The 2023 SC WELCA Convention, which is being held at the Zion Lutheran Church in Lexington June 23-24, 2023, is requesting support for the following projects:

1. Monetary donations to assist Camp Kinard with purchasing room supplies, maintenance supplies and tools and to start a Chapel Fund to build a new chapel/multi-use meeting space. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” and note on the check “SC WELCA Convention – Camp Kinard.”

2. Hygiene kits for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s Southwestern Diocese with whom the South Carolina Synod began a companionship in 2002. The following items are to be included in each hygiene kit: hand towel, wash cloth, regular-sized bar of soap, 6 band aids, 20 cotton swabs, comb, small jar or tube of Vaseline, toothbrush, nail clippers and nail file. Please place the items in a small ziplock bag and wrap everything in the hand towel.
If you wish to contribute to the Camp Kinard project, please give your check to Beth Fischer by Sunday, June 18. If you wish to participate in the hygiene kit project, please place your completed kit in the box located in the Narthex by Wednesday, June 21.

05/28/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • We are very grateful for the 8 folks who participated in making encouragement cards for the SnackPack project (see photo attached).  Together, 438 cards were completed with more expected later.

  • As you know, we have made the transition from holding Operation Inasmuch projects only one time a year, to providing several outreach projects throughout the year.  So . . . we have several Operation Inasmuch T-shirts left over from previous years that we no longer need.  Some are the blue version and others the red version.  If you are interested in one of these, they are located in the narthex.  The quantity and sizes are:  (3) Adult Small shirts, (1) Adult Medium shirt, (1) Adult Large shirt, and (3) Youth Medium shirts. These are free for the taking.

  • The deadline to submit a name and information for the June Messenger is Sunday evening.  If you have a family member who recently graduated from high school, technical school or college, please send that information to Pat before Memorial Day.

  • This Sunday we celebrate with Gracie West as she will receive her First Communion at the Late Service.

  • With this Sunday being Pentecost Sunday, you are invited/encouraged to wear something red to worship that day. We will celebrate with Michael Caruso and Brady West being confirmed at the Late Service.

  • I will be preaching on the First Reading from Acts 2:1-21 as we take a look at how the Lord changes some of the endings in life to new beginnings through the Holy Spirit.

  • Then on Monday, Memorial Day, please take a moment to pause in remembrance for those American Military Members who died in service to our country.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

SnackPack Notes of Encouragement

Notes of Encouragement
Saturday, May 20, 2023
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Office Conference Room
School starts August 2 this year! That means the United Way SnackPack Program will be
gearing up to pack weekend SnackPacks in July and beginning August 4, SnackPacks will be
distributed weekly throughout the school year to needy elementary school students in Anderson
Many members of our congregation help pack these SnackPack bags throughout the year.
Besides packing the bags there are other ways you can support the SnackPack Program. Each
SnackPack contains a handwritten note of encouragement made by volunteers. It’s a simple
message to let each child know someone is thinking about them. Over 750 SnackPacks are
distributed each week. Multiply that by 36 weeks of school and you will quickly see that over
27,000 notes are needed for the year. Your help in making these cards is greatly needed!
The Service Committee invites you to join us on Saturday, May 20 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in
the Office Conference Room to make notes of encouragement to be included in the SnackPacks.
Supplies and suggestions for making these cards will be furnished. Of course, if you can’t join us
that day you can still make the notes on your own. Just keep in mind the messages may not
contain any religious references. These messages are distributed to elementary age children who
may not be able to read cursive writing, so please print. You can leave your completed notes in a
box on the table in the room off the narthex. The Service Committee will collect these by June 5.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Corrigan at (864) 224-8070 or
Leslie Cox at (301) 788-9035. We hope to see you Saturday, May 20!

Litter Pick Up Day update


We had a very successful morning.
gathered 52 bags of litter, one tire, two hubcaps, some signs, and numerous pieces of wood and cardboard.
That is quite a lot
for one morning of work with nine (9) people.
The area looks much better.

Thanks to all who participated!

4/28-29 Southeastern International Grandparents Conference

WHAT: 2ND Annual Southeastern Intentional Grandparents Conference
WHEN: April 28-29, 2023
Starting at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: St. Paul’s Anglican
316 West Carolina Avenue
Summerville, SC 29483

General Session Speakers include Dr. Larry McCall, Sharon Gamble, and Josh Mulvihill. This conference also features workshops with speakers from around the country, including our own Jane Cahaly.
More than thirty-million Christian grandparents live in the United States today. Each one has an incredible potential-second only to the parents to influence their grandchildren for Christ. Despite this potential, grandparents are one of the most underserved groups in the church. This results in a host of grandparents who feel ill-equipped to pass their faith to future generations.
The Southeastern Intentional Grandparenting Conference is designed to inspire and equip
grandparents to pass a legacy of faith to future generations —Psalm 78:1-8.
For more information, please contact Cheryl Cargill ( or Sherry Schumann (

Share a Mug project update

How many of us start the day with a cup of coffee – black, cream, sugar? We often take it for granted, yet for the homeless population in our community it’s a treat. HOPE Missions of the Upstate, a charitable and religious non-profit organization located on South Tower Street in Anderson, serves up steaming hot coffee (and breakfast, but we’ll talk about that later) to 75 to 100 people each day. Starting at 7:00 a.m. a volunteer mans the coffeemaker and makes as many as 60 pots of coffee, one after another, going through three to five pounds of coffee, four to six pounds of sugar and up to two 35 oz. containers of powdered non-dairy creamer a day. That adds up to about $50 a day.

Project update

On behalf of the Service Committee, thank you so much for your generosity!  Together we were able to donate over a month’s supply of coffee, cream and sugar to HOPE Missions of the Upstate. On Tuesday, we delivered 130 lbs. of coffee, 62 lbs. of powder creamer and 139 lbs. of sugar! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 


3/12/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of the Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


1) On behalf of the Service Committee, thank you so much for your generosity!  Together we were able to donate over a month’s supply of coffee, cream and sugar to HOPE Missions of the Upstate. On Tuesday, we delivered 130 lbs. of coffee, 62 lbs. of powder creamer and 139 lbs. of sugar! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

2) If you are interested in being a good steward of the earth, for those who would like to participate, we will be gathering on Saturday, April 1 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. for a Litter Pick Up activity.  Please see the bulletin for all the details.  There is a Signup sheet in the room off the narthex.

3) Don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.

4) Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel, text, John 4:5-42, as we focus on the Samaritan woman at the well.

5) Wednesday, March 15, the Lutheran Men In Mission will be providing the Lenten Supper at 6:00 p.m.  We will be firing up a recently-donated grill, given anonymously to the church in memory of Bill Christmas.   The menu will consist of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, buns, baked beans, slaw, chips and all the fixings.  Afterwards, we will gather in the sanctuary for our next Lenten worship service, at 7:00 p.m., as we explore the words of concern from our Lord for His mother Mary, from the cross.

6) The new Christ In Our Home devotionals, for April, May, and June, are now available in the narthex.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Angel Tree 2022

Angel Tree


1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2. Please do not wrap gifts.
3. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor (use door
4. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Thursday,
December 15th, after which, you will be responsible for delivering
your gifts to A.I.M.
5. In addition to selecting names from the Angel Tree in-person like we usually, do you also
have the option of making a donation and someone from WELCA will do, the shopping
for you. If you would rather participate in this way, just make a check out to “Holy
Trinity Lutheran Church” and put “Angel Tree” in the Memo. If you have any questions
on any of this, please contact Nancy Scalf or Beth Fischer

12/4/22 Weekly Congregational Update

A few things to pass along to you this week include:

  • I am happy to report that the name tags on our Angel Tree have arrived!  The deadline to return the gifts is December 15, two weeks from today.  You can either pick up a tag or two on Sunday morning or let yourself into the sanctuary using the door code, or if you prefer, contact Nancy Scalf or my wife, to make a donation and let them do the shopping for you.

  • The December issue of our monthly newsletter, The Messenger, was mailed out yesterday, Wednesday.  You will notice that the information on the Angel Tree does not include the deadline as we did not receive this date in time before printing.

  • This past Monday, 19 volunteers from the congregation participated to help feed some of the children at risk in Anderson County elementary schools through the United Way’s SnackPack program. Together we packed 864 bags, 3 pallets worth, in an hour and 45 minutes! [See photo below]  If you would be interested in participating in future food packing opportunities, contact Mike Cox at to add your name and email to future notifications.

  • Congratulations are in order for Nancy Scalf on the birth of a great granddaughter, Oakley Jane Dunn.

  • Last night was our first Advent meal and Midweek Advent Service.  We had 35 in attendance in worship, which for us, quite honestly, is quite low.  Perhaps, some of us were not aware that Advent actually started in November this year.  In any event, I encourage you to come out for our remaining suppers and worship services on Wednesday night.

  • The recipient of this year’s Wednesday Midweek Advent Service offerings will be the New Foundations Home for Children in Anderson, which is a private, non-profit agency specializing in caring for emotionally troubled adolescents and families.

  • This coming Wednesday, I will be preaching on “Witness To Christmas – the Shepherds,” as we explore the significance of shepherds being invited to the birth of our Lord.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel, Matthew 3:1-12, as we encounter John the Baptist in this season of Advent.

  • Saturday of next week, December 10, is a mini work day at the church, sprucing up the church grounds.  Please see a copy of the bulletin or the December newsletter for a list of details, or contact Ernie Thoms.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

10/30/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are a few things to pass along to you at this time:


  1. This past Sunday, we were grateful to see Krista Spoores and her son, Kyle,r at the Late Service.  You will recall that Krista joined the Navy several years ago.

  2. Don’t forget that Saturday is Jane Cahaly’s Salt and Light Foundation lunch at Tuckers Restaurant from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  There is no charge for the meal.  The topic will be leaving a Gospel shaped legacy for those placed into our care (grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.). To reserve your spot, call Jane at 864-314-2561.

  3. This Sunday, October 30, is Reformation Sunday.  You are encouraged to wear the color red as the festive color of the day.  The cross will be processed in and out of the sanctuary as part of the worship service.  You are reminded that we always turn and face the cross when it enters and leaves the sanctuary.

  4. With Sunday being a 5th Sunday, as is our custom, we will have One-Combined worship service at 10:00 a.m.  You are invited after the service to Fellowship Hall where we will gather for a Potluck Meal.  Please bring a dish or two to share.

  5. Please bring your filled out Time/Talent/Pledge card with you Sunday.  A basket will again be sent around as part of the offering, so that a blessing can be given over these at the altar.  If you need spare copies of the Time/Talent sheet, they are located in the narthex.

  6. Also, we ask you to bring back with you, your filled TOTSOME (Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat) bag to worship.  These can be placed in the room off the narthex.  This event is a major food drive for AIM to restock their shelves to feed those hungry in our area.  Or, if you wish, you can stop by the church during the week, let yourself in using the door code, and place your bag in the room at your convenience. 

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer