7/19/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  1. We are grateful to Tom Weeks for organizing our congregation’s involvement in the United Way SnackPack program, where folks gather at a site to put together bags of food for kids in school.  Members of our congregation have participated in this the last two years and Tom is putting together a list of those who are interested in participating.  If interested, contact Tom at trweeksjuno.com 
  2. We keep in our prayers John Dickson who is currently going through some difficult times with his health. 
  3. We had another good attendance this past Sunday in worship in Fellowship Hall with 23 folks at the Early Service and 29 at the Late Service for a total of 52. 
  4. If fighting weeds is your thing, then you will enjoy this Sunday’s sermon message based on Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. 
  5. Some questions to ponder:
    1. Who are the “weeds” in our world today?
    2. What characteristics do they display?
    3. Where do “weeds” come from?
    4. What kind of farmer allows both weeds and wheat to grow together?
    5. Is it possible, in our Lutheran thought, that we are all filled with wheat and weeds? 
  6. I hope to see you at worship on Sunday or you seeing me over the internet.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer