Giving From the Heart


“Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.” Matthew 6:21

On Sunday, October 8th and Sunday, October 15th the Support Committee will kick off Holy Trinity’s 2018 Stewardship Campaign with Temple Talks at both services.
This year’s theme, “Giving From the Heart”, challenges us to examine our desire to give. God plants that desire in each of us and wants our giving to be an important and
meaningful part of our lives. God wants us to “give from the heart”.
Prior to each service on October 15th members of the Support Committee will be on hand to distribute Stewardship Packets. Each packet will contain an Estimate of Giving Card
and a Time and Talent Survey for each family member. The next two Sundays, October 22nd and October 29th during the worship service, you will be given an opportunity to
share your time, talents, and treasure by returning your completed Estimate of Giving Card and your Time and Talent Survey during the appropriate time in the service.
If you forget your card and survey, ushers will have extras available — just ask. You may also mail your response directly to the church office. We hope to have all
responses returned by November 5.
Think about your giving plan. Please prayerfully consider your response to God’s call to share
in Christ’s mission and ministry at Holy Trinity.
Give from the Heart!


Trick -or-Treat- So- Others- May- Eat — The Youth will meet after the Late Service on October 22nd and head to Subway for lunch and then go to the neighborhoods to distribute the bags. We will once again have bags available for the congregation to make food donations. Pick up your bag on the 22nd and bring it back on the 29th filled with food items and put them in the room off the narthex. Then on October 29th, the Youth will serve the meal after the worship service and then return to the neighborhoods to pick up the filled bags. We will need some vehicles to help with the pickup. If you are able to help, please see Mrs. Goodson.

Its not too late to start Walking With Paul

Walking With Paul

We continue to meet each Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. for a six-week journey using the “Walking With Paul” devotional.  This is a daily walking program which includes reflection on Paul’s ministry as well as simple diet changes to care for mind, body, and soul!  We will meet as a group each Saturday to discuss our journey and to get tips on diet, stress reduction and more.  Come join us!  Our group leader is Amy Goodson.


How would you like to make small changes and simple lifestyle improvements in your health and to grow in faith? Starting Saturday, September 23rd, we will embark on a six week journey using the “Walking With Paul” devotional. This is a daily walking program which includes reflection on Paul’s ministry as well as simple diet changes to care for mind, body and soul! We will meet as a group each Saturday to discuss our journey and to get tips on diet, stress reduction and more. In order to have enough devotional books for all, you need to sign up on the sheet in the narthex. As the seasons change, won’t you take this opportunity to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
Group leader, Amy Goodson

Fellowship Hall improvement meeting information

Fellowship Hall Update

After eight months of meetings, listening to the needs of the congregation, exploring options and cost estimates, we are nearing a formal proposal.


To summarize what we have done:

  1. Informal meetings were held for the congregation on February 20 and March 9 to discuss improvements to Fellowship Hall.
  2. From these meetings, Church Council appointed the following members to serve as a Fellowship Hall Committee to help development a plan: Tom Weeks, Ernie Thoms, Bob Straup, Paul Wagner, Jill Helgeson, Vicki Lybrand, Sandi Jordan, Ann Caldwell, and  Tony and Christa Mollgaard.
  3. On April 23 and on May 7, informational meetings were held to give the congregational members the opportunity to discuss possible updates to Fellowship Hall and to obtain feedback and suggestions.
  4. After numerous meetings, talking with various contractors, exploring options and gathering cost estimates, the Committee gave a presentation and proposal to the Church Council at its monthly meeting in August.
  5. Church Council has decided to give members two opportunities to hear and ask questions about the committee’s proposal.
    1. On Sunday, September 24 (during the Sunday School hour), beginning at 9:50 a.m. in Fellowship Hall, the committee will share its proