12/4/22 Weekly Congregational Update

A few things to pass along to you this week include:

  • I am happy to report that the name tags on our Angel Tree have arrived!  The deadline to return the gifts is December 15, two weeks from today.  You can either pick up a tag or two on Sunday morning or let yourself into the sanctuary using the door code, or if you prefer, contact Nancy Scalf or my wife, to make a donation and let them do the shopping for you.

  • The December issue of our monthly newsletter, The Messenger, was mailed out yesterday, Wednesday.  You will notice that the information on the Angel Tree does not include the deadline as we did not receive this date in time before printing.

  • This past Monday, 19 volunteers from the congregation participated to help feed some of the children at risk in Anderson County elementary schools through the United Way’s SnackPack program. Together we packed 864 bags, 3 pallets worth, in an hour and 45 minutes! [See photo below]  If you would be interested in participating in future food packing opportunities, contact Mike Cox at salzburg1951@gmail.com to add your name and email to future notifications.

  • Congratulations are in order for Nancy Scalf on the birth of a great granddaughter, Oakley Jane Dunn.

  • Last night was our first Advent meal and Midweek Advent Service.  We had 35 in attendance in worship, which for us, quite honestly, is quite low.  Perhaps, some of us were not aware that Advent actually started in November this year.  In any event, I encourage you to come out for our remaining suppers and worship services on Wednesday night.

  • The recipient of this year’s Wednesday Midweek Advent Service offerings will be the New Foundations Home for Children in Anderson, which is a private, non-profit agency specializing in caring for emotionally troubled adolescents and families.

  • This coming Wednesday, I will be preaching on “Witness To Christmas – the Shepherds,” as we explore the significance of shepherds being invited to the birth of our Lord.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel, Matthew 3:1-12, as we encounter John the Baptist in this season of Advent.

  • Saturday of next week, December 10, is a mini work day at the church, sprucing up the church grounds.  Please see a copy of the bulletin or the December newsletter for a list of details, or contact Ernie Thoms.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

10/30/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are a few things to pass along to you at this time:


  1. This past Sunday, we were grateful to see Krista Spoores and her son, Kyle,r at the Late Service.  You will recall that Krista joined the Navy several years ago.

  2. Don’t forget that Saturday is Jane Cahaly’s Salt and Light Foundation lunch at Tuckers Restaurant from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  There is no charge for the meal.  The topic will be leaving a Gospel shaped legacy for those placed into our care (grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.). To reserve your spot, call Jane at 864-314-2561.

  3. This Sunday, October 30, is Reformation Sunday.  You are encouraged to wear the color red as the festive color of the day.  The cross will be processed in and out of the sanctuary as part of the worship service.  You are reminded that we always turn and face the cross when it enters and leaves the sanctuary.

  4. With Sunday being a 5th Sunday, as is our custom, we will have One-Combined worship service at 10:00 a.m.  You are invited after the service to Fellowship Hall where we will gather for a Potluck Meal.  Please bring a dish or two to share.

  5. Please bring your filled out Time/Talent/Pledge card with you Sunday.  A basket will again be sent around as part of the offering, so that a blessing can be given over these at the altar.  If you need spare copies of the Time/Talent sheet, they are located in the narthex.

  6. Also, we ask you to bring back with you, your filled TOTSOME (Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat) bag to worship.  These can be placed in the room off the narthex.  This event is a major food drive for AIM to restock their shelves to feed those hungry in our area.  Or, if you wish, you can stop by the church during the week, let yourself in using the door code, and place your bag in the room at your convenience. 

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


Thanks to all who attended and made our Deutsches Fest such a success.  A good time was had by all.

A total of $1,883.00 was collected and will be donated to the Good Neighbor Cupboard to help feed those in need in our community.

New Gathering and Giving Projects

“Gathering and Giving”

Holy Trinity is a congregation that loves to serve. In an effort to build on the enthusiastic participation in our Saturday Servants and SnackPack programs, the Service Committee is initiating a new opportunity for our members to serve our community. Many non-profits in our community are struggling to meet the needs of their clients. We can help through short, simple collection projects – by “Gathering and Giving”. Once a need is identified a brief list of items to be donated will be publicized in the newsletter and bulletin. Donations can be left in the room off the narthex. At the end of the two-week period the donations will be delivered to designated charity/non-profit.

Our first “Gathering and Giving” project is for Calvary Home for Children.
Calvary Home for Children is a provider of foster care for displaced children in Upstate South Carolina. Their mission is to provide help, hope, and a loving home to abused and neglected children in a Christian environment. They currently have five licensed foster homes.

We want to support their efforts by gathering the following supplies:
• Diapers of any size (This is currently a critical need.)
• Baby wipes
• Clothes washing detergent
• Cleaning products such as dishwashing detergent, multi-purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, etc. (with the exclusion of Lysol spray/wipes)

We are asking for donations on Sunday, September 18th and Sunday, September 25th or during the weeks previous to these dates. Donations can be left in the room off of the narthex. Cleaning products can be left in the gray tub and diapers and wipes should be placed on the table.
If you have questions about this project or suggestions for a future project, please contact Jamie Corrigan at 864-224-8070 or Leslie Cox at 301-788-9035.


We welcome back today Percy Dingle who will be bringing us a message from the Gideons. You can
support the work of the Gideons by making a financial contribution. Checks may be made out to “The
Gideons.” Following the worship service, Mr. Dingle will be in the Narthex to receive contributions.

If you want more information


or want to make a donation online



Saturday Servants a big success!!

Saturday Servants A Complete Success!
A big “Thank You” to all who participated in July’s Saturday Servants project by making sandwiches, giving them out at the Soup Kitchen, picking up supplies, picking up food supplies, and donating needed items. Thank you for your generosity! As always we are grateful to Anderson Bakery for providing the bread each week. We are especially thankful to Leslie Cox and the rest of the Service Committee for putting all this together each year. Together, as a congregation, we are able to serve as the hands and feet of our Lord in feeding the hungry in our community.

Saturday Servants

Saturday Servants

Again this year, HTLC will prepare bagged lunches for the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through the Saturday

Servants Program. We will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Kroger Bakery will again be providing the bread this year. We have all the food items we need for this year

If you have questions, please contact Shirley Ebert at 864-353-7366 or Leslie Cox at 301-788-9035, our
Service Committee Co-Chairs.

Fathers Day donations for the SC Lutheran Men in Mission fund

Our Thanks to those who have contributed through the Lutheran Men in Mission to the SC Loan and Gift Fund. These gifts will be awarded to a new SC Lutheran mission, to help them get started with building programs. These are interest-free loans and when the loans are repaid, they are invested again in other new churches. These gifts have been given In Honor Of or In Memory Of the following men this Father’s Day:


In Memory of Ted Larson, given by Nancy Scalf.
In Memory of Burton R. Bradley, given by Randy, Beth, Katelin & Nathan Passow.
In Memory of Claude L. Calloway, given by Claude D. Calloway.
In Memory of Harold F. Cannon, Sr., given by Gail Cannon.
In Memory of Robert G. Sandwick., given by Robin Sandwick.
In Memory of Harold H. Rasche and Elvin J. Hannahs, given by Dave and Sue Rasche.
In Memory of Mark T. Raidel and Warren A. Lutz, Sr., given by Warren and Bonnie Lutz, Jr.
In Memory of Harold O Holmes and Allen E. Straup, given by Bob & Susan Straup.
In Memory of James W. Weeks and Wayne D. Sexton, given by Tom & Kathy Weeks.
In Memory of Gary Furman Vinson, given by Bob and Jean Vinson.
In Memory of Bill Caldwell, given by Chris and Anna Caldwell.
In Memory of Jack Richardson, given by Diane Richardson.
In Memory of Bob L. Metz, Sr. and Rev. J. Luther Ballentine, given by Mike and Bobbi Metz.
In Memory of Jerry Funderburk and Marshall Livingston, given by Virgil & Mary Ann Hobbs.
In Memory of Ellis Dyar and Ralph Cole, given by Allan & Jeri Cole.
In Memory of William A. Christmas, Jr., given by Bill Christmas.
In Memory of A. Neal Cain and Earl P. Korn, given by Dave and Nancy Korn.
In Memory of McKeva (Mac) Thomas and Rev. John (Jack) Fischer, given
by Pastor and Beth Fischer.
In Memory of Don Dafoe, given by Cherie Brown.
In Memory of Dick Martley, given by Betty Martley.


In Honor Pastor Fischer, given by Joshua, Jacob, & Katie Fischer.
In Honor of Bill Christmas, given by Chris & Anna Caldwell.
In Honor of Claude Calloway, given by Shelley Carroll.
In Honor of Virgil Hobbs, Jr., given by Virgil & Mary Ann Hobbs.


As announced in May’s Messenger, the 2022 SCWELCA Convention will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Newberry on June 24 and 25, 2022. For this year’s Convention projects, monetary donations are being requested in support of the Katie’s Fund and in support of a new endowment scholarship for nursing students at Newberry College.

If you would like to make a contribution to one of these projects, please make your check payable to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Please indicate in the memo section to which project you want your donation to be applied – WELCA Project – Katie’s Fund or WELCA Project – Nursing Scholarship. Donations must be received no later than June 12.
Thank you for your support of these projects

Give now for Eastern Europe Crisis Response

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of
God” (Matthew 5:9).
I write to you again about our neighbors in Eastern Europe. First, I thank you for your outpouring of prayers and generosity — you are making a difference in the lives of people impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response during this crisis are already at work. Because of your generosity, $1 million
will support the Lutheran World Federation and these member churches:
German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Romania

They are distributing hygiene supplies, food, medicine, bedding and psychosocial and pastoral care to refugees and
internally displaced people, most of whom are women and children.

Your support has made this possible, but more work remains. Your gifts to “Eastern Europe Crisis Response” will be
used to in full (100%) to address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and neighboring countries.

Additional responses through partners in these countries and others in the region are expected in the coming weeks and
months, and Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying those partners as the situation evolves. We
pray for the Roma communities and foreign nationals who are facing racial and ethnic discrimination at the borders as
they flee Ukraine. Our companions are ensuring that people in these marginalized groups will be treated with respect
and dignity as they seek safety.

We know there are many organizations that you can choose to support, but it is only by giving to Lutheran Disaster
Response that guarantees your gift will fund ELCA-supported work through faith partners in the region.

Click on the link below to donate online


Additional Ways to Give
Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
Write “Eastern Europe Crisis Response” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CT) or online.