Our South Carolina WELCA Convention will be virtual (using Zoom) this year. It will be held Sunday, September 26 from 1:00 — 6:00 p.m. There will also be a link for visitors to watch the meeting as well. The convention project will be donations for the projects in the form of checks to Lutheran Disaster Response or the SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers. If you would like to donate make the check out to Holy Trinity and in the memo put SC WELCA Convention Projects.
Our congregation will host WELCA Sunday on September 26 and we are honored to have as our guest preacher that day, the Assistant to the Bishop, the Rev. Emily Edenfield.
In case you are wondering when we will resume our monthly in-person Women’s Circle meetings, we are hoping to return to our regular meetings in the fall. Stay safe, have a wonderful summer and see you later in the year

Mothers Day


Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Just a reminder that there is still time to send in your information to Pat.  Normally we receive a pretty good response but with no worship services on Sunday, when most folks turn this in, not many requests have been returned this year.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer



MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 10th.   A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, is being received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out the form below and mail, or call the church office with your information.  The names will be listed in Sunday’s bulletin and June’s Messenger.  The deadline to do this is Thursday at 12:00 noon of this week.


In Memory of______________________________________________________________


Honor of_________________________________________________________________


Other (To the Glory of God)_________________________________________________



Given by___________________________________________________________________


If you you want to print out this and mail it in, just click on the link below to download a word document you can print



WELCA needs your help

Jane Potter, Shirley Ebert, Roz Eckardt, Cherie Brown, Bobbi Metz, Kim Hill, and Nancy Korn currently work on quilts for Lutheran World Relief. There have been 26 more quilts made that will the total number of quilts made by the Holy Trinity Quilters to 398.
The 26 quilts that we dedicated last March 2019 were shipped to Tanzania in September. LWR shipped 333,405 quilts worldwide. Quilts are the most requested item by LWR partner agencies.
If you would like to make a donation to cover the cost of shipping the quilts to Maryland (approximately $6 per quilt) currently, please send your check to the church office and designate it for quilt shipping.
You may also donate to the Lutheran World Relief Quilt and Kit Shipping Fund at lwr.org/donate/shipping fund to support shipping quilts from the warehouse to countries overseas ($2.25 per quilt).
National Quilting Day was March 21, 2020 and marked 75 years of comforting the world with quilts. In 1945, by the end of the Second World War, an estimated one-fifth of the world’s Lutherans were left homeless. That same year, Lutheran churches in at least 20 states mobilized to help in Europe through a new agency called Lutheran World Relief. It was also the year that the first LWR Mission Quilts reached families in war-torn Europe. Within a decade, quilts and kits were reaching struggling neighbors across the globe. Today, the Quilt and Kit Ministry is LWR’s longest running program.

WELCA Information

Happy New Year! The ladies of WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America) are getting busy with several dates coming up. On Sunday, February 23, Bold Women’s Sunday, we have our own Bobbi Metz to do a Temple Talk on her work at The Dream Center, in Pickens.
Then on March 6, Friday, we will be hosting the World Day of Prayer service for Anderson, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. You are asked to bring a plate of sandwiches or salad or dessert to share for lunch. The theme is “Rise! Take your mat and walk.” The country of focus will be Zimbabwe. Come and take a trip with us to hear about this southern African country.

We also have retreats in the spring:
(1) Camp Kinard on February 7-8, which is located in the Batesburg-Leesville, SC, in the middle of the state;
(2) Wild Women Weekend will be March 14-15 at Lutheridge in Arden, NC; and
(3) the Coastal Retreat Center, along the coast of Isle of Palms, April 24-26.

Ladies, if you are interested in attending these retreats, please see Roz Eckardt for more information.

3/14/20 WELCA Foothills Spring Conference Meeting

Women of the ELCA
Foothills Spring Conference Meeting
Saturday, March 14
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
St. John’s Lutheran
301W. Main Street
Walhalla, SC 29691
Please RSVP by March 1 to:
Beth Fischer (864) 225-1554 or email fischerfiye@att.net.
We will carpool to the meeting.

9/28/19 WELCA Foothills Fall Conference


Theme for conference is “Season Sisters”
September 28, 2019
10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. at
St. Matthias Lutheran Church
501 Powdersville Road
Easley, SC
RSVP to Beth Fischer by Wednesday,
September 18 if you are planning to
attend by e-mail (fischerfive@att.net or
text (864-933-7446)
We will carpool from the church at 9:00 a.m.

WELCA upcoming Events


Katie’s Ladies will meet Tuesday, September 17, for lunch at The Grey House in Starr, Iva.

All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. (We will carpool from the church at 11:30 a.m.) RSVP to Shirley Ebert (864) 353-7366 by September 15th.

Luther’s Ladies will meet Thursday, September 19, for dinner at Tucker’s Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. RSVP to Beth Fischer by email fischerfive@att.net or call or text (864) 933-7446 by September 15th.

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference Meeting

Women of the ELCA
Foothills Spring Conference Meeting
Saturday, March 16, 2019
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Program: Greenville Church Without Walls
(an inner city ministry whose mission is to minister in the inner city and
housing projects within Greenville County. The church purpose is to bring people
to Jesus Christ through mission based evangelism.)
St. Michael Evangelical Lutheran Church
2619 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29605

Please RSVP by March 10 to:
Beth Fischer (864) 225-1554 or email fischerfive@att.net 
We will carpool to the meeting.



It’s to honor and celebrate the bold women in our congregation and community.
“Be bold, take risks on account to the gospel, but believe more boldly in Jesus”, said Martin Luther.
And that’s what we celebrate through Bold Women’s Day. Mary Ann Hobbs will be the guest speaker for both services.

The WELCA banner was made by Diane Dye, daughter of Hattie Lever.

World Day of Prayer 2019

World Day of Prayer – 2019
St. John’s Methodist Church
In Fellowship Hall
515 McDuffie Street
11:00 a.m.
Friday, March 1
Bring a plate to share.
Please mark your calendar to attend this important gathering.
All women of the church are invited.