3/14/20 WELCA Foothills Spring Conference Meeting

Women of the ELCA
Foothills Spring Conference Meeting
Saturday, March 14
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
St. John’s Lutheran
301W. Main Street
Walhalla, SC 29691
Please RSVP by March 1 to:
Beth Fischer (864) 225-1554 or email fischerfiye@att.net.
We will carpool to the meeting.

BROWN BAG RX Universal Medication Form

We filled out a few Universal Medication Form at our Brown Bag session.


For those who could not make it, but still want a tool to help them create a list of all their medications,  click on the link below to download a Microsoft word version of AnMed Health’s Universal Medication form

UMF 2005

If you have any problems or questions filling this form out, please feel free to contact any of the members of our health committee.

3/6/20 World Day of Prayer

You are Invited!!

Our church has the privilege of hosting this years’
“World Day of Prayer”
featuring the country of Zimbabwe!
When: March 6, 2020
Where: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall)
209 Broad Street, Anderson, SC, 29621
Time: 12-1 PM
*Please bring a dish to share such as salad, sandwiches, or
RSVP: Beth Fischer (933-7446) or the church office 224-4220 by
March 1.

Homeless Period Project update

Thanks to all who so generously donated items to the Homeless Period Project. Although the Faith Community Nurses collection drive is over, the need is still great. This is an ongoing project for the chapter at St. John’s United Methodist Church who will continue with distribution of these much needed resources for women who are homeless, in shelters, with limited resources, and in for all the local schools. If you are interested in donating to this project, there are drop off sites at the United Way, Anderson Fire Dept. Station 1, Comfort Keepers Home Care, and the St. John’s Clothes Closet. Monetary donations can also be payable to St. John’s UMC and dropped off at the church office. For more information on donating, contact nurse@stjohnsanderson.com.


After the holidays, we tend to feel a little tired and sometimes a bit of a let down after the excitement and
fun of the season.
What better time to begin to rejuvenate our mind, body, and spirit? Our faith unites our body, mind and spirit into a whole being. A walking program has physical benefits but we can also add intentional reflection or a devotional element. Stepping away from the demands of our daily routines to walk, reflect, and pray reminds us that God created us and wants us to come closer to Him.
Starting January 4th, you are invited to join the 2020 Holy Trinity Trotters. Using the Walk the Talk devotionals, we will meet each Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the AnMed track. There we will walk and reflect and even pray together. If you are interested, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex so that we have enough books for all. Any questions? Please contact Amy Goodson.


There is a box in the room off the Narthex to receive food items for A.I.M. for the month of January. Food list: Peanut Butter, rice, dried beans, pasta, canned meat, canned fruit, canned soup, oatmeal, grits, flour, sugar, cereal, cooking oil—cleaning/personal hygiene list: bath soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet tissue, laundry soap, bleach, cleaning solutions (Lysol, Mr. Clean for example). Items are gathered and taken to each agency throughout the month. Please note: perishables are not included.

Never Too Late Group January 12th

The Never Too Late group will meet in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly lunch meeting. Our very own, Sandi Jordan, will be the guest speaker. Please join us on Wednesday, January 15 at 11: 45 a.m., as Sandi shares some “professional wisdom” for us to consider in the New Year.
You will need to make your reservation for the catered lunch by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 12th, by calling 226-4812 (Barbara Cleveland). The cost of the meal is $6.00.

New Adult Sunday School Series

New Adult Sunday School Series
The Pairs and Spares Sunday School class recently began a new six-session Bible study created by pastor and author, David Jeremiah. In Overcoming, he explores the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 and provides practical ways for believers to equip each piece and persevere from a place of victory in Christ.
Sessions include:
Overcoming Falsehood with Truth
Overcoming Evil with Good
Overcoming Anxiety with Peace
Overcoming Fear with Faith
Overcoming Confusion with Wisdom
Overcoming Temptation with Scripture
Come and join us each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the bottom level of the Education Building.

What is the significance of Advent?

What is the significance of Advent?
The word “Advent” is a Latin word meaning “coming.” Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord into the world, both as the Christ-child and in the Second Coming. It is the four Sundays and weeks leading up to Christmas.
More and more denominations use an Advent wreath and Advent calendars,
marking the time of preparation.
For us at Holy Trinity, the following changes occur in our worship liturgy during
•We omit the Hymn of Praise.
•We use the Nicene Creed.
•The Prayer of the Day always begins with the words, “Stir up . . .
•We light an additional candle of the Advent wreath.
•We sing an additional stanza of a hymn as each Advent candle is lighted.
•The beautiful blue paraments adorn the altar, pulpit, and lectern, symbolizing the hope the Christ-Child brings into the world.

Your Help is Needed

The Faith Community Nurse Network of the greater Anderson area are collecting feminine hygiene items for the Homeless Period Project. These items will be made into kits and distributed to the homeless and low income women who visit the clothes closet at St John’s UMC in downtown Anderson. Each week, some 30-40 women receive these packets for themselves, their daughters and granddaughters. These basic needed items are costly and taxed as well. If you would like to help with this project, please collect any of the items on this list and place them in the box on the table in the narthex.
•Tampons, all sizes
•Sanitary Napkins thick and thin
•Panty liners
•Feminine hygiene wipes (individually packaged)
•Quart sized zip lock bags
•Kitchen sized trash bags
Thank you for your generosity in this much needed project.
Amy Goodson, FCN