Something New – Beer and Hymns

Something New
Following the tradition of Martin Luther, Lutheran Churches across our country have been hosting events that have come to be known as “Beer and Hymns”. Beer and Hymns is a fun, family-friendly event where we join together on a Sunday evening singing great hymns and gospel praises while enjoying Martin Luther’s favorite beverage. Holy Trinity plans to kick off our version of Beer and Hymns on February 19th at 5:30 PM inside Anderson’s brewery Carolina Bauernhaus located at 115 West Federal Street (park behind the Arts Center). Brenda McGowan, Sharon Christmas and Jay Bannister have offered their musical talents to make the experience a joyous event. We are hopeful to continue this ministry and gather together every third Sunday of the month with the community in faith and fellowship. Come join us!


Beer and Hymns
Due to many events on the Sundays in the month of May already, our May gathering of the Beer and Hymns event will be cancelled. Our next time together will be in June. Watch for the updates in the next Messenger