02/19/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,


Just a few things to pass along to you this week:


  • Thank you to all who contributed to the Souper Bowl of Caring event this past Sunday.  Together we gave $462.83 to AIM!

  • Looking ahead, after a recommendation from the Worship and Music Committee and endorsed by the Church Council, we will be returning to the With One Voice (blue hymnal) in the months of July and August.  It has been 3 years since  we have done this and we look forward to returning to this annual change of pace for worship this summer.

  • If you plan to attend the Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and do not have tickets, is it not too late.  This afternoon is the LAST opportunity to purchase your tickets.  You have until 2:30 p.m. this afternoon to call and catch Pat before she leaves the Church Office.  As of right now, we have sold 64 tickets to our congregation!  This event will take place Tuesday afternoon/evening at Boulevard Baptist Church.  The $10.00 will get you a fabulous meal of pancakes, bacon, coffee, orange juice, and milk and all the money raised will go to HOPE Missions of the Upstate.  The pancake supper will run from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. and many of our Lutheran Men in Mission from Holy Trinity will be doing the cooking, cleaning and serving.  Don’t forget to bring your ticket(s) to the supper!

  • On Ash Wednesday, we are offering two identical worship services in our sanctuary.  One service will take place at 12:00 Noon for those who prefer to drive during the daylight hours.  The other service will take place at 7:00 p.m.  Both services will have the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

  • This Sunday is Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday.  I encourage you to read over the First Lesson (Exodus 24:12-18) and the Gospel Reading (Matthew 17:1-9) and think about the following questions:
    • How are these two passages similar?
    • What is the “Shekhinah” in the Old Testament? (Google this)
    • Who is Moses and Elijah?
    • What is the significance of their presence being with the Lord in the Gospel?
    • What “mountain top” experiences have you had in your life?
    • How do our “mountain top” experiences from our past influence us today?


Hope to see you Sunday,

Pastor Fischer