September 15 and 22
The Service Committee is excited to announce our “Hope and Hygiene Drive”.
For two Sundays in September, September 15 and 22 we are accepting donations of toiletries and personal hygiene items to support two incredible organizations:
Clean Start and Haven of Rest Men’s and Women’s Ministries.
Clean Start serves the homeless, poor and marginalized in our community by providing facilities for them to shower, launder their clothing, access mail and phone, and to help direct them toward the availability of other services they may need.
Haven of Rest Men’s and Women’s Ministries is a non-profit Bible based discipleship program and ministry designed to rescue, restore, and release men and women facing destructive, lifedominating behaviors.
Please join us in making a difference by donating items from the following list:
Laundry detergent
Paper Towels
Toilet Tissues
Wash cloths
Trash bags (13 and 30 gal.)
Tooth brushes
Tooth Pastes
Dental Floss
Body Wash
Full-size Shampoos
Full-size Conditioners
Disposable Razors
Brushes Combs
Men’s White T-shirts up to size 4x
Collection Bins will be placed in the room off the Narthex for two Sundays, September 15 and September 22. Collected items will be divided and distributed to Clean Start and Haven of Rest the following week.
Together, we can bring a fresh start and a renewed sense of hope to many in our community!
Thank you for your generosity and support!
The Service Committee