500 year Anniversary Celebrations

500 year Anniversary Celebrations

This year on 10/29/2017 we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

Stay tuned for multiple events to celebrate this event.


Saturday March 11th CPR class

At our last Congregational meeting we took a survey for health related needs.  At the top of the list was a CPR class,

so HTLC will be offering a CPR training class to anyone in the congregation who wants to learn.

It will start at 10AM in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday March 11th.  (class should last about 3 hours)

There will be 2 different classes offered.  Heart Saver will include Adult CPS and AED training.  There is no charge for the class unless you want a card and that will cose $8.00

We will also have a Hands Only CPR instruction which only teaches compressions.  This simple skill is easy to learn and can actually save a life.  The Heart saver class will start at 10AM and you must be there for the entire class to complete it.  The Hands Only will be on a drop in basis from 10am to 12PM.  There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex for those interested

Does Fellowship Hall Need Redecorating?

Does Fellowship Hall Need
Meeting, Monday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Several people have suggested that it is time to redecorate the Fellowship Hall meeting room.
It has been a number of years since anything has been done. We welcome all suggestions.
Please attend. We welcome your input. Ernie Thorns, Property Committee

Mark Your calendars

Lutheroad/VBS — June 19-23

Deutsches Fest! – October 21
4PM to 7PM
Tickets will be $12.00 for adults and $7.00 for children.
Proceeds will go to fund the youth to go to Houston for the LCY national youth gathering in 2018

Reformation Sunday — October 29

Christmas Caroling — December 10

Christmas Pageant — December 17

New Luther Movie: Thursday, February 16th Showing

New Luther Movie: Thursday, February 16th Showing
Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church, Seneca, is hosting a showing of the upcoming Luther movie, Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World. The screening is on February 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Premiere Seneca Cinemas 8 theater on Hwy 123 Bypass in Seneca.
This is the first time in more than 60 years that Lutherans have made a feature-length film about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Filmed in historic locations across Europe, this movie brings Luther’s story to life with exquisite attention to detail. The entertaining new film follows the great adventure story of Luther’s life, packed with political intrigue, kidnappings, secret hideouts, and life-or-death showdowns. At the same time, it is a story about the most important questions of life, including: “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose?” and How do I get right with God?” It is a must-see for any life-long Lutheran, and a chance to share the message of your Lutheran heritage with others. And the only place you can see the film is in the theater on the night of this special event.
To see a trailer, go to this direct link:
The cost is $9 per ticket with a $2 booking fee, so buying multiple tickets will save a few dollars. Tickets must be purchased by February 9th! Tickets can be purchased at a special web site set up for the screening: http://senaca.newluthermovie.com/ (note: include the typo on the spelling of seneca as it was set up this way) or contact the Eternal Shepherd church office and speak to Kate Wells (864-643-9635).

Tuesday 2/28/17 Annual Pancake Supper

Annual Pancake Supper
Benefit: Anderson Interfaith Ministries, S.H.A.R.E.& Family Promise of
Shrove Tuesday, February 28th
Boulevard Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
Serving: 4:00-7:00 p.m.
$5.00 a person
All You Can Eat
Sponsored by :
The Anderson County Ministerial
Organization and The Anderson Ministers Fellowship
See an Usher to purchase tickets.
As in the past; the Lutheran Men In Mission of Holy Trinity are invited to help
with the cooking.

Why Enjoy Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (click on link to download document)

Wish List need – Good News Club

The Good News Club is a Christian Children’s outreach ministry that is supported by HTLC. We sponsor a group every Tuesday at Concord Elementary.
A short video program is presented each week. This requires a laptop computer and projector. In the past, we had to lug these into the school and pack up and bring home afterword. The school is now providing a place to lock these items up on site. We have a projector to leave there, but do not have a laptop.
We would like to raise funds to purchase a laptop to be used by our group that can be left at the school. We would need about $500.00 to get a laptop that would support the video playback and projector use that they need.

Donations given to date total $250.00; so that there is a total of $250.00 still needed.

If you need further information on this, please contact the Pastor Fischer or Jane Cahaly.

Friday March 3rd – World Day of Prayer – 2017

World Day of Prayer – 2017
First Presbyterian Church
Kurk Room,
302 W. Whitner Street
Friday, March 3
Bring a plate to share.
Please mark your calendar to attend this important
All women of the church are invited.

Something New – Beer and Hymns

Something New
Following the tradition of Martin Luther, Lutheran Churches across our country have been hosting events that have come to be known as “Beer and Hymns”. Beer and Hymns is a fun, family-friendly event where we join together on a Sunday evening singing great hymns and gospel praises while enjoying Martin Luther’s favorite beverage. Holy Trinity plans to kick off our version of Beer and Hymns on February 19th at 5:30 PM inside Anderson’s brewery Carolina Bauernhaus located at 115 West Federal Street (park behind the Arts Center). Brenda McGowan, Sharon Christmas and Jay Bannister have offered their musical talents to make the experience a joyous event. We are hopeful to continue this ministry and gather together every third Sunday of the month with the community in faith and fellowship. Come join us!


Beer and Hymns
Due to many events on the Sundays in the month of May already, our May gathering of the Beer and Hymns event will be cancelled. Our next time together will be in June. Watch for the updates in the next Messenger

2/5/17 Souper Bowl of Caring final totals


A total of $649.05 (Atlanta Falcons $487.60  New England Patriots $161.45) to help A.I.M. serve the hungry people in our community.

Thank you to the congregation for your generous donations 

Souper Bowl Sunday is February 5th The LCY will once again be participating in Souper Bowl Sunday. On Super Bowl Sunday, the biggest eating day in the US, we will be focusing on hunger in our own community. The youth will be in the back of the church after both worship services with large soup pots to collect funds which will go to AIM. Your generosity is appreciated.