10/3/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are a few happenings around the congregation:


  1. The Messenger was mailed out yesterday.  This is our monthly newsletter.

  2. In it you will find two pull outs for the Time and Talent Sheets for 2022 where you will have the opportunity to indicate the things you would like to do around the church, including worship.  If you need any explanations on anything, please do not hesitate to contact me (933-7434).  Please prayerfully consider your gifts of time and talent to the Lord.

  3. Also in The Messenger is an article on a new pictorial directory we are working on.  For most folks, we will be using the same photo as the one in the 2019 Photo Directory. However, if you would like a new photo, Dave Korn will be available between the worship services, and after the Late Service for the next three Sundays.  You may contact him or me if you have any questions.

  4. Several of you have asked me how you can obtain a COVID booster shot.  Amy Goodson, our Health Ministry leader, informed me that the AnMed vaccine clinic is open for boosters in the Healthy Futures Room at the North Campus Monday-Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Thursday -Friday 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Appointments can be made through My Chart or by calling 864-512-2897. This is for people 65 and older, residents of long term care at least 6 months after their primary series. Ages 50-64 with underlying medical conditions should receive a booster shot at least 6 months after primary series. Age 18-49 with underlying medical conditions at least 6 months after their primary series.

  5. Would you rather hear a sermon about money or one about marriage/divorce?  I know, both can be a “Debbie Downer.”  Sunday, I will be focusing in on the challenging words of our gospel, in Mark 10:2-16. Please read these words ahead of time as a devotional.
    1. What does Christ say about divorce?
    2. What does He not say?
    3. What does Christ say about marriage?
    4. In your mind, what is the ideal marriage? 
    5. What does God have in mind for us through marriage?


See you Sunday,

Pastor Fischer