10/21/17 4th Annual Deutsches Fest

The Festival was a great success and a great time was had by all.

A total of $1718.00 was raised to be given to the HTLC youth for their trip to Houston for the Lutheran Youth Gathering in 2018

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen.
































2nd Chance to donate food to AIM this Holiday season

If you missed making a food donation to AIM with the Trick or Treat so Others may Eat, you can still donate food by dropping off your items in the Hospital Cafeteria at either campus between November 6 to 22nd.

Angel Tree

Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson
1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 6th. After December 6th, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to AIM .
3. Please do not wrap gifts.

HTLC Blood Drive Sunday 10/15/17

Sunday October 15th, HTLC will have the AnMed Health Blood center donation vehicle at our church from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.


Please come with extra time to donate blood.


Trick -or-Treat- So- Others- May- Eat — The Youth will meet after the Late Service on October 22nd and head to Subway for lunch and then go to the neighborhoods to distribute the bags. We will once again have bags available for the congregation to make food donations. Pick up your bag on the 22nd and bring it back on the 29th filled with food items and put them in the room off the narthex. Then on October 29th, the Youth will serve the meal after the worship service and then return to the neighborhoods to pick up the filled bags. We will need some vehicles to help with the pickup. If you are able to help, please see Mrs. Goodson.

Men in Mission Fish Fry

Men in Mission Fish Fry Saturday, September 30th
The Event raised $1,500.00 for local charities ($900.00 from the silent auction)
(These will be distributed later in October)

It was a great success  thanks to all!

LCY Youth News

•LCY will once again participate in the Homeless for the homeless box city fundraiser for Family Promise event coming up on Friday, September 8th at Floyd Amphitheatre. Please join us as we learn what it is like to be Homeless with a poverty simulation to include sleeping in a box. More details forthcoming.
•The 2018 National Youth Gathering Information meeting will be held on September 10th, in the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday School hour for all Youth who are entering the 8th grade this fall and their parents. We will discuss the trip to Houston TX, travel plans, sign covenants and other important information etc. Please make every effort to attend. Registration opens September 15th!

Saturday Servants

Saturday Servants
As we have done in years past, our congregation will be involved in Saturday Servants in the month of July when we make sandwiches for those hungry in the community.
There are five Saturdays in July. Each Saturday we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. (please note the new time) to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches
and 100 bologna sandwiches. Each bag will contain a sandwich, fruit, juice, sweet snack cake and chips. A thousand bag lunches will be provided during the month of July.
We ask members of HTLC to donate: (as of 06/25/17)

• 43 bags of pretzels (1 lb. size)
• 8 jars of peanut butter (40 oz. size)
• 14 jars of grape jelly (16 oz. size)
• 48 boxes of Little Debbie Cakes (12 to a box)

You can place these items in the box marked for this, in the room off of the narthex.

OIAM 2017 final report

OIAM Projects Report
April 1, 2017 was set aside by the S.C. Synod for the projects of Operation Inasmuch by Lutherans across the state. This was no April Fools’ Day as Holy Trinity joined in this endeavor and from all indications we had a very successful and meaningful day of ministry outreach. Over 50 members participated in 13 projects identified by the Service Committee. Of that number, 28 people went out into the community to work.
Some of the things we did together included:
• Hosted a Kick Off Breakfast for the volunteers;
• Prepared bag lunches for our volunteers;
• Collected items for female patients at Patrick B. Harris Psychiatric Hospital;
• Collected items for WELCA for their Synod Convention Collection Project;
• Painted the porch railing at the Luther House;
• Baked and delivered 22 dozen cookies to the Anderson Police Department;
• Wrote 61 notes to parents of Good News Club members thanking them for allowing their children to participate in the Good News Club at Concord Elementary;
• Our Lutheran Church Youth helped with gardening chores at the South Main Chapel Mercy Center;
• Scraped and painted handrails, pressure washed, and installed lattice work around a storage building at the Cancer Association of Anderson;
• Pressure washed the front porch area of the Anderson Free Clinic and performed a deep cleaning of the medical and dental exam rooms and waiting rooms;
• Prepared and delivered 32 frozen casseroles to the Calvary Home for Children;
• Scraped, prepped, and painted windows and a ramp at Anderson Interfaith Ministry;
• Photographed all activities and posted photographs on to the HTLC’s website.
Thank you to all who came out to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to our neighbor.
The Service Committee

Mothers Day special offering

MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 14th. A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, is being received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out a form in the weekly bulletin. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day. Deadline is May 7th.