9/19/21 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
This week’s Congregational Updates include:
- New Congregational COVID Guidelines – The Church Council met on Monday night to discuss COVID concerns in our congregational events. Basically, worship will stay the same for right now. Groups in the congregation can gather for meetings (including LMM, WELCA, Youth, Never-Too-Late, Committees, etc.) if they so desire but meals may not be served. With this in mind, our Deutches Fest celebration has been cancelled for this year. The Choir Party/Get Together has been cancelled for this year.
- Free For the Taking – The choir rooms were recently cleaned out and the walls repainted and in the process, we have found some hymnals we no longer need. They have been placed in the narthex and ready for you to pick up and take home. You may pick them up on a Sunday or just stop by the narthex and let yourself in using the door code. They are:
copies of the Service Book and Hymnal (This is the red hymnal, the predecessor to the “Green Hymnal,” printed in 1958.)
copies of the Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church (black hymnal printed in 1919)
copies of the Christian Youth Hymnal (red hymnal printed in 1948).
copies of The Parish School Hymnal (printed in 1926)
- Sunday, our sermon message will be based on our gospel reading, Mark 9:30-37, as we explore being great in the Kingdom of God. Questions to ponder:
- What do you make of Jesus’ question to his disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?”
- Why would Jesus talk about greatness, and then pick up a child?
- When is the last time we welcomed Jesus/God? [see verse 37]
- The deadline to turn in a Church Council Advisory ballot is Sunday, September 26. If you have someone in mind you feel would make a good candidate to serve on our Church Council, please fill out a form in the bulletin and place it into the box in either the narthex or the sacristy.
- You are asked to pray for Craig Lockhart, Kevin’s father, who is at AnMed fighting COVID.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer