COVID procedures, BEGINNING May 16

The Church Council recently approved the following changes concerning our COVID procedures, BEGINNING May 16:

1. Return to congregational singing (while masked & distanced) of all parts of the worship service with the exception of full hymns.

2. Allow church affiliated groups (LMM, WELCA, etc.) to host meals during their meetings provided they follow HTLC’s Guidelines.
a. Limited people in kitchen to prepare meals
b. No self-serve, buffet style meals
c. Must have dedicated servers donning gloves & masks
d. Must use disposable plates, cups, utensils, etc.
e. Must maintain social distancing of 6” while dining

3. Allow non-church affiliated groups (Kiwanis, etc.) to use HTLC facilities/Fellowship Hall for their meetings provided they follow HTLC’s Guidelines.

4. Allow attendance at funeral service beyond family members, up to capacity of 60 people. No visitation prior to the funeral service will be allowed in the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall.