03/21/21 Congregational Weekly Update
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,
Below are some updates with the congregation you may find helpful:
- Beginning on Monday of next week, the Call Tree will be put into place, whereby you will be receiving a phone call from a member of the Church Council. With Easter Sunday quickly approaching, we are in the process of determining the anticipated Easter attendance so that we can spread out our numbers, due to COVID (similar to what we did for the Christmas Eve Services). You will be asked if you/your family is planning to attend a worship service and if so, which one. With that in mind, the following information may help you in your decision:
- We will be offering three worship services on Easter Sunday: 7:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
- Each service will be identical to each other.
- Even though we will not be singing hymns, there will be a soloist and a trumpet player at each service.
- We will be observing the same COVID safety protocols we have been following all year, including the wearing of masks and using every other pew.
- The sanctuary will be sprayed with a disinfecting fogger in-between the services.
- A nursery will NOT be available.
- The traditional meal after the first service will NOT be taking place.
- If you have any concerns being out in public, you should not be attending the service.
- One of the worship services will be recorded and placed on the church website later in the day.
- If you have any questions/concerns about the Easter worship services, please do not hesitate to give me a call on my cell phone (864-933-7434).
- Sunday, I will be preaching on John 12:20-33 as we explore the notion of searching for the Lord, specifically, John 12:21, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
- The congregation is invited to participate in the Lutheran Men In Mission meeting on Monday evening, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Our topic will be Advanced Directives and will be led by Tamara Flinchum, a chaplain at AnMed. To join the Zoom meeting, please click on the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85908351764?pwd=U0tQdGRVZGplOURZRTdQTjBabldsUT09
Meeting ID: 859 0835 1764
COVID or no COVID, Easter is approaching with the opportunity to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer