Opportunity for ministry outreach

We received word of another opportunity for ministry outreach during this health crisis.  You are encouraged to send cards or letters of appreciation to the AnMed staff thanking them for their work during COVID-19.  Particular groups that could be addressed include: Physicians, Nurses, Staff in general, EVS – Environmental Services (they are the ones who courageously go into rooms and clean them before and after COVID-19 patients.  The cards/letters can be sent in bundles in large envelopes to:  Rev. Tricia G. Lytle, Manager of Spiritual Care, AnMed Health, 800 N. Fant Street, Anderson, SC  29621 and she will make sure that these get to the appropriate staff.

Options for Giving

Options for Giving
The suspension of worship services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has lead Holy Trinity Lutheran Church to expand the ways offerings can be received by the church now and into the future. This article outlines options currently available to you.
Option 1:
Place your offering in an envelope and mail it to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 209 Broad St, Anderson, SC 29621. This option is the easiest way to send in your offering and incurs minimal cost to you, a $0.55 stamp, and no processing cost to the church. It allows you to easily earmark your donation to various categories. Using the USPS may be old school; but most of us have paid bills in this manner for many years.
Option 2:
Use your bank’s bill payment service. You can logon to your bank website, go to their payment center and create a ‘company’ payee for HTLC. Most banks will ask for the following information:
• Name of payee (Holy Trinity Lutheran Church),
• Address (209 Broad St, Anderson SC 29621,
• Telephone number (864-224-4220),
• Account number (use the number on your envelope), and
• Contact email address (htlc@htlc-anderson.com).
Once this information is entered, you can have your bank send your offering to HTLC on a date specified by you. HTLC will not be known to your bank as an Automatic Clearing House (ACH) partner and thus the bank will mail a check to HTLC usually 5 days prior to the date you request it be delivered. The check will arrive at HTLC in all appearances as if written and sent by you. Most banks prefer to use ACH withdrawal and deposit to send funds from your account to the payee account but have their own internal processes for determining if ACH will be used for a payee account. Over time, your bank may switch to using ACH vs. the US Mail, it is up to them.
One of the benefits of using your bank’s bill payment system is that you can have your pre-specified offering automatically sent on your schedule. Another benefit is that using your bank’s bill payment system is normally done without cost to you, check with your bank to make certain, and there is no processing cost to HTLC.
The major limitation to using bill pay is that the memo line on a check is usually limited to 32 characters making it difficult to designate multiple categories for your offering

Option 3:
Use Holy Trinity Lutheran Church’s new eGiving option. The ELCA has two preferred partners for eGiving — Tithe.ly and Vanco’s GivePlus. HTLC has selected Tithe.ly as our processor for eGiving. This means that you now have the option of making your offering by credit card or from a checking account via an ACH withdrawal. Tithe.ly allows you to apportion your gift by category and schedule automatic reoccurring offerings to HTLC among other options.
There is no cost to you to create a Tithe.ly account. However, there is a cost to the church each time you use Tithe.ly to make your offering. The costs incurred by HTLC for each transaction are:
Credit Card (other than AMEX): 2.4% of the gift + $0.25
AMEX Credit Card: 3.5% of the gift + $0.25
ACH/eCheck: 0.5% of the gift + $0.25
When you make a donation to the church using Tithe.ly you will have the option of “Covering the Fee”. For example, if you wish to use your VISA card to give $75 and elect to cover the cost of the processing in order that HTLC receive the full $75, your card would be charged $77.10, which is ($75 + $0.25) / (1 – (2.4 / 100)). If you covered the cost of an ACH withdrawal for a $75 donation, the amount would be $75.63.
To use Tithe.ly for eGiving, you need an account. You can create your account at any time by
going to https://get.tithe.ly/ and click on the red “SIGN UP FREE” button, then click the “GIVE TO CHURCH” option which will take you to a page that allows you to “GIVE
ONLINE”, which will take you to a page where you can create your account. Or, carefully type the direct path to create an account:
At the date of this writing, March 29th, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Anderson will NOT be visible in the Tithe.ly app church list as our enrollment is in progress.
If you check the HTLC website (https://htic-anderson.org ) occasionally, you will know when eGiving is operational — a “Give” button or link will appear on our web page that will take you to Tithe.ly site where you can create a userid, set up your checking account or credit card as the source of your giving and begin using the service to send your offerings to HTLC. Lastly, there is an iPhone and Android app for Tithe.ly.
Option 4:
Soon, very soon we hope, the offering plate will be passed in worship service to collect your
offerings. But until then, please consider one of the above three options to give.
Feel free to reach out to Mike Cox (email: salzburg1951@gmail.com or cell: 301-788-8420) if you have questions.

New way to give to HTLC

You can now give to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church electronically.

Just go to our new giving page and click on the green link button to open a pop up window that will let you safely and securely give by credit card or electronic bank transfer.


