Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner

Our Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will take place on Tuesday, February 13 at Boulevard Baptist Church.  We hope to have tickets available this coming Sunday (we are waiting for them to be dropped off at the church).  The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (12 and under). If you prefer, you can get your tickets online at:    All proceeds will go to the Westside Community Center.

Why Enjoy Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday

1/21/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • With all the cold weather we have been having and will have this week, I thought it is a good time to remind you of our weather decision making process for cancelling worship services.  In the event that we are expecting inclement weather (ice, snow, power out, etc.), the President of the Congregation and I discuss whether we need to cancel our worship services.  We watch the weather forecasts and whether other congregations are cancelling worship.  We check the roads, if possible, to see if they are passable.  Just a couple of years ago, the roads were clear but when I arrived at the church, the steps and ramp were completely covered over in ice, and so we cancelled worship as we did not want anyone to slip and fall.  When the decision is made to cancel worship, the President of the Congregation will call the members of the Church Council and they in turn have 10-11 church members to contact to inform them of the decision.  In the upcoming Year Book, is a page dedicated to the Congregational Call List with the names and phone numbers of each family.  If you have any questions on this, please reach out to me.

  • Our Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will take place on Tuesday, February 13 at Boulevard Baptist Church.  We hope to have tickets available this coming Sunday (we are waiting for them to be dropped off at the church).  The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children (12 and under). If you prefer, you can get your tickets online at:    All proceeds will go to the Westside Community Center.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the First Reading from Jonah 3:1-5,10 as we look at the story of Jonah and those times in our lives when we refuse to do the will of the Lord.

  • We still have 5 remaining Sundays that need altar flowers.  If you are interested in one of these dates, please contact Pat in the church office and leave a message on the answering machine or wait to contact her on Monday morning.
    • April 28
    • June 30
    • August 4
    • September 22
    • December 8

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Angel Tree

Angel Tree
All the tags on the tree have now been chosen.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!

A reminder as you return the gifts:

1. Please wrap gifts.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor
(use door code).
3. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Tuesday, December 5th, after which, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to A.I.M.

11/26/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are these week’s TOP TEN items to pass along to you:


  • First of all, Happy Thanksgiving!  My prayers go out to you as you travel and enjoy time and God’s blessings of food with your family.

  • I am happy to report the safe arrival of Lilian Ruth Bannister who entered this world on Monday!  Congratulations go out to her parents, Davis and Sarah Ann Bannister, and to proud grandparents, Jay and Suzie Bannister.

  • We keep Ben Emanuel in our prayers after his recent hip surgery.

  • Richard Polsdorfer continues to recover and is now at the AnMed Rehabilitation Hospital.

  • I have spoken with the Cole family recently and they have asked me to pass along to the congregation an update on Allan.  Sadly, his cancer has returned and Allan has decided not to seek further treatment. Instead, he will soon be going into Hospice care.  Please keep Allan and Jeri, as well as their family, in your thoughts and prayers.

  • This coming Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the Church Year.  The theme for our worship service is, of course, the kingship of Christ.  I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Matthew 25:31-46, as we explore our Lord’s story of the separation of the sheep and the goats.

  • On Sunday, December 3, our Congregational Family Advent Event will take place in Fellowship Hall at 3:00 p.m.  Whether you are “family” of one or ten, you are invited to join us as we prepare for the Advent season by creating Advent crafts.  A signup sheet is in the narthex to help us with the planning.

  • Thank you for removing so many name tags from our Angel Tree this past week.  We started with 70 and we currently have 25 tags remaining.  We would like to make sure that every child is taken care of this Christmas season so if you have not yet taken a gift tag or you would like to do another, please let yourself into the church using the front door code.  A small change from years past, this year we have been asked to wrap each gift (attaching the tag on the outside) or placing the gift in a gift bag.  Now you have another option – we have several volunteers who have said that they would be glad to wrap gifts.  Whatever you decide, place all gifts in the Church Office Parlor (the room with the fireplace) NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5. If you have any questions on this, please contact Nancy Scalf or Beth Fischer.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


Every day brave individuals jeopardize their lives to safeguard our freedom and uphold cherished values. These are our Veterans, deserving of our appreciation and assistance. Now, it’s our opportunity to aid those who served by enhancing their welfare. Join the Service Committee in supporting veterans at the Richard M. Campbell Veterans’ Nursing Home. You can make a meaningful impact by donating requested items. Drop off your donations in the room off the Narthex beginning today and on November 5.

We will also be honoring our Holy Trinity Veterans during our church services on November 12th. We would like to have a list of all of those who are veterans.

If you have served, please let us know by contacting:
Jamie Corrigan (864-224-8070)
Leslie Cox (301-788-9035)

Requested Items:

1. Body Wash (no bar soap, please) 10. Diabetic Snacks
2. Body Spray or Cologne Sets 11. Skid-proof socks
3. Deodorants 12. Diabetic Socks
4. Individual Wrapped Snacks 13. T-Shirts (Medium through 5X)
5. Individual Puddings & Jello 14. Stress Balls
6. Individual Hot Chocolate Packs 15. Boxed Craft or Art Kits
7. Cheese Puffs 16. Batteries of all sizes
8. Popcorn (microwave) (including hearing aid batteries)
9. Soft drinks (small cans)

10/22/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Congregational Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are this week’s updates:

  • We are eagerly looking forward to this year’s Deutsches Fest on Saturday.  The weather is expected to be a perfect fall afternoon.  This event takes place from 4:00-7:00 p.m.  Sometimes folks ask me what time they ought to arrive.  Technically, you can drop it anytime you like during those hours but I always suggest arriving at the beginning.  Some folks stay for an hour or two.  Some stay the whole time.  And some even stay afterwards, enjoying the wonderful fellowship. The choice is yours!

  • We are extremely grateful to Kim Hill and George Mason for delivering two wonderful Stewardship Temple Talks these past two Sundays.
  • While we are giving out a word of thanks, we are also grateful to Diane Ricardson for filling in the office this week as Pat took some time off.

  • We keep in our prayers, Barbara Thomas, who underwent hip replacement surgery earlier this morning.

  • Sunday will be Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday.  You are encouraged to wear something pink for this occasion.

  • By now you should have received a new Stewardship envelope for 2024.. We gave them out at both worship services and then those not picked up were mailed out earlier this week.  You are asked to prayerfully read over the material and then consider your involvement in our congregation in your Time, Talent, and Treasure.  This is your opportunity to indicate your willingness to serve next year on specific committees, serve on the altar guild, serve as lay reader and ushers, as well as provide flowers on that altar, among other things.   There will be an opportunity during Sunday’s worship service (and again on Sunday, October 29) where these pledges will be blessed.

  • Sunday, we will be giving out the Treat-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat bags on the way out of worship.  Please fill these bags with needed food items (items labeled on the sides of the bags) and then return them the next Sunday.  All food items will be given to restock AIM’s Food Pantry.

  • Sunday is the deadline for all Youth to indicate whether they will be attending the 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.  If you have any questions, see Amy Goodson.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Matthew 22:15-22, as we hear Jesus make the startling comment, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

  • Monday evening,  the Lutheran Men in Mission will gather for their monthly meeting in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m.

  • Don’t forget that with Sunday, October 29, being a 5th Sunday, we will be having One-Combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. and then gather in Fellowship Hall for a potluck meal.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


