2/20/22 Weekly Congregatinal Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates:


  1. Please correct the email listing of Connor Caldwell in your new Church Directory to:  caldwellconnor@gmail.com

  2. Jean Vinson did return home on Monday of this week.  Unfortunately she and Bob both have tested positive for the Coronavirus but are doing fairly well.

  3. We keep in our prayers Ben Emanuel who has both of his carotid arteries with significant blockages.  He has begun treatment procedures this week and will continue next week as well.

  4. Sunday afternoon is our Active Shooter Training in our sanctuary beginning at 3:00 p.m. sponsored by the Safety Team of our congregation. Training will be conducted by the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office.  Several of you have asked if this event could be videotaped but permission has been denied.  This training is not only how to react to a threat in our sanctuary but out in public as well.  Please come and be informed.

  5. The new Lenten devotionals are ready to be picked up the Narthex.  Please limit yourselves to one copy per household.

  6. In the past our Lenten Tree has been decorated by the children and youth of the congregation but this year, we are inviting all families (and individuals) to be a part of this event. For those interested, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall on March 6 at 2:00 p.m. to create our caterpillars and butterflies.  There is a Sign-Up sheet posted in the narthex.  For more information, please contact Amy Goodson.

  7. Good News!  Our Church Council has decided that we are approaching a time when our COVID numbers are declining in our community and it is safe to return to our “normal way” of worship.  Beginning on Ash Wednesday March 2, we will be returning to the singing of hymns and the full liturgy as well as masks will be OPTIONAL!  For the first time in two years, we will be returning to eating at church functions at our Lenten Wednesday meals, beginning on March 9 (6:00 p.m.)  The full Lenten worship and meal schedule is in your Sunday bulletin and will be in the March Messenger.

  8. Sunday, I will be preaching from the gospel text, Luke 6:27-38, as we hear, probably the most absurd command from our Lord, to love our enemies.  We will explore what that means and what that looks like.


See you Sunday,

Pastor Fischer