3/7/21 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,
Here are some of the things happening around the church:
- George Mason returned home on Tuesday, following his back surgery, and is doing very well.
- Congratulations to Karen and Ron Theiling on the birth of Emilie-Virginia Haynsworth Theiling, who was born, March 3. Evie weighed 7 lb. and 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. Congratulations also go out to proud grandparents, Olin and Rita Bell, and older sister, Ellie Smith.
- The Endowment Committee is planning to meet later in this month so if you know of a worthy organization that could use some funds, please contact Dave Rasche, or a member of the Endowment Committee. You will need to supply the name of the organization, address of the group, as well as a brief explanation of their needs. See your Yearbook for a list of the Endowment Committee members.
- This Sunday, I will be preaching on all three scripture readings, looking at the world’s view of the foolishness of God. That is, Exodus 20:1-17; First Corinthians 1:18-25; and John 2:13-22.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer