Children’s Choir

Some parents of young children may be unaware that we have a children’s choir for children 4 years old through the 5th grade, and the children generally sing during the Worship Service on the 5th Sundays. We only have one 5th Sunday left this year and it will be October 30th. Then our next 5th Sunday will be in January 2023. We work on the Kyrie and a few simple songs, hope to be singing on (5th Sunday October 30th). If you want your child (or grandchild) to sing with us; we practice after the Early Worship Service each Sunday for about 10 to 15 minutes. If this practice does not work for your schedule and you want your children to be included in this choir, please call Beth Cribbe (864) 617-6216 and she will work with your schedule to teach your children the music. The children practice in the room behind the sanctuary, between the Nursery & the Library.

8/27/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


I bring you greetings on this hot Thursday afternoon!


Here are this week’s congregational updates:


  • Sunday, we will finish up our use of the blue With One Voice Hymnal. As you will recall, we have used this hymnal during the months of July and August as a change of pace and will return to it again next summer. 
  • Who is Jesus Christ to you?  Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Matthew 16:13-20 as we explore the significance of where this story takes place.  In preparation for Sunday’s sermon, I encourage you to google Caesarea Philippi. 
  • We eagerly look forward to receiving Kenny Ossenfort, Helen Sidoti, and John Sticker into our church family Sunday!  This will take place during the Early Service. 
  • We are getting much closer to the kick off of my Adult Catechism Classes, which begin September 5 and September 7.  I hope you are planning to join us.  The first week we will be looking at the topic of baptism and what we believe about this sacrament.  I recently was asked by someone if they should attend the classes.  I answered by asking them a question, “If someone came up to you and asked why Lutherans baptize infants while other denominations do not, could you answer them?”  They asked if they needed to sign up to attend. (They answer is, no, just show up.)


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

08/20/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are a few of the things going on this in our congregation,


  • A big “Thank You” to the 18 who came out Monday morning to put together SnackPack bags for the United Way of Anderson County for the school children in our surrounding area.

  • This coming Sunday, after the Early Service, Amy Goodson will be taking our Youth and some of their parents tubing down the Green River.  For the last number of years, it has been our back-to-school tradition as the “Last Blast of Summer.”

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text of Matthew 15:10-28 of Jesus being challenged by a persistent mother who will not go away.  I encourage you to read this story and wrestle with why Jesus treats her in the way he does.  As my sermon title implies, “What’s Wrong With Jesus?”

  • On Monday of next week, Pat will be taking the day off.

  • Finally, I hope you are making plans to attend my upcoming Adult Catechism Classes, which will begin two weeks from this coming Tuesday, on September 5, when we will dive into the world of baptism and all related questions to this topic.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

9/13/23 Family Fun night

We will meet in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 13
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

8/13/23 Weekly Congregational update

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are this week’s congregational updates:


  • Yesterday, August 9, our very own Ms. Jackie McConnell, turned 101 years of age! 
  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel, Matthew 14:22-33, commonly referred to as “Jesus Calming the Sea.”  Questions to ponder:
    • Why did Jesus make the disciples get into the boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee?
    • Why did Jesus go up on the mountain to pray? [Hint: see last week’s gospel reading]
    • What caused Peter to sink?
    • For you, what is the most meaningful part of this incredible story? 
  • I hope you are making plans to join us for my 6-week Adult Small Catechism classes.  Our first topic will be Baptism and our first set of classes will be Tuesday morning, September 5 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. and this class will repeat on Thursday evening, September 7 from 7:00-8:30 p.m.  Do you the know the difference between infant baptism and a believer’s baptism? Do you know how to respond to someone who questions why Lutheran practice infant baptism and “sprinkle” as opposed to immersion?  Please mark your calendars now for these classes or the others in this series. 
  • I will be back in the office on Saturday morning . 
  • May the Lord continue to bless our Congregation, you are being kept in my prayers



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

8/6/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Good Afternoon Members and Friends of Holy Trinity!


Here are this week’s updates:


  1. First of all, may we all stop and give thanks to the Lord for the rain we are receiving.  We certainly need it!

  2. If you were here in worship this past Sunday then you are well aware of how I began my sermon, having the congregation sing the theme song to “The Beverly Hillbillies.”  I was floored by the enthusiastic response.  In fact, I had to convince my mom (who watches our worship service faithfully each week with her husband) that we had not practiced the singing ahead of time.

  3. We had 82 in attendance last Sunday for our One Combined worship service, which is about average for this time of the year, but we had only 37 folks come over to enjoy our Potluck Meal.  That is less than 50% of those in attendance at worship and is really sad for a congregation of our size!  We had almost identical numbers at our last Combined Worship Service on April 30, with 86 in attendance at worship and 37 to attend our Potluck Meal.  Please, please, please, if you and your family are able to attend and participate in our future meals, please do so.  I would hate to see us discontinue our meals together due to lack of interest.

  4. This Sunday’s sermon will be based on our gospel reading, Matthew 14:13-21, and is usually referred to as the “Feeding of the 5,000.”

  5. Our Family Fun Night event will take place on Wednesday, August 9 from 5:30-7:00 p.m.  In our meal, song, Bible story presentation and craft, our theme will be WATER and we will be covering the story of Jesus walking on water. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


Throughout the months of September and October Pastor Fischer will be leading a 6 week
Course. Please mark your calendars.

Morning Classes Evening Classes Topic
September 5, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
September 7, Thursday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
September 125, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
September 14, Thursday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Holy Communion
September 19, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
September 21, Thursday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Apostles’ Creed
September 26, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
September 28, Thursday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Lord’s Prayer
October 3, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
October 5, Tuesday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Ten Commandments
October 10, Tuesday
10:00-11:30 a.m.
October 12, Tuesday
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Liturgy/Church Year

7/30/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  1. This coming Saturday will be our final Saturday Servants project of the month (and year) to make bagged lunches for those hungry in the Anderson area.  We will gather in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. if you would like to join us.

  2. Sunday, being a 5th Sunday, we will have ONE-COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 a.m.  Worship will be followed by a Potluck Meal. Please bring a dish to share.  When you arrive for worship, you may drop off your dish in Fellowship Hall, as the Fellowship Committee will be on hand preparing for the meal.

  3. A reminder that there will be no Adult Sunday School class that morning.

  4. Also, Sunday is the last day to bring in your frozen casseroles as part of our Calvary Home for Children service project.  As of this morning we have had 19 casseroles donated.  You may bring your casserole to worship and someone from the Service Committee will be take it over to Fellowship Hall for you, or you may come by the church before Sunday and let yourself in Fellowship Hall using the digital keypad (same door code as the church) and place your casserole into the hallway freezer (located next to the women’s restroom). If you have any questions, please call Jane Potter at 864-225-6460.

  5. Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52, specifically Matthew 13:44 as we explore the Parable of the Hidden Treasure.  Thoughts to ponder:
    1. What does this text mean to you?
    2. Who is the one who discovers the treasure?
    3. What is the “treasure” mentioned in this parable?
    4. What things/people do we truly treasure in this life?


See you Sunday!

Pastor Fischer

8/20/23 LCY “Last Blast of Summer”

The LCY “Last Blast of Summer”, AKA the tubing down the Green River, will be held Sunday, August 20th.
We will attend the Early Service and then head for the river! Wear your swimsuitnunder your clothes or change after worship. Bring a towel, dry clothes, shoes you can wear in the river, lunch/drink, $20 for tube rental and any extras you might want for snacks after tubing. Please contact Ms. Amy if you plan on going or if you have any questions! Hope you can join us!


We have returned to our monthly summer gatherings in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food,
Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us!
There will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 9 JESUS WALKS ON WATER
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.