Safety committee recommended changes

Safety committee recommended changes at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church:
As presented at our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 11, over the last year, the safety committee has met and worked with local experts in law enforcement to come up with a plan to help make our church safer. We will be implementing the following changes starting Sunday, November
We have had radios donated to the church and our ushers are going to start the following
changes during our worship services.
1.These doors will be locked 5 minutes after the church service starts.
     a. The door next to the columbarium and the door at the top of the handicap ramp.
     b.The door that lead to pairs and spares classroom
     c.The door next to the library
     d.The doors in the fellowship hall (front entrance, side entrance and the kitchen door)

2.These doors will be unlocked 10 minutes before the end of the service.

3. Our nursery keeper will have a radio and several radios will be placed in the Sunday school classroom, so that any
suspicious activity can be communicated to the usher team.

The main entrance to the church (the front steps) will remain unlocked during the entire service as it always has been.
We are exploring options for some type of camera or video doorbell for the top of the handicap ramp, so that if anyone does need it after the door is locked, we can send someone to let them in.

We also want to assure people that all these doors can be opened from the inside at any time. (No one will ever be locked in.)

Also if anyone has a key to the church that has worked in the past, it will continue to work on all doors. We just ask that if you find a door locked, please keep it locked after you enter the church.

We also want to ask for everyone’s patience in this as we make adjustments. It is unfortunate that we live in a time that changes like this are necessary, but we feel they are appropriate.

If you have any problems, or suggestions on how to make things work better, please contact a member of the Safety committee: Warren Lutz, Terry Cribbe, Bryan Hill, Dave Harrow, Brenda McGowan, Paul Wagner or Pastor Fischer.

Mark your calendars

Mark your calendars:
Christmas Pageant — December 9
Youth Christmas Party — December 15
Chili and Caroling — December 16

Advent Schedule of Services/Activities

Advent Meals — 6:00 p.m.
December 5th Luther’s Ladies — host
December 12th Katie’s Ladies – host
December 19th Youth — host
There will be a free will offering for the meal each night.
Advent Worship Services to follow at 7:00 p.m. We will again be using the Holden Evening Prayer Liturgy.

The Christmas Pageant

The Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 9th, during the Late Service. All ages are needed to participate in this year’s program. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this delightful Christmas tradition! We will again be using an original script created by Brenda McGowan.
Practices are as follows:
•November 25 – During the Sunday School Hour
•November 28 – Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m.
•December 2 — During the Sunday School Hour
•December 5 — Wednesday before the Advent dinner at 5:00 p.m.
•December 8 — Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Dress Rehearsal
A full dress-rehearsal will take place on Saturday, December 8th at 10:00 a.m. Our final rehearsal will be Sunday, December 9th during Sunday School.

Congregational Workday — December 1 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 Noon

Congregational Workday — December 1 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 Noon

-Front Parking Lot — Clean up leaves, debris and sticks in planted areas of front parking lot and in rear of front parking lot.
-Remove lower branches from Pecan tree next to the picnic tables.
-Remove leaves, and pecan husks from yard around picnic tables
-Trim back branches growing over the fence around Playground.
-Rake up leaves, and pecan husks from yard around Playground.
-Remove leaves from steps to Sanctuary furnace room. -Store hoses for Winter. Shut off water to Sanctuary outside faucets.
-Clean up the garage.

Luther House – Rake up leaves, and pecan husks from back yard. Trim Red Tip bush next to driveway.

Angel Tree It’s that time again….

Angel Tree
It’s that time again….

Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson families.
1.Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2.Please do not wrap gifts.
3.Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor.
Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 5th
After December 5th ,you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to

11/18 5PM The Annual Anderson Community Thanksgiving Service

The Annual Anderson Community Thanksgiving Service this year will be at First Baptist Church, 307 S. Manning Street at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 18th.
“Come Ye Thankful People

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, November 11th

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
At our next Congregational Meeting, Sunday, November 11th, during the Sunday School hour (9:50 a.m.) we will be:
1) Electing four new Council Members for a 3-year term,
2) Approving the 2019 Church Budget.
Please Note: as per our Church Constitution absentee ballots are not permissible.

Congratulations to Jill Helgeson on 20 years of Service

20 years!
On September 30th,  we celebrated a special day in the life of our congregation. During the worship service we recognized Jill Helgeson for her twenty years of dedicated service as our church organist and choir director. She began serving Holy Trinity in this capacity in May of 1998. It is hard to believe it has already been 20 years.

After the worship service we gathered in Fellowship Hall for a potluck meal and continued our time of recognition. The Mutual Ministry Committee provided the cake for dessert.


HTLC Angel Tree

Holy Trinity will again have the Angel Tree in the Narthex this year.
Families will be chosen by AIM and given to us for Christmas giving.
Please watch for the “Angel Tree”.
More information on this ministry will also be in the church’s bulletin.