11/21/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are a few things to pass along to you this day:

  1. The outcome of our Semi-Annual Congregational meeting was:
    1. Robert Allen, Suzie Bannister, Claude Calloway, and Joshua Fischer were elected to a 3-year position on the Church Council.

    2. The Budget put forth for 2022 was approved.

  2. We have several sunglasses looking for their owners.  If you think you may have left yours at the church, they are on the cabinet in the narthex.  Otherwise, we may need to open a retail store.

  3. This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the Christian calendar.  I will be preaching on the gospel text, John 18:33-37, where Jesus is being interrogated by the Roman Governor of Judaea, Pontius Pilate.  Jesus makes the comment, “I have come into the world, to testify to the truth.”   More and more we live in a world where it is difficult to know what is the truth.  Spend any time on the internet, and we are bombarded with stories and comments that are questionable.  How do we know what is true anymore?  How is truth different than the absolute truth?

  4. We are still waiting for gift tags for our Angel Tree from AIM.

  5. This past Monday, Anita Brady was admitted to the care of the Rainey Hospice House.  We continue to keep her and her family in our prayers.

  6. We are still looking for a few adults who would be willing to serve as an acolyte on Sunday mornings.  With recent high school graduations, we simply do not have enough youth to serve in this capacity.  Even though we have stopped collecting Time and Talent Sheets, you can still let us know you are interested in helping by letting me know with an email or informing me on Sunday morning. What are some of the perks?  Reserved seating, looking like an angel with that robe on, and best of all, knowing you are serving the Lord!

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer