at your convenience to pick up yours. We will be using the Litany sheet to open our meeting.  The Agenda for the meeting is attached as well. Also, Diane Richardson will be presenting the Treasurer’s Report for the Congregational Meeting.  Please see the attachment for a list of those charitable organizations Holy Trinity has supported in 2021. Thank you for your generosity.

  3. The Congregational Meeting will be open for attendees to join at 1:40 PM allowing everyone ample time to get their audio and video connected before the start of the meeting.   All attendees will be muted when they join the meeting and we ask that you stay muted to prevent background noise from interfering with the speaker. Bobbi Metz is hosting this Zoom meeting. To join the congregational meeting you can click on following link:



Meeting ID: 614 995 1105

Passcode: HTLCFEB13

If you click on the link above it should take each directly to the meeting and enter the pass code for them. Otherwise enter the meeting ID and passcode in the Zoom application.

2021 Charitable Contributions

Cong Zoom Mtg 2_13_22 Agenda

  1. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Luke 6:17-26.  This passage will seem very familiar, but compare it to the Beatitudes recorded in Matthew 5:1-12.  How are these two passages similar?  How are they different?  Where is the location of each and how does that affect the audience as well as the purpose?



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference March 5, 2022

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference March 5, 2022
10:00am – 2:00pm
St. John’s Lutheran, Walhalla SC

Help us to “Change” the world by “Building a Better Future”

Program speaker, Jon Goyert of Oconee County Habitat for Humanity, will speak about current efforts in providing, decent, affordable housing in partnership with local families and how volunteer efforts and donations make this vital work possible.
St. John’s Lutheran Church 301 W. Main Street Walhalla, SC Registration begins at 9:30am
Masks will be required
Please RSVP by Feb. 25th
Please call Roz Eckardt,
(864) 225-3810
We will carpool from the church parking lot.

2/6/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Some things to share with you this week:


  1. Thank you for all the responses to my email requests last week, asking for additional Sunday altar flowers. All spots have been filled!

  2. And thank you so much for all the responses to my email request for a volunteer to deliver our donated food items to Good Neighbor Cupboard.  Robin Sandwick has agreed to handle this.

  3. We had so many volunteers respond, that Amy Goodson has decided to take a break from delivering our donated food items to AIM.  Pastor Stephen Roehrs has agreed to handle this.

  4. As I write these words, our 2022 Yearbook (which contains the Committee and Financial Reports for 2021, as well as the new Congregational Directory) has just finished being printed.  We thank Pat Ross and Beth Fischer for putting in many hours in getting everything printed and assembled.  You may stop by the church and pick up your family’s copy beginning today. The copies will be in the narthex.  Please be mindful that each copy has a printed name on them so that we can keep up with who has picked up their copy and who has not.  If for some reason we missed printing you a copy, there are extra copies in the back of the box.  They will also be available, of course, on Sunday.

  5. Since our Congregational Directory has been printed and sent out to you, we have discovered that several emails are in error.  Please make the following changes to your copy (copies):
  6. Our semi-annual congregational meeting will be Sunday, February 13 at 2:00 p.m.  We will be sharing the ministries we have done together in 2021 as well as hearing reports from our committees.  If you would like something to be discussed at this meeting, in addition to this, Sunday is the last day to submit requests to the church office or to our Congregational President, Amy Goodson.  Due to COVID, we will not be meeting in person but through Zoom.  Bobbi Metz will be hosting the meeting and you should have received an email invitation from her yesterday. If you did not, please let me know.

  7. Please be mindful of our Active Shooter Training for the congregation, sponsored by our Safety Team.  The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting the training and you are encouraged to attend.  The meeting will run from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in our sanctuary.  I have been to several of these training events and have found them to be very informative.  You may recall that on January 21, a gunman held four hostages from a Jewish Temple in Texas.  They were able to escape and gave credit to the fact that they had just recently gone through Active Shooter Training in their synagogue.

  8. Jean Vinson is now at the AnMed Health Rehabilitation following surgery for a broken leg.  Please be mindful that, due to COVID restrictions, each patient is allowed only one visitor a day.  We ask you NOT to visit her, at this time, so that her husband, Bob, may be able to visit.

  9. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 5:1-11, as we hear of Jesus calling his first disciples and telling them, and us, “From now on you will be catching people.”  Questions to ponder:
    • Is it possible that God can use us as bait for the Lord? 
    • What does our life tell others about Jesus?
    • Do others see us and ask why our life is different?
    • Do others wonder why we are at peace with life, and why we are so grateful?
    • What is the biggest miracle in this story?


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Active Shooter Training

Would you know what to do if a threat took place
during one of our worship services? Do you know the
do’s and don’ts?

For the last several years, the Safety Team for our congregation has meet on a regular basis seeking
ways to keep the congregation safe and to anticipate various threats. This group of dedicated men and
women have attended training sessions sponsored by the Anderson Sheriff’s Office throughout
Anderson. We have decided that it is now time for us to host our own Active Shooter Training for the
benefit of the congregation. Please make plans to join us for a training event that we pray we never
have to put into action. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Oates, our Safety Team

WHAT: Active Shooter Training
WHEN: Sunday, February 20 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Our Sanctuary
WHO IS INVITED: Everyone in the congregation
WHO IS DOING THE TRAINING: The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office

Our Safety Team Members
Mike Oates, Chairperson
Mike Metz
Claude Calloway
Council Rep. Amy Goodson
Terry Cribbe
Paul Wagner
Dave Harrow
Brenda McGowan
Chad Evans
Pastor Fischer


RED DRESS SUNDAY IS FEBRUARY 14th Women, wear your red dress on this day to highlight
Heart Disease Awareness and Education in Women

2/13 Congregational Meeting

You are invited to attend the congregational meeting Sunday, February 13th which will be held using Zoom video conferencing in lieu of a face-to-face meeting, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The meeting will be open to join beginning at 1:40 PM allowing everyone ample time to get their audio and video connected before the start of the meeting. The meeting will begin promptly at 2:00 PM and will conclude by 3:00 PM. All attendees will be muted when they join the meeting and we ask that you stay muted to prevent background noise from interfering with the speaker. If you would like to submit a question for discussion, please submit this to the office by Sunday, February 6th.


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 614 995 1105
Passcode: HTLCFEB13