11/14/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Items to pass along to you this week include:

1) The Church Council, at its meeting Monday night, decided that beginning this Sunday, November 14, masks are now optional in worship. Also, we will return to singing the Liturgical responses in worship Sunday as well (no hymns just yet). We will continue to practice social distancing by using every other pew.

2) Sunday, our Semi-Annual Congregational meeting will take place during both worship services. Please make sure you are ready to vote for four new council members by reading over their biographies and be in prayer for this process, as well as the budget.

3) I will be preaching on Mark 13:1-8, our Gospel reading for this Sunday, as we look at handling the unknown future of the End of Times. As we approach the end of the Church Year, our scripture readings suddenly change to the apocalyptic writings. For sermon preparation, I encourage you to look up Johannes Kelpius, and other apocalyptic cults in the U.S. who have tried to predict the end of times.

4) We are still waiting for gift tags for our Angel Tree.

5) The season of Advent begins this year on Sunday, November 28. We are offering a Congregational Advent Wreath Workshop on that afternoon, beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the back parking lot of Fellowship Hall, weather permitting. The Learning Committee would like to help you and your family kick off this season by offering a time to gather together to create your own Advent wreath. We will be providing the wreath form, wire, snips, candles and a short family devotional for each week but you have to sign up in the Narthex by this Sunday, November 14. This is the last Sunday to sign up!!!! To date, we have 7 families who have indicated they are interested in joining us. Even if you are a “family” of one, come and join us!

6) The brand new Advent Devotionals are now available in the Narthex. Please limit these to one per household.

7) Marion Howell is now at the Carlyle Senior Care in Fountain Inn. If you would like to visit her, you will need to call to set up an appointment.

8) Finally, on this Veterans Day, may we remember and be grateful for all who have served our country, and given us the freedoms we enjoy today, and often take for granted.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer