WELCA Information

Happy New Year! The ladies of WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America) are getting busy with several dates coming up. On Sunday, February 23, Bold Women’s Sunday, we have our own Bobbi Metz to do a Temple Talk on her work at The Dream Center, in Pickens.
Then on March 6, Friday, we will be hosting the World Day of Prayer service for Anderson, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. You are asked to bring a plate of sandwiches or salad or dessert to share for lunch. The theme is “Rise! Take your mat and walk.” The country of focus will be Zimbabwe. Come and take a trip with us to hear about this southern African country.

We also have retreats in the spring:
(1) Camp Kinard on February 7-8, which is located in the Batesburg-Leesville, SC, in the middle of the state;
(2) Wild Women Weekend will be March 14-15 at Lutheridge in Arden, NC; and
(3) the Coastal Retreat Center, along the coast of Isle of Palms, April 24-26.

Ladies, if you are interested in attending these retreats, please see Roz Eckardt for more information.