3/10/21 Wednesday Lent service
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, I will be preaching on “The Road To Capernaum” in both Matthew 4:12-22 and Mark 1:21-31. Here are some related thoughts to ponder: […]
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But we are proud to say that Paul Wagner contributed 835 entries already.
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, I will be preaching on “The Road To Capernaum” in both Matthew 4:12-22 and Mark 1:21-31. Here are some related thoughts to ponder: […]
Endowment Committee Announcement We plan to have an Endowment Committee meeting very soon to distribute 50% of our Endowment Fund earnings to charities that the committee feels would meet our […]
EASTER LILIES IN MEMORY OF In Memory of Harold and Marion Cannon Sr., given by Gail Cannon. In Memory of their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Rasche and Mr. […]
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC, Here are some of the things happening around the church: George Mason returned home on Tuesday, following his back surgery, and is […]
The Synod Youth Ministry Leadership has made the decision to move all Spring grade-level events to an on-line format! This means the 11th/12th, Middle School, and 9th/10th retreats will become […]
COVID Precaution Just a reminder to all that during this time of COVID-19, and to help keep everyone safe, the Church Council is not permitting meetings and church related events […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, I will be preaching on Luke 4:16-30 and here are some related thoughts to ponder: Where or what is “home” for you? Is […]
WHAT IS BOLD WOMEN SUNDAY? This is the day to honor and celebrate the bold women in our congregation and community. “Be bold, take risks on account of the gospel, […]
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC, Here are this week’s congregational updates: Earlier this week, our congregation turned 85 years old! Holy Trinity was formally organized on February […]