Martin Luther Visionary Reformer: Understanding Luther and the Arts in the World Today

Martin Luther Visionary Reformer:
Understanding Luther and the Arts in the World Today

Friday, November 11, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia

Join the Academy of Faith and Leadership and the South Carolina Lutheran Synod, ELCA in a commemorative event of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This day-long celebration will feature the Rev. Dr. Scott H. Hendrix, Emeritus Professor of Reformation History and Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and author of Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer. Dr. Hendrix will address what Luther wanted and why it was hard for him and us to achieve it. Rev. Dr. Clay J. Schmit and Dr. M. Patrick Graham, the Margaret A. Pitts Professor of Theological Bibliography and Director of Pitts Theology Library at Emory University, will make presentations on Luther and the Arts: Utilizing the Arts in Ministry and Worship Today.

Rev. Hendrix’s book, Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer, is available for purchase through this registration page. If you would like a copy of the book, please choose that ticket option. Books will be available for pickup on the event day. Additional books related to the Reformation theme will also be available to purchase through Trinity Cathedral Bookstore.


$15.00 General Admission
$42.00 General Admission plus Book Purchase

Register today at

“Calling ALL Ladies” of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

“Calling ALL Ladies” of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

On Sunday, November 13, 2016, you are all invited to join us for a fun-filled afternoon! We would love to see everyone come out and participate in this fun and creative event. Join us for lunch, lunch and painting, or just painting…the choice is yours!

We would love to see everyone and say “Thank You” for a fabulous year!

Date: November 13th

Location: Fellowship Hall

Time: Lunch at 12:30 & Painting at 2:00

Lunch will be provided to ALL ladies by the WELCA Board. Should you plan to join us for the painting party it will be $20.00 per person. This will pay for your item (which you get to choose), paint, and ribbon! This is a fun way to get creative along with decorating your home for the holidays. The item you choose can either be a door hanger for your front door, kid’s bedroom door, or to add to the mantle for decoration. The choice is yours as to how you decorate with it. If you are wondering it is wood! Pick one from the four pictured below and let me know by November 5, so I can place the order with Burlaps and Ribbons! Should you want to do more you can for 20.00 dollars more!






Gideon International information.

A local representative from the Gideons International came to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday 9/25/16.

He shared the incredible story of the Gideons work including over a BILLION bibles given since the organization was founded.
They have translated the bible into over 100 languages for distribution.

If you would care to contribute to this worthy cause, please go to their website at


Dedication of the Casio Privia PX860 Digital Piano

In recent months the Yamaha Clavinova, donated by Mrs. Laura Jo Terry in 1996 and used with the Children’s Choir in the Sanctuary had begun to malfunction.  Upon learning the problems with the piano were not repairable, the Worship and Music Committee (with the approval of church council) began the task of looking for a replacement.

In August, after much research, the committee ordered a Casio Privia Px860 Digital Piano.  This instrument is very versatile.  It features 3 pedals and 88 weighted keys with simulated ivory touch to make it feel more like a grand piano, and can be plugged into the current church speaker system.  In addition the piano has many options, such as other piano sounds, strings, harpsicord, as well as different organ settings.

Upon arrival, Andy and Sharon Christmas graciously assembled the piano so that it could be used for one service as a trial.  Finding the trial successful, the committee decided the Casio Privia Px860 to be a good replacement for the Yamaha Clavinova that had served us well over the years.

The piano was dedicated on Sunday 9/25/16.  It was a gift from Jill Helgeson in loving memory of her parents, Claude and Allie Mae Cromer and to the glory of God.

Second Mile of Giving Fund

After 32 years of faithful operation the air conditioner that serves the Education Building, Martin Luther and Youth classrooms, and Library went out during the hot month of July. Fortunately, we were able to purchase replacement through the Facilities Improvement Fund. The cost of this unit was $4042.00. There is one other unit that is just as old and that is the one that supplies cool air to the Church Office. Even though this unit is working fine now, we can expect this one will need to be replaced in the near future as well.
When you are looking for a “Second Mile of Giving Fund” (over and above regular tithes and offerings) please consider the Facilities Improvement Fund. This fund was created to provide funds for future building projects, refurbish facilities, and pay for major equipment replacement. The fund shall not be used for routine, budgeted maintenance of facilities and grounds or for the payments of utilities and insurance. These funds are kept in a Dedicated Account.

South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Pee Dee Indian Project

South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Pee Dee Indian Project

The Pee Dee Tribe is located in northeast South Carolina. It was chartered in 1976 and finally became a State recognized Indian Tribe on August 29, 2006. The Tribe consists of 532 members who mostly live and work in Marlboro, Chester and Darlington counties. The Pee Dee Indians are a proud people, and they have a great heritage. Unfortunately, many live at or below the poverty level. They have operated their tribal affairs on three acres of land in McColl, South Carolina for many years. Since achieving State recognition in 2006, the Tribe has initiated several projects to help serve its members. A lack of funds has stymied the initiatives of the Tribe. Recently, due to the generosity of an individual donor, the Pee Dee Tribe received a donation of 14 acres of land. Shortly thereafter, the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission (SCLMM) organization entered the picture.
During the Spring of 2015, the SCLMM Executive Committee voted unanimously to initiate a project to assist the Tribe. This decision came with the support of Bishop Yoos and the South Carolina Synod Council. The SCLMM set a goal to raise $50,000 to help the Pee Dee Indian Tribe construct a multipurpose building on the 14 acres of land that was donated to the Tribe. The plan for the use of this property is to build a multipurpose building that can be used for a medical clinic, a shelter for the homeless, a place for children to play in a safe environment and a building to use for Tribal gatherings and as a museum. The estimated cost is about $280,000. If the SCLMM is successful ($50,000), it will provide a nice boost to this initiative. As of early 2016, $10,716 of the $50,000 goal had been raised, so there is a need to expand and increase giving to reach this goal.
The Holy Trinity Lutheran Men in Mission group made an initial contribution to this project in the Fall of 2015 and agreed to provide additional assistance during 2016 and to encourage donation by members of the congregation. The Holy Trinity Men in Mission group encourages members to prayerfully consider personal donations to support this initiative. Your checks can be made out to ELCA South Carolina Synod (designated for Pee Dee Indian Project) or they may be made out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (designated for Pee Dee Indian Project).
Thank you for considering a donation to this very worthwhile SCLMM initiative.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Men in Mission.

Deutsches Fest

Thanks to all for making the Deutsches Fest a great success

We had 145 people attend our 3rd annual  Deutsches Fest

All proceeds will go to the facilities improvement fund.

Our next Deutschesfest will be October 21 from 4:00-7:00 p.m.  The money raised will go toward the HTLC Youth Group to help defray their costs to attend the National Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas in 2018.

See you in church Sunday!

We look forward in seeing you here….

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Good News Club

Good News Club

Our group meets at Concord Elementary every Tuesday during the school year.

Won’t you consider helping out on Tuesdays during the School year from 2:00-4:00 PM? The group provides refreshments for the kids along with a video lesson.  We could use all volunteers, but really could use some more “male” role models!

On June 11, 2001, the US Supreme Court decision in Good News Clubs vs. Milford Central School ruled that equal treatment of religious speakers is not endorsement of religion_ This equal access decision opened the doors for after-school religious clubs through which the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF} has initiated News Clubs in public schools in every state in the US and around the world.
Good News clubs are sponsored by local churches and coordinated by CEF. They meet for 1 1/2 hour once a week after school in school buildings and every school in Anderson County had a Good News Club sponsor last year.

In the partnership between CEF and Holy Trinity, CEF will train all our volunteers, provide teaching materials, background screening, full-time staff support and liabiliry insurance. Holy Trinity will purchase teaching materials, and provide the volunteers.
The Holy Trinity/Concord Good News Club will start on Tuesday, September 20th and provides an amazing opportunity to share the Good News with 50-60 children weekly.!
Please prayerfully consider participating in this amazing opportunity to not only be -Salt and Light- by reflecting God’s love to our community, but to actually share the source of that love by introducing our “lambs”.