2/16 9:45AM Special Lenten Youth Project

Again this year, the LCY will be working with the children of the church during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, February 16th, on a special Lenten project. All youth and children are invited to meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m.

Lutheroad 2020 information

Dear parents, grandparents and friends of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
The learning Committee is very excited about Lutheroad Camp coming to our church the week of 29th – July 3rd. We would like to invite your children, grandchildren, and friends to join us for camp this summer. It will be a week of total fun!
Lutheroad Camp is a five-day program where many of the benefits of camp at Lutheridge+Lutherock come right to the local church. The program includes fun, worship, games, Bible study, fellowship, crafts, sharing and prayer.
Camp is for children that have completed kindergarten -5th grades. (Each evening we will also have Vacation Bible School for all preschool age children, youth, and adults during this same week. Look for these details in the months ahead.)

Camp will start at 1:00 each day and end at 8:00 each evening. (Friday, July 3rd camp will end at 5:00) We will serve a snack each afternoon and dinner will be served at 5:30 each evening.
We have a limited number of spots available and they will be filled on a first come basis. Please remember that if you register a child for camp that the church is paying for a wonderful Christian experience for that child. It would be very disappointing for us if a camper canceled at the last minute and we were not able to fill that spot. We also discourage signing children up that can not commit to all 5 days. This camp is modeled after a sleep away summer camp that promotes Christian bonds that are formed throughout the week between the counselors and campers. So…. make sure your calendars are marked and Lutheroad is part of your child’s summer plans.

I have included a registration form with this letter. Please return this form by March 1st to the church office. After this date day camp will be open to the community to fill any available spots. If you have any questions please feel free to call Kate Roehrs, 964-9763 or e-mail her at mkroehrs@gmail.com.
We are looking forward to an exciting week of camp!
In the Glory of God,
Kate Roehrs
The Learning Committee


download PDF Registration file click on the link below
Lutheroad application 2020


Thank you to all who participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday.
The total raised by our congregation for both Super Bowl teams was:
the San Francisco 49ers ($230.50) and
the Kansas City Chiefs ($327.00)
for a grand total of ($557.50).
All monies received will be sent to AIM.

2/9/20 Red Dress Sunday

Sunday February 9th, is Red Dress Sunday. The congregation is encouraged to wear red as we learn more about women and heart disease.

3/14/20 WELCA Foothills Spring Conference Meeting

Women of the ELCA
Foothills Spring Conference Meeting
Saturday, March 14
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
St. John’s Lutheran
301W. Main Street
Walhalla, SC 29691
Please RSVP by March 1 to:
Beth Fischer (864) 225-1554 or email fischerfiye@att.net.
We will carpool to the meeting.

BROWN BAG RX Universal Medication Form

We filled out a few Universal Medication Form at our Brown Bag session.


For those who could not make it, but still want a tool to help them create a list of all their medications,  click on the link below to download a Microsoft word version of AnMed Health’s Universal Medication form

UMF 2005

If you have any problems or questions filling this form out, please feel free to contact any of the members of our health committee.

3/6/20 World Day of Prayer

You are Invited!!

Our church has the privilege of hosting this years’
“World Day of Prayer”
featuring the country of Zimbabwe!
When: March 6, 2020
Where: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall)
209 Broad Street, Anderson, SC, 29621
Time: 12-1 PM
*Please bring a dish to share such as salad, sandwiches, or
RSVP: Beth Fischer (933-7446) or the church office 224-4220 by
March 1.