Men in Mission Fish Fry

Men in Mission Fish Fry Saturday, September 30th
The Event raised $1,500.00 for local charities ($900.00 from the silent auction)
(These will be distributed later in October)

It was a great success  thanks to all!

LCY Youth News

•LCY will once again participate in the Homeless for the homeless box city fundraiser for Family Promise event coming up on Friday, September 8th at Floyd Amphitheatre. Please join us as we learn what it is like to be Homeless with a poverty simulation to include sleeping in a box. More details forthcoming.
•The 2018 National Youth Gathering Information meeting will be held on September 10th, in the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday School hour for all Youth who are entering the 8th grade this fall and their parents. We will discuss the trip to Houston TX, travel plans, sign covenants and other important information etc. Please make every effort to attend. Registration opens September 15th!

Saturday Servants

Saturday Servants
As we have done in years past, our congregation will be involved in Saturday Servants in the month of July when we make sandwiches for those hungry in the community.
There are five Saturdays in July. Each Saturday we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. (please note the new time) to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches
and 100 bologna sandwiches. Each bag will contain a sandwich, fruit, juice, sweet snack cake and chips. A thousand bag lunches will be provided during the month of July.
We ask members of HTLC to donate: (as of 06/25/17)

• 43 bags of pretzels (1 lb. size)
• 8 jars of peanut butter (40 oz. size)
• 14 jars of grape jelly (16 oz. size)
• 48 boxes of Little Debbie Cakes (12 to a box)

You can place these items in the box marked for this, in the room off of the narthex.

My Living Will

My Living Will
A reminder that we have funeral preference forms in the Narthex. These blue booklets are designed to generate discussion and
gather your thoughts on your final wishes. This can be one of the greatest final gifts you can give your loved ones.

You can also download the form by clicking below.

My Living Wish

June 19th – 23rd Lutheroad Camp

Dear parents, grandparents and friends of Holy Trinity Lutheran
The learning Committee is very excited about Lutheroad Camp coming to our church the week of June 19th-23rd. We would like to invite your children, grandchildren, and friends to join us for camp this summer. It will be a week of total fun!
Lutheroad Camp is a five-day program where many of the benefits of camp at Lutheridge+Lutherock come right to the local church. The program includes fun, worship, games, Bible study, fellowship, crafts, sharing and prayer.
Camp is for children that have completed kindergarten -5th grades. (Each evening we will also have Vacation Bible School for all preschool age children, youth, and adults during this same week. Look for these details in the months ahead.)
Camp will start at 1:00 each day and end at 8:00 each evening. (Friday, June 23rd camp will end at 5:00) We will serve a snack each afternoon and dinner will be served at 5:30 each evening.
We have a limited number of spots available and they will be filled on a first come basis. Please remember that if you register a child for camp that the church is paying for a wonderful Christian experience for that child. It would be very disappointing for us if a camper canceled at the last minute and we were not able to fill that spot. We also discourage signing children up that can not commit to all 5 days. This camp is modeled after a sleep away summer camp that promotes Christian bonds that are formed throughout the week between the counselors and campers. So…. make sure your calendars are marked and Lutheroad is part of your child’s summer plans.
I have included a registration form with this letter. Please return this form by March 5th to the church office. After this date day camp will be open to the community to fill any available spots. If you have any questions please feel free to call Kate Roehrs, 964-9763 or e-mail her at
We are looking forward to an exciting week of camp!
In the Glory of God,
The Learning Committee


Download registration form by clicking on the link below


Fathers Day

FATHER’S DAY is June 18th. A special offering, sponsored by Lutheran Men,
is being received to be given to the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission.

If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your Father,
please click on  the download link below and fill out the form.

The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day. Deadline is June 11th.

fathers day form

Confirmation/Pentecost Sunday June 4th 2017

At both of our worship services on June 4th, we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday as the birthday of the Christian Church. Pentecost is significant in both the Old and New Testaments. “Pentecost” is actually the Greek name for a festival known in the Old Testament as the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:15; Deuteronomy 16:9). The Greek word means “fifty” and refers to the fifty days that have elapsed since Easter (Acts 2:1-21).
This day is also especially important as we will be acknowledging seven of our young people at the Late Service for their dedication in completing two years of formal instruction in the Christian faith. Many of us referred to these classes growing up as Catechism Classes or Confirmation Classes. On this Sunday these youth will be taking part in the Rite of Affirmation of Faith, reaffirming their baptism.
There will be a reception this day honoring these students during the Sunday School hour (10:00-10:45 a.m.) in Fellowship Hall where you will have the opportunity to welcome and congratulate these newest adult members into the congregation.

5/21/17 Senior Saints celebration

Holy Trinity will honor our “Senior Saints” at both worship services on Sunday May 21st.  Join us as we celebrate our “Senior Saints” and their many years of service to the Lord through the church.

New Missionaries

New Missionaries

As part of our ministry budget each year, Holy Trinity helps support missionaries around the world. For the last two years we have been sponsoring Rev. Erik and Tauna Roth in Japan. On June 11, 2017 they will have completed their missionary services.
Beginning on June 12, we will be sponsoring Curtis and Katie Kline who are serving as missionaries in Colombia, South America. Curtis accompanies the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia in promoting and protecting human rights and building peace. Katie serves with the youth and women’s ministries of the church.

OIAM 2017 final report

OIAM Projects Report
April 1, 2017 was set aside by the S.C. Synod for the projects of Operation Inasmuch by Lutherans across the state. This was no April Fools’ Day as Holy Trinity joined in this endeavor and from all indications we had a very successful and meaningful day of ministry outreach. Over 50 members participated in 13 projects identified by the Service Committee. Of that number, 28 people went out into the community to work.
Some of the things we did together included:
• Hosted a Kick Off Breakfast for the volunteers;
• Prepared bag lunches for our volunteers;
• Collected items for female patients at Patrick B. Harris Psychiatric Hospital;
• Collected items for WELCA for their Synod Convention Collection Project;
• Painted the porch railing at the Luther House;
• Baked and delivered 22 dozen cookies to the Anderson Police Department;
• Wrote 61 notes to parents of Good News Club members thanking them for allowing their children to participate in the Good News Club at Concord Elementary;
• Our Lutheran Church Youth helped with gardening chores at the South Main Chapel Mercy Center;
• Scraped and painted handrails, pressure washed, and installed lattice work around a storage building at the Cancer Association of Anderson;
• Pressure washed the front porch area of the Anderson Free Clinic and performed a deep cleaning of the medical and dental exam rooms and waiting rooms;
• Prepared and delivered 32 frozen casseroles to the Calvary Home for Children;
• Scraped, prepped, and painted windows and a ramp at Anderson Interfaith Ministry;
• Photographed all activities and posted photographs on to the HTLC’s website.
Thank you to all who came out to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to our neighbor.
The Service Committee