7/16/23 Weekly Congregational Updates
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,
Here are this week’s updates:
- We keep in our prayers, Diane Wagner and her family, upon the death of her mother yesterday, Frances Campbell.
- The latest Statements of Giving are in the narthex, ready for you to pick up.
- Saturday of this week, you are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. as we make sandwiches and bagged lunches as part of our Saturday Servants project in feeding the hungry.
- Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, as we explore the Parable of the Sower and the Four Types of Soil. I encourage you to read this story and to think how it might apply to us today.
- Please mark your calendars that with July 30th being a 5th Sunday, we will have ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 a.m., followed with a Potluck meal.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer