What does the Bible have to say about giving as a Christian?
The first rule Jesus gave us is: “Love the Lord, your God, with all
your heart and mind and strength.
The second is: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Most of us are in the church because we agree with and try to
follow rule number one. But how about number two?
Individually each of us has our own interpretation and actions
that follow living this rule. However, there are MANY ways to
give. Are you aware of the full extent of the outreach programs
of our Congregation? Many of us are involved in them, but it’s
hard to be a part of them all. Just in last week’s bulletin there
were opportunities to give flowers for the altar, give items to the
Good Neighbor Cupboard, or share veggies from our garden.
There is an opportunity to go once a month or so to pack Weekend SnackPack bags with United
Way, for school children who may not get enough food at home. Throughout the year other
needs arise: someone to donate to WELCA scholarships for female seminary students, to help in
the Make Anderson Beautiful program as a “Litter Warrior”, or to donate food as the Youth
gather bags of food for the Trick-or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat program sponsored by AIM.
These are just a few of the opportunities. There is always some way to share if we are a part of
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
By taking part in the 10:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School program, we share our insight and beliefs
with fellow members of the Congregation. Attend the Bible Study groups to learn and grow.
Join the monthly Wednesday evening Family Fun Night for food, fun and fellowship.
What do all these things have to do with Stewardship? Stewardship is making use of the gifts
God has given us, and, as a Christian, one of our greatest gifts is the communion and
participation that comes from giving of one’s self, one’s time, talent, and love, as well as
The Support Committee