Scripture readings for Sunday Mornings

Have you ever wondered who decides which scriptures we use for our Sunday services? The Revised Common Lectionary is a 3-year series of scripture readings used by many denominations each Sunday. Not only Lutherans (ELCA and Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod) use this series, but also the Presbyterian Church USA, Reformed Church in America, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Disciples of Christ, American Baptist Churches, USA, the Episcopal Church, as well as many others, both in the U.S. and around the world. Just think, on Sunday morning, we join countless others in the reading of the same scripture!
A listing of the Revised Common Lectionary readings are in the front of our ELW hymnal, pages 18-53.
Have you ever noticed on the back of a Sunday bulletin, near the bottom, is printed “Next Sunday’s Readings”? This is followed by the four readings for the next Sunday.
When you are one of the lectors for Sunday morning, Pat sends out a copy of the readings to you a few days before the service. You may also pick up the readings in advance by taking one of the copies of the Celebrate located in the narthex, on the counter. If you have trouble locating these copies, see Pat or Pastor Fischer.