7/12/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Here are a couple of items to pass along to you:

  1. We are off to a great start with in-person worship services.  We had 27 in attendance at this past Sunday’s worship service for the Early Service and 23 at the Late Service.
  2. As these weeks drag on and on of not being able to attend worship for some of us, if you and/or your family is interested in meeting me in the church sanctuary to receive private Holy Communion, simply contact me to set up an appointment.
  3. The Church Council met this past Monday evening via Zoom and decided that the sanctuary CAN now be used for funeral/memorial services during this time of COVID-19, for the immediate family only.
  4. Please note, during this coronavirus time, WELCA will not be preparing or serving bereavement meals for the family.
  5.  If you have a green thumb, or enjoy working in the yard, or have worked with planting seeds, or have an aversion to waste, this Sunday’s message is especially for you.  Come hear a sermon on “Wasted Seed” based on Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer