Never-Too-Late Group 9/19/18

Scott Park, speaker
September 19th, 11:45 a.m.

in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are a Holy Trinity senior lady or gent, you should call Barbara at 226-4812 by 6:00 p.m. on
September 16th to make a luncheon reservation.

Sunday September 9th 5PM Rite of Healing with Holy Communion

Sunday, September 9th 5:00 p.m.
Rite of Healing
with Holy communion
We believe as followers of Christ Jesus that our Lord desires our wholeness and healing. Broken bodies, minds or spirits are not our God’s intent for us. Yet, we live in a world broken by sin.
During a Service of the Word for Healing, we gather for the purpose of hearing God’s healing Word for us. The Rite of Healing is a time of intentional prayer for healing —healing of mind, body, spirit and relationship. We pray intentionally for the healing of friends, family, ourselves and our nation.
After the Scripture Readings, Sermon, and Prayers of the People, time will be given for silent prayer and for those who desire to come forward and kneel, as part of the Rite, the minister places his/her hands on the recipient’s head and prays. Oil, the ancient balm of healing and anointing, will mark your forehead in the shape of a cross.
Again, your prayers may be for yourself or a loved one. The Rite of Healing, an act as old as the Church, calls to our minds the promises of God to comfort and to remain with us.
You are encouraged to invite a friend and join us for this evening service in the church Sanctuary.

Sunday night Bible Study on Ecclesiastes

A Bible Study on Ecclesiastes

When was the last time you heard someone called wise? Wisdom seems to be a lost trait in modem Western culture. We have intelligent, smart, creative and entrepreneurial people…but not many wise! The “wise” were a recognized class in the ancient world, and Solomon was at the head of the class. However even he spent decades of his life seeking to disprove something he knew to be true! He like many today, both young and old are searching for the meaning and purpose of life.
Want to know where the search by the world’s wisest man led him and what he ultimately concluded? Then mark your calendars and come join a six-week Sunday night Bible study of Ecclesiastes starting September 9th in the Fellowship Hall from 6-8 PM! This study lead by the popular, syndicated radio and television Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah will walk through Ecclesiastes verse by verse and explain Solomon’s observations and implementations and show how they failed—until he got it right! This exciting study, facilitated by Jane and Phil Cahaly will include video messages from Dr. Jeremiah, opportunities for group discussions and guides for personal reflection on the scripture.
•Plan to come and bring your neighbors and friends who may have read lots of books and participated in lots of book studies, but never really have had the opportunity to study “the book”!
•Come and fellowship with the new and “old” members of Holy Trinity alike!
•Learn how you might help friends and family searching for meaning in their lives!
•Build your understanding of how the world is encouraging us to “search for love in all the wrong places”!
Interested? Want more information? Call Jane Cahaly at 864-314-2561 or contact the church office at 224-4220 to sign up! Let’s light up Fellowship Hall on Sunday nights not only with our lovely new light fixtures but also with the exciting light of God’s word!

Deutchesfest — Saturday, October 13 4PM to 7PM

On Saturday, October 13, from 4-7 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will host its 5th Annual Deutsches Fest,- a German festival to celebrate our Lutheran heritage. This year we will again invite Abiding Savior Lutheran Church to join us. We will gather in our Fellowship Hall and dine on German foods like bratwurst, roast chicken and German side dishes. Beer, wine and softer beverages will be served. We will have German music, dancing and Gemütlichkeit, which does not have a direct English translation but describes an atmosphere which is comfortable and enjoyable.

Tickets will be $12.00 for adults and $7.00 for children (12 and younger) and are available from a Church Council member or through the church office. Tickets need to be purchased in advance to help us with the planning of the food. The deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, October 7th
We are looking for a couple of big grills and a few Grill Meisters donning red Lutheran huggable aprons. Also, we are still looking for a few more cooks so if you are interested in making a German dish if we provide you with a recipe, please contact Virgil Hobbs or Jay Bannister who are coordinating this event. Mark your calendars now as we look forward to a wonderful afternoon/evening of fellowship for our two congregations.

Choir practice to resume September 5th

Choir practice will begin this Wednesday, September 5th. Choir meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. for the 11:00 a.m. service. The 8:45 a.m. choir meets at 8:30 a.m. every Sunday morning and rehearses after the Early Service choir practice for the next week. No auditions required; all ages welcome!

Vegetables to Share?

If you have an abundance of vegetables from your garden, would you please share them with the congregation? There will be a chair in the Narthex for you to place your extra garden veggies for people to share for a small donation for World Hunger. Any vegetables that are left will be taken to the Soup Kitchen.

Medical Equipment Available

Medical Equipment Available!
We have been blessed with many donations. If you or someone you know is in need of a walker, shower chair or bedside commode, we have plenty and would love to share. Please see Amy Goodson or Sue Rasche.

Reminder – 5th Sunday services July 29th and special lunch

July 29, 2018
One-Combined Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
A congregational Meal will be provided afterwards by the Youth to thank the congregation for
its support in attending the National Youth Gathering. The Youth will tell how the Gathering
has impacted their lives. Please plan to join us!


United Way of Anderson sponsors a food assistance program for needy children attending elementary school…referred to as the Snack Pack Program. During the 2016/2017 school year, the program provided food bags for 1,000 children each week. The program requires both funding and volunteer support to meet this level of commitment to the Anderson community. The program resumes in July for the 2018/2019 school year and once again volunteers will be needed to prepare the 1,000 food bags that will help ensure that needy children will have food each Saturday and Sunday. Members of the Men in Mission group will be supporting the activity during the 2018/2019 school year. Other members of the congregation are encouraged to participate as well. The United Way coordinator for the Snack Pack program has advised us that volunteer support to prepare the food bags is needed for the following dates: July 6 (9:00 am to 11:00 am); July 13 (9:00 am to 11:00 am); and July 23 (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm). The bags are prepared at the Golden Harvest warehouse located near the I-85/SR 81 interchange. The address of the warehouse is 311 Alliance Parkway, Williamston, SC (behind the McDonald’s on SR 81).
Please let Tom Weeks know if you want to help prepare the food bags during the 2018/2019 school year. At the moment, we only have dates for preparing the food bags for July. The schedule for August should be available in mid to late July and will be announced in the church bulletin. Send questions/responses to Tom Weeks at 864-332-8954 or 864-221-1935 or by email (preferred) at NOTE: Volunteers are required to wear closed toe shoes while in the warehouse (no sandals).

Visit from our ELCA missionaries from Colombia South America on Saturday 7/14/18

WE had a wonderful visit from Curtis and Katie Kline Saturday July 14th.


You can see all our pictures from this at




We have arranged for our ELCA missionaries Curtis and Katie Kline to be with us here at Holy Trinity! The Klines are visiting on Saturday, July 14, 2018 and will be with us just for that afternoon-evening, as they already have three church visits in the midlands set for Sunday, the 15th.
We plan to gather for a Potluck Dinner and then hear about their exciting work in sharing the Good News of Christ in Colombia. The meat and drinks for this event will be provided, but we will need side dishes, casseroles and desserts to complete the meal. The Klines are scheduled to be here at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 14th to eat and fellowship with us and then do a presentation about their work.
Roz Eckardt has agreed to be the contact person for the Potluck meal. Her phone numbers are: 864 -225-3810 (home) and 847-609-1398 (cell). In case you have other questions, contact Dave Korn (864-225-8194).
Please plan to join us for this special occasion to hear of the impact we are having with others around the globe in the name of Jesus Christ.