COVID-19 update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,                                      March 19, 2020


The Church Council has officially suspended all church services due to the coronavirus situation until further notice, including Midweek Lenten and Sunday services.  Also, all congregational activities and church organizational meetings are suspended as well, including all groups, such as the Lutheran Men In Mission, both WELCA Circles, Never Too Late, the Youth, Operation Inasmuch, as well as all meals, etc.  These meetings and activities will resume as soon as the situation allows.

Church Work Day 03/28/20

Saturday March 28
Planned Work

• Remove dead boxwood shrub at corner of Ed. Bldg.
• Trim Liriope at Corner of Oakland Ave. and Broad St. 
• Clean out leaves behind shrubbery as needed.
• Clean steps going down to furnace room.
• Move garden hoses out of storage.
• Fill hole at Oakland Ave. side of front parking lot with asphalt.

Inside –
Fellowship Hall kitchen
• Clean refrigerator.
• Clean drawers as needed.
• Clean cupboards as needed.
• Clean closets as needed.
• Clean others areas as needed.

Never Too Late 3/18/20

The March Never Too Late luncheon will be held on Wednesday, March 18th at 11:45 a.m.

Please join us as Mike Watkins, owner of Heavenly Seed, LLC, will be our guest speaker. Mr. Watkins will share how he and his wife are fulfilling their dream of owning their own seed business where they provide quality seed and
encourage the use of heirloom, organically grown, open-pollinated varieties.
You will need to make your reservation for the catered lunch by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 15th, by calling 226-4812 (Barbara Cleveland). The cost of the meal is $6.00.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Final update

We thank our Lutheran Men in Mission for all their hard work for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.
They fed 98 people for their 2nd Shrove Tuesday event in Fellowship Hall.
The total brought in was $784.00 and will be dispersed by the Lutheran Men In Mission for a project yet to be determined.

2020 Lenten Schedule

Sermon Series: “Behold the Tree”
Tuesday, February 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in HTLC Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, February 26 Ash Wednesday Services 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. [no meal] Message: “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”
Wednesday, March 4 6:00 p.m. Lenten Supper [Luther’s Ladies Circle to host]
Lenten Service — 7:00 p.m. Message: “The Oaks of Mamre”
Wednesday, March 11 6:00 p.m. Lenten Supper [Katie’s Ladies Circle to host]
Lenten Service — 7:00 p.m. Message: “The Burning Bush”
Wednesday, March 18 6:00 p.m. Lenten Supper [Lutheran Men in Mission to host]
Lenten Service — 7:00 p.m. Message: “Jonah’s Withered Plant”
Wednesday, March 25 6:00 p.m. Lenten Supper [Lutheran Church Youth to host]
Lenten Service — 7:00 p.m. Message: “Planted by the River of Water”
Wednesday, April 1 6:00 p.m. Lenten Supper [Congregational Potluck Meal]
Lenten Service — 7:00 p.m. Message: “Zacchaeus’ Sycamore”
Thursday, April 9 — Maundy Thursday
[no meal] Maundy Thursday Worship Services 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m.
Message: “The Mount of Olives”
Friday, April 10 — Good Friday
[no meal] Good Friday Worship Services 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m.
Message: “Tree of the Cross”
Again this year, the LCY will be working with the children of the church during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, February 16th, on a special Lenten project. All youth and children are invited to meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m.
Lenten Devotionals From Suffering to Salvation by Henri J. M. Nouwen are in the Narthex. Please take one copy per family.

Spring Playground cleanup

In March our Playground will get more mulch. For those of you on this committee, and anyone
else, if available, we will need help spreading it out. This will be done on a Saturday yet to be
determined due to weather conditions. Notices will be given when we get closer to early March,
Thank you in advance.
Jeff Eckardt
Playground Chairperson

New Restroom is finished

Hallway Restroom Off the Sanctuary Project
The sanctuary restroom was constructed by a combination of contractors and HTLC volunteers. Olin Bell recommended the contractors based on his experience. The carpenter relocated the closet door and built a new restroom door and door frame that matches the existing style of doors. The drywall contractor installed the new walls, covered them with drywall and finished them to a smooth surface. They also installed the new suspended ceiling. The electrician installed the restroom and hallway ceiling lighting, the restroom ceiling fan and wall outlet. The plumber installed the water lines, the sink and the point-of use water heater. He also installed the sewer lines and toilet. Another contractor installed red carpet on the steps that had been extended. The piece of red carpet used was saved from the restroom floor area. HTLC volunteers undertook the painting of the restroom walls, door and the hallway walls. Much work had to go into prepping the lower wall areas for repainting. Those walls had been covered with oil based paint that had to be sanded and cleaned prior to the paint application. Also, vinyl plank flooring was installed as the restroom floor covering. Thanks to Mike Cox, Ernie Thorns, and Tom Weeks for their hours of hard work and to Jill Helgeson for her decorating guidance.