Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates:
• We keep the following in our prayers:
• Dave and Sue Rasche – upon the death of their son, Eric.
• Don Simon – broken kneecap
• Jane Potter – breast cancer surgery
• Earlier this week, the concrete pad has been poured for our new Prayer Garden gazebo. In the coming weeks, the new plants will go into the surrounding garden area.
• Sunday is Reformation Sunday. You are invited to wear the color red for this festive occasion.
• Again, this Sunday, you are asked to return your Time/Talent/Pledge Cards as these gifts will be blessed as part of the worship service. Or, if you chose, you can mail them to the church office.
• AIM’s Trick-Or-Trick-So-Others-May-Eat food drive is going on right now in our congregation. Bags were distributed last week. You are asked to returned these bags Sunday, filled with items requested and they will be taken to AIM on Sunday afternoon. If it is more convenient, just let yourself into the church during the week and place your bag in the room off the narthex. Right now, we are having trouble with the electronic code on the front door of the church. A part has been ordered. In the meantime, you can use a church key, if you have one, or enter through the Ramp Door on the side of the church, using the electronic keypad.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from a free aluminum ramp, that gives access into the house, please reach out to me. It is a 4 x5 platform, with rails, and roughly 20 feet long. It is in excellent condition.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer