Why Is That Dead Tree in the Church?

Why Is That Dead Tree in the Church?
You can’t help but notice the “dead” tree covered in caterpillars which have appeared in the Sanctuary. You may question -why is it here or what is it about?
This is a project between the LCY and the Sunday School children. Before we began making these creations, we discussed how things are different in both the church and nature this time of year. We discussed how there are some things “sleeping” in our worship such as the use of Alleluias. We also talked about how everything in our yards such as the grass and trees look dead but they too are just “sleeping”. We discussed how some of God’s creatures such as caterpillars make cocoons. Although we might think they are dead, they actually have rebirth as a butterfly.
This tree is actually here to help each of us to remember that while the weather often is cool and gray and the grass is brown and the trees bare, there is the hope that Spring is coming! Bulbs are blooming and the days are getting longer. Just as we have hope for Spring, Lent gives us a time to hope for Easter and the promise that the resurrection brings.
Just as the change of seasons brings surprises, keep watching the tree thru the Lenten season —there are more surprises to come!


Good Friday changes


Easter Sunday

April 29th 5th Sunday Service

April 29th

The LCY will be providing a Fundraiser Luncheon immediately following the worship service that day. All proceeds will go toward defraying their costs to attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering to be held in Houston Texas, June 27 — July 1 of 2018. Take outs are available. This will be a free-will offering event. Please come out and support our youth!


Baked Spaghetti (Meat or Vegetarian)
Tea or Lemonade



April 14 was set aside by the S.C. Synod for the projects of Operation Inasmuch by Lutherans across the state. Holy Trinity joined in this endeavor and from all indications we had a very successful and meaningful day of ministry outreach. A full report will be printed later in the bulletin and Messenger. Thank you to all who helped make a difference in our community.

We will continue through May 27, donations of toiletry items to be placed in the Narthex. Our delegates to the 2018 SC WELCA Convention will deliver these items to the” Love One Another Campaign through Lutheran Services Carolinas”, a project supported by the convention.

Toiletry items needed: shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, razors, shaving cream, hairbrushes, and combs.

There is a box in the room off the Narthex for your donations.



We had a good turnout at our first Child Abuse Prevention Workshop held on March 11 with 17 members in attendance. All Sunday School teachers and assistants, VBS leaders, Lutheroad teachers, nursery attendants, choir directors and pastor need to attend one of these workshops. The next (and final) workshop to be offered will take place on Sunday, April 22 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Office Conference Room. Please contact Kate Roehrs for more details.

4/22 Painting Party Coming Soon…


A reminder, the Painting Party (sponsored by the Luther’s Ladies Circle) is next Sunday, April 22nd from 2:00 — 4:00 p.m. Orders for your items have been turned in. Bring your money ($20.00) for each item you ordered. Light snacks will be provided. See you next Sunday for an afternoon of fun in Fellowship Hall.

Youth Gathering Update


As the weather starts to warm, we realize that summer and the National Youth Gathering is fast approaching. Due to the generosity of our church family, we have our airline tickets and down payment of our registration and hotel rooms paid for. At present, that leaves $3640.00 in our bank account with the following due: Registration completion ($2600.00, due by May 15th , the balance of the hotel rooms (due upon check out) $4914.00, for a total due of $7,514.00. This leaves us $3,874.00 left to raise. We will have one more event at which you can donate towards our cause. On the next 5th Sunday, April 29th, we will host a baked spaghetti plate sale after the combined worship service. We do ask for your support of these events. As always, any other donations would be greatly appreciated. This event is always a highlight for the youth and your generosity and support is a reflection of the love you have for our young people. Thanks again from all of the participants: Wyatt and Bowen Strang, Felder and Davis Fogle, Bree and Chase Plesko, Katie Fischer, Kathleen Dial, Krista Spoores, Max Roehrs, Pastor and Beth Fischer and Amy Goodson.

4/14/18 Operation in as much

Thanks to all who participated in OPERATION INASMUCH

It was a great success

See out instagram photo section for pictures (link is at the bottom right of our home page)

3/17/18 Congregation Grounds Work Day

Congregation Grounds Work Day — Saturday March 17
Trim shrubbery next to handicap ramp.
Rake pecan shells from picnic table area.
Rake sticks from around oak tree next to office driveway
Rear of front parking lot — rake up leaves and debris
Caulk cracks in office brick wall above front door.
Caulk loose bricks in Sanctuary front planter.

Fellowship Hall upkeep rules

Now that we have completed the Fellowship Hall upgrades, some of you may be wondering about the care of the floors and the cleaning process. Below is a summary of the process, including the cleaning of the floors. If you have any questions, contact Ernie Thorns.
The chairperson of the group serving the meal is responsible for seeing that people are assigned to clean up after the meal in order to leave it clean for the next group using the room.
Meeting room cleanup
• Wipe off the top of all tables in meeting room that were used. Antiseptic wipes are stored in kitchen.
• Wipe up any wet spills on tables and floor with paper towels or hand wipes.
• Sweep floor with the dust mop stored in the room to the left of the stage.
• Remove trash bags from trash can and place in outside trash container. Place a new trash bag in each trash can.
• Dish towels and cloths used for cleanup are to be taken home and washed.

4/1/18 Easter Sunday

Sunrise Worship with Holy Communion
7:00 a.m.
Breakfast to follow in Fellowship Hall.
Worship Service with Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.

Again this year the cross will be outside in front of the church. Please remember to bring your flowers Easter Sunday morning from your garden or from the grocery store to cover the cross. This is a great opportunity for family photos. What a beautiful way to celebrate our risen Lord!