02/10/21 Congregational Weekly Updates

Dear Congregational Members and Friends,


Here are the latest updates concerning the congregation:


  1. This Sunday will be Red Dress Sunday to recognize Heart Disease Awareness and Education in Women.  So ladies, wear a red dress to support those who struggle with or have Heart Disease.

  2. Ash Wednesday begins next week on February 17.  We will be offering two identical worship services – 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m.  In case you are wondering how we will be administering the ashes, that is a good question.  Members of the Worship and Music Committee and I have been wrestling with this for the last several weeks and have come up with a creative approach, due to COVID-19.  I will be using disposable Q-tips to keep everyone safe.

  3. The new Lenten devotionals, Steadfast Love, by Henri Nouwen, are available for you to pick up in the narthex.  Please limit yourselves to one copy per household.

  4. Our Congregational Meeting will be Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m. using Zoom.  We hope to finish up by 3:00 p.m. In preparation for this meeting, please have your Yearbook nearby.  If you still need a copy, they are in the narthex and you may come by the church at your convenience to pick up yours. We will be using the Litany sheet to open our meeting (see the attachment). The Agenda for the meeting is attached as well. Also, Diane Richardson will be presenting the Treasurer’s Report for the Congregational Meeting.  Please click on the link below to see a list of those charitable organizations Holy Trinity has supported in 2020. Thank you for your generosity.

    Charitable Contributions to Outside Organizations – 2020

  5. The Congregational Meeting will be open for attendees to join at 1:40 PM allowing everyone ample time to get their audio and video connected before the start of the meeting.   All attendees will be muted when they join the meeting and we ask that you stay muted to prevent background noise from interfering with the speaker. To join the congregational meeting you can click on following link:




Alternatively, you can start the Zoom application on your computer or tablet and enter the Meeting ID and passcode below when prompted


Meeting ID: 822 4813 1728

Passcode: HTLCFEB14


The Zoom can app can installed on your computer by going to https://zoom.us/ and at the bottom of the page you will see a column labeled ‘Download’ and clicking on ‘Meetings Client’ will install the application on  your computer.  You can install the application on your tablet by going to the Apple or Google app store.  Lastly, please make certain your Zoom app is current.   


If you have technical questions, feel free to contact Mike Cox — Cell: 301-788-8420   or e-mail: salzburg1951@gmail.com

Congregational Meeting Agenda 2021










  1. Finally, Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, a time when we focus on Jesus’ appearance being changed in the presence of God up on the mountain. I will be preaching on Mark 9:2-9.  We hear God declaring of Jesus, “This is my Son, the Beloved listen to him!”  Some thoughts to ponder: 
  1. How do we tell what voices to listen to in our life?

  2. What should we just let fall on deaf ears?

  3. What keeps us from hearing God’s voice?

  4. Does our life reflect we are listening, taking seriously, patterning our behavior, after the crucified Christ?

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer