2/13/22 Weekly Congregatinoal Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Some things to pass along to you:


  1. This Sunday will be Red Dress Sunday to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness.  So ladies, wear a red dress to support those who struggle with or have survived this dreadful disease.

  2. Our Congregational Meeting will be Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m. using Zoom.  We plan to finish up by 3:00 p.m. In preparation for this meeting, please have your Yearbook nearby.  If you have not picked up your household’s copy yet, they are in the narthex and you may come by the church at your convenience to pick up yours. We will be using the Litany sheet to open our meeting.  The Agenda for the meeting is attached as well. Also, Diane Richardson will be presenting the Treasurer’s Report for the Congregational Meeting.  Please see the attachment for a list of those charitable organizations Holy Trinity has supported in 2021. Thank you for your generosity.

  3. The Congregational Meeting will be open for attendees to join at 1:40 PM allowing everyone ample time to get their audio and video connected before the start of the meeting.   All attendees will be muted when they join the meeting and we ask that you stay muted to prevent background noise from interfering with the speaker. Bobbi Metz is hosting this Zoom meeting. To join the congregational meeting you can click on following link:



Meeting ID: 614 995 1105

Passcode: HTLCFEB13

If you click on the link above it should take each directly to the meeting and enter the pass code for them. Otherwise enter the meeting ID and passcode in the Zoom application.

2021 Charitable Contributions

Cong Zoom Mtg 2_13_22 Agenda

  1. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Luke 6:17-26.  This passage will seem very familiar, but compare it to the Beatitudes recorded in Matthew 5:1-12.  How are these two passages similar?  How are they different?  Where is the location of each and how does that affect the audience as well as the purpose?



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer