06/02/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • We have a blue umbrella and black pair of glasses who are lost and looking for their owners (see photo).  If either one of these is yours, they are in the Narthex for you to pick up at your convenience or just let me know and I will put them to the side for you.

  • The June edition of The Messenger was mailed out this afternoon.

  • The Prayer Garden Drop In was a big success this past Sunday.  The Prayer Garden Committee thanks you for your generous donations.  To date we only have 11 Lilac colored Azaleas left to be donated.  If you would like to donate one of these, please take a card from the display in the narthex, fill out the information, and place it in the offering plate with payment designated to the prayer garden.  For all of you who have already agreed to donate payment for a particular plant, please remember to designate your payment to the prayer garden.  This will ensure that your donation will be accounted for properly.  If you need an amount reminder, or have any questions please see a member of the Prayer Garden Committee.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the First Reading (Deuteronomy 5:12-15) and the Gospel (Mark 2:23-3:6) as we explore the purposes of the Sabbath.

  • Our new group, The Dining Divas, will gather next Thursday for dinner at The Social Tap Restaurant.  Last month 10 ladies shared a wonderful time together but there is room for many more to join in. Contact Beth Cribbe to make your reservation.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Prayer Garden Update

Prayer Garden Update
The Prayer Garden Committee thanks you for attending the Garden Party and for your generous donations of plants for the Prayer Garden refurbishing project. To date only 11 Lilac colored Azaleas are remaining. If you would like to donate one of these, please take a card from the display in the Narthex; fill out the information, and place it in the offering plate with payment designated to the Prayer Garden. For all of you who have already agreed to donate payment for a particular plant, please remember to designate your payment to the Prayer Garden. This will ensure that your donation will be accounted for properly. If you need an amount reminder, or have any questions please see a member of the Prayer Garden Committee: Anna Caldwell, Connor Caldwell, Bonnie Emanuel, Claude Calloway, and Mary Ann Hobbs.


We will gather in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 12 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Father’s Day memorials

FATHER’S DAY is Sunday, June 16th.
A special offering, sponsored by
Lutheran Men, is being received to be given to the South Carolina Lutheran
Men in Mission.
If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In
Honor Of your father, please click on the link below and  fill out the form below. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day. Deadline is June 9.


Fathers day 2024

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Holy Trinity will be joining forces with Abiding Savior Lutheran Church again for our children’s VBS program.
VBS classes will take place at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Children ages 3 – 5th grade are invited to come join us during the week of June 10th – 14th from 9-11:30 a.m. Friday will be slightly longer to allow time needed for the closing program and lunch with the extended families.
If you have neighbors or your children have friends, that would like to venture into the rainforest with us, invite them!!
We do need all children to register with Abiding Savior using the link below to ensure there is enough adult supervision and supplies for everyone!
Please go online to register:

03/19/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s “happenings”:


  • We keep in our prayers the following:
    • John Stricker (AnMed – Room 439)
    • Jean Vinson (NHC Room 504 – for rehab)
    • Don Simon (AnMed Rehabilitation Hospital – Room 111)
    • Omaira Caruso and family on the death of her grandmother, Maria Luque. 
  • This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday.  You are invited to wear something red for this occasion. 
  • The Lutheran Men in Mission’s Annual Ladies Night is Monday evening, May 20 at 6:00 p.m.  All of the men and ladies of the congregation are invited to join us for our hamburger/hotdog cookout. 
  • Next Sunday, May 26, the congregation is invited to the Prayer Garden Drop in, following both worship services.  Light refreshments and beverages will be provided as we gather in the garden (located behind the Church Office). Members of the Prayer Garden Committee will be on hand to share the plans for refurbishing and updating our Prayer Garden.  You will
    have the opportunity to select plants for the garden, In Honor Of or In Memory Of a loved one.
  • The location for this year’s VBS has changed as of this morning. Abiding Savior Lutheran Church will still be providing the program but due to ongoing construction in their Fellowship Hall, we will now be hosting VBS at Holy Trinity this summer.  Please see your bulletin for all the details including how to register.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


PENTECOST SUNDAY, May 19 Pentecost is significant in both the Old and New Testaments.

“Pentecost” is actually the Greek name for a festival known in the Old Testament as the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:15; Deuteronomy 16:9).

The Greek word means “fifty” and refers to the fifty days that have elapsed since Easter (Acts 2:1-21).

You are invited to wear red for this occasion.

5/12/24 Weekly Congregational updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

• Don Simon underwent successful surgery on Tuesday to have a stint placed in his carotid artery. He is at AnMed in room 694 and is expected to be moved back to the AnMed Rehabilitation Hospital later in the week to build back his strength.

• Jean Vinson fell last night and was admitted to AnMed with broken ribs. She is in room 562.

• With Sunday being Mother’s Day, we will be recognizing all mothers present, during the announcements. The hymns and sermon message will all tie together on the theme of mothers. I will be preaching specifically on our gospel lesson, John 17:6-19, as our Lord shows His concern for those placed into his care.

• Sunday is the last day to turn in the graduation information for your family. If you have a family member who will be graduating from high school, technical school or college, please send me a REPLY with their name, and other details, and I will pass it along to Pat. This information will be included in the June edition of The Messenger.

• I remind you again that we now have Assisted Hearing Devices available for the congregation to use during the worship services. Simply stop by the Sound Room on the way into the church and ask an usher about their use.

• We will be joining forces again this year with Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, just like we did last year, for VBS. The dates are June 10-June 14 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. This is for children ages 3 through 5th grade. Abiding Savior will be hosting this event. You will need to register at https://vbsmate.com/AbidingSaviorLutheranChurchAndersonSouthCarolina

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer

06/30/24 SAVE THE DATE

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, June 30, as we celebrate significate anniversaries with Jill and Pastor for their many years of faithful service to our congregation. We will be honoring Jill Helgeson for her 25 years as our Organist/Music Director and we will be honoring Pastor Fischer for his 15 years as our minister (and his 30th year of Ordination). With this being a 5th Sunday, there will be One-Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. followed by a meal. More information will follow.

5/5/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s highlights to pass along to you:


  • Don Simon is at AnMed Rehabilitation in Room 114, if you would like to stop by and visit with him.

  • The May edition of The Messenger was mailed out Tuesday.

  • This coming Sunday is Senior Recognition Sunday as we put the spotlight on those in our congregation 70 years of age and older and on our high school seniors.  As part of the worship service, we will be doing the Blessing of the Graduates rite for Katelin Passow and Jack Roehrs.

  • For Sunday’s sermon, we will be focusing on our gospel text, John 15:9-17, and Jesus’ command for us to love one another.

  • Wednesday evening will be our next Family Fun Night, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Supper will be provided.

  • With Mother’s Day fast approaching, Sunday is the last day to turn in bulletin requests.  If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of your mother, or In Honor Of your mother, names will be printed in the bulletin May 12 for Mother’s Day.  All donations received will be given to a female student at Southern Seminary as part of a special offering on behalf of WELCA.

  • If you or a member of your family will be graduating from high school, technical school or college this spring, we are in the process of collecting names and information for the June edition of The Messenger.  May 12 is the deadline to do this.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer