2/9/25 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • Our Semi-Annual Congregational meeting will take place Sunday, between the two worship services, beginning promptly at 9:50 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will gather to hear some of the accomplishments of our work together in the Lord in 2024. A light breakfast will be provided by the Fellowship Committee.
  • There will be no Sunday School classes this Sunday so that all may attend our meeting.
  • Every year, on the day of the Super Bowl, our congregation participates in the Souper Bowl of Caring.  This national event started right here in South Carolina in 1990 at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church.  Since then, each organization (church, business, school) collects donations and then gives it to a charity of own’s choosing.  The money that we collecty after worship, will go to AIM in their work in our community.
  • Sunday is also Red Dress Sunday, a time when we as a congregation raise heart disease awareness.
  • All three scripture readings for Sunday have the common theme of being humbled and unworthy.  Isaiah 6:1-8 tells us a bit of Isaiah’s failure.  First Corinthians 15:1-11 tells us about Paul being humbled.  In Luke 5:1-11, we hear of the failure of Peter and the other disciples being unable to catch any fish.  My sermon title for Sunday is:  “Worthy or Unworthy?”
  • On Wednesday of next week, our next Family Fun Night will take place, as we cover Commandment #2.   Supper will be provided.
  • In case you are wondering when the Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper tickets will be available, they should be ready to purchase on Sunday, February 16.  Boulevard Baptist Church is in charge of the tickets and we will have them ready for you, just as soon as they are printed.
  • We keep in our thoughts and prayers, Cathey Sale, and family, upon the recent death of her mother, Betty Newsome.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

10/13/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • I am happy to report that not only did the congregation have a great time at our Deutsches Fest event, together we raised $1,917.00, which will be given to this year’s recipient, Meals on Wheels – Anderson!

  • This past Sunday evening, we had a great turnout for our annual Blessing of the Animals Service.  We had 23 people, 10 dogs, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 macaw. We plan to hold another next year.

  • After being released from the hospital yesterday, Jean Vinson is now at Linville Courts at Cascades in Greenville, room 235.

  • At the Late Service this coming Sunday, Carter Boucher and Diana James will be rejoining our congregation after several years away in Virginia and Myrtle Beach.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Mark 10:17-31, as we explore God’s ability to see us as we truly are as human beings.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

05/26/24 Weekly Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • We keep in our prayers Matthew Vinson, son of Bob and Jean Vinson, who fell and shattered his arm.  He is awaiting surgery.

  • This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday, a time when we focus on the concept of One God in Three Persons.
    This is the one time of the year we use the Athanasian Creed as it connects so well with Trinity Sunday.

  • I will be preaching on the Second Reading from Romans 8:12-17 as we explore Paul telling us that we are a child of God.  We hear this term frequently in the Lutheran Church but what does it mean to you personally?

  • The congregation is invited to the Prayer Garden Drop in, following both worship services.  Light refreshments and beverages will be provided as we gather in the garden (located behind the Church Office). Members of the Prayer Garden Committee will be on hand to share the plans for refurbishing and updating our Prayer Garden.  You will have the opportunity to select plants for the garden, In Honor Of or In Memory Of a loved one.

  • This past week I visited with V.R. and Sylvia Nelson.  You may remember them as former members.  They moved to Tennessee 8 years ago and have recently moved back into our area in Abbeville.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

02/26/24 6PM Lutheran Men in Mission meeting

Monday, February 26
6:00 p.m.
SPEAKER: Pastor Bruce Booher
PROGRAM: Standing In Awe
We will explore how both science and our faith call us to stand in awe at the mysteries
and wonders of God’s marvelous creation.

3/31/24 Easter Sunday Schedule

Sunrise Worship with Holy Communion
7:00 a.m.
Breakfast to follow
Worship Service with Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.

Congregational update for May

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


It is hard to believe that we are finishing up the month of April and heading into May.  If you are like me, the absence of routines has destroyed my sense of time. 


Here are a few congregational updates:


  1. Some of you have asked when we might reopen for worship.  Basically, we are not there yet. 
  2. The Church Council will be meeting on Monday, May 11,  using Zoom.  We continue to monitor the needs of the congregation and will begin discussion on the criteria for reopening.
  3. This morning, I participated in a Zoom meeting with other Lutheran pastors of the Western Conference and Bishop Yoos and his staff.  We discussed what worship might look like when we return to the sanctuary. 
  4. As the Fourth Sunday of Easter, this Sunday is known as Shepherd Sunday, with most of the scripture readings pertaining to Jesus being the Good Shepherd.
  5. In preparation for the message, I ask you to contemplate the following:
    1. Are you bothered to be referred to as sheep?
    2. What does it mean for the sheep to hear the Shepherd’s voice?
    3. What does it mean for you to know that Jesus calls His sheep by name?
    4. What does it mean to follow Jesus as the Good Shepherd?

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

2/9/20 Red Dress Sunday

Sunday February 9th, is Red Dress Sunday. The congregation is encouraged to wear red as we learn more about women and heart disease.

9/29/19 5th Sunday Service

September 29
The LCY will be providing a Fundraiser Luncheon immediately following the worship service that day.
All proceeds will go toward defraying their costs to attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering to be held in Minneapolis, MN in 2021.
Take outs are available. This will be a freewill offering event. Please come out and support our youth!
Menu: Hot Dogs w/ chili, Beans, Coleslaw, Dessert, Tea/Lemonade.

Never-Too-Late Group 9/19/18

Scott Park, speaker
September 19th, 11:45 a.m.

in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are a Holy Trinity senior lady or gent, you should call Barbara at 226-4812 by 6:00 p.m. on
September 16th to make a luncheon reservation.

10/21/17 4th Annual Deutsches Fest

The Festival was a great success and a great time was had by all.

A total of $1718.00 was raised to be given to the HTLC youth for their trip to Houston for the Lutheran Youth Gathering in 2018

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen.