Thank You! from Pastor and Jill

Dear Members of Holy Trinity,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your recent generosity and kindness shared with me and my family this past Sunday. The staff recognition of me and Jill for our years of service to the congregation has truly been an event to be remembered and treasured. For the many hours of planning of the Mutual Ministry Committee, for the work before, during and after the Celebration of the Fellowship Committee, for the wonderful talents of Beth Cribbe and Brenda McGowen shared in song, and to all others who helped shape this marvelous event – thank you, thank you, thank you!
It is such a joy to worship, minister, and serve Christ with you!

Pastor Fischer


A Note from the Organist/Choir Director:

Just a note to express my gratitude for the love and appreciation shown to Pastor and me on June 30th.  To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth! Much thought and effort went into planning this event and it was a huge success!
A tremendous thank you to the congregation, the Mutual Ministry Committee, the Fellowship Committee for their always tireless work in the background, to Paul Wagner for the video, to Dave Korn for the photos, to Brenda McGowan and Beth Cribbe for the cute song. In other words, thank you to everybody!

The outpouring of gifts and support and food was overwhelming and unexpected. It was truly a day to remember and cherish!

Love to all, Jill