What does the Bible have to say about giving as a Christian?
The first rule Jesus gave us is: “Love the Lord, your God, with all
your heart and mind and strength.
The second is: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Most of us are in the church because we agree with and try to
follow rule number one. But how about number two?
Individually each of us has our own interpretation and actions
that follow living this rule. However, there are MANY ways to
give. Are you aware of the full extent of the outreach programs
of our Congregation? Many of us are involved in them, but it’s
hard to be a part of them all. Just in last week’s bulletin there
were opportunities to give flowers for the altar, give items to the
Good Neighbor Cupboard, or share veggies from our garden.
There is an opportunity to go once a month or so to pack Weekend SnackPack bags with United
Way, for school children who may not get enough food at home. Throughout the year other
needs arise: someone to donate to WELCA scholarships for female seminary students, to help in
the Make Anderson Beautiful program as a “Litter Warrior”, or to donate food as the Youth
gather bags of food for the Trick-or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat program sponsored by AIM.
These are just a few of the opportunities. There is always some way to share if we are a part of
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
By taking part in the 10:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School program, we share our insight and beliefs
with fellow members of the Congregation. Attend the Bible Study groups to learn and grow.
Join the monthly Wednesday evening Family Fun Night for food, fun and fellowship.
What do all these things have to do with Stewardship? Stewardship is making use of the gifts
God has given us, and, as a Christian, one of our greatest gifts is the communion and
participation that comes from giving of one’s self, one’s time, talent, and love, as well as
The Support Committee


Every day brave individuals jeopardize their lives to safeguard our freedom and uphold
cherished values. These are our Veterans, deserving of our appreciation and assistance. Now, it’s
our opportunity to aid those who served by enhancing their welfare. Join the Service Committee
in supporting veterans at the Richard M. Campbell Veterans’ Nursing Home. You can make a
meaningful impact by donating requested items. Drop off your donations in the room off the
Narthex on October 29, November 5, or the weeks leading up to these dates.

We will also be honoring our Holy Trinity Veterans during our church services on November 12th. We would like to have a list of all of those who are veterans.  If you have served, please let Jamie Corrigan or Leslie Cox know.
Jamie Corrigan (864-224-8070)
Leslie Cox (301-788-9035)

Requested Items:

1. Body Wash (no bar soap, please) 10. Diabetic Snacks
2. Body Spray or Cologne Sets 11. Skid-proof socks
3. Deodorants 12. Diabetic Socks
4. Individual Wrapped Snacks 13. T-Shirts (Medium through 5X)
5. Individual Puddings & Jello 14. Stress Balls
6. Individual Hot Chocolate Packs 15. Boxed Craft or Art Kits
7. Cheese Puffs 16. Batteries of all sizes
8. Popcorn (Microwave) (including hearing aid batteries)
9. Soft drinks (small cans)


Trick -or-Treat- So- Others- May- Eat The Youth will meet after the Late Service on October
22nd for lunch and then go into our three assigned neighborhoods to distribute the bags. We will
once again have bags available for the congregation to make food donations. The congregation is
asked to pick up their bag on the 22nd and bring it back on the 29th filled with food items and
place them in the room off the Narthex. Then on October 29th, the Youth will return to the
neighborhoods to pick up the filled bags. We will need some vehicles to help with the pick-up.
If you are able to help, please see Amy Goodson.

9/24/23 Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s items of interest to pass along to you:


  • Thank you so much for your generosity this past Sunday for Gideon Sunday.  Together, we gave $1,045 to buy Bibles for them to give out!

  • Sunday is WELCA Sunday (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) for our congregation, where the women of the church will be leading our worship services.  Pastor Ashley Twitchell will be our guest preacher.

  • Sunday is the last day to turn in suggestions of those to serve on the Church Council, term 2024-2026.  If you have someone in mind (up to four people) whom you feel would be a good candidate(s) for the church council, fill out the form in the bulletin marked “Advisory Ballot.”

  • Tickets to this year’s Deutsches Fest will be available beginning this Sunday, from one of our council members.  Deutsches Fest is always a very enjoyable time for our congregation, and will be held Saturday, October 21, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

  • A meeting will be held in Fellowship Hall after the Late Service Sunday for all youth and their parents who are planning to attend the National Youth Gathering in 2024.  This is a very important meeting!

  • After taking the summer off, Monday, the Lutheran Men in Mission will hold its monthly supper meeting at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

  • Our Small Catechisms classes are going very well.  We have had an average of 20 folks attend each session each week, so far.  Tonight, we will finish us the Creeds.  Next week we will focus on prayer in general and then dive in to the Lord’s Prayer.  Please come out and join us, even if you have not attended any classes yet. 

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer