Why Is That Dead Tree in the Church?

Why Is That Dead Tree in the Church?
You can’t help but notice the “dead” tree covered in caterpillars which have appeared in the Sanctuary. You may question -why is it here or what is it about?
This is a project between the LCY and the Sunday School children. Before we began making these creations, we discussed how things are different in both the church and nature this time of year. We discussed how there are some things “sleeping” in our worship such as the use of Alleluias. We also talked about how everything in our yards such as the grass and trees look dead but they too are just “sleeping”. We discussed how some of God’s creatures such as caterpillars make cocoons. Although we might think they are dead, they actually have rebirth as a butterfly.
This tree is actually here to help each of us to remember that while the weather often is cool and gray and the grass is brown and the trees bare, there is the hope that Spring is coming! Bulbs are blooming and the days are getting longer. Just as we have hope for Spring, Lent gives us a time to hope for Easter and the promise that the resurrection brings.
Just as the change of seasons brings surprises, keep watching the tree thru the Lenten season — there are more surprises to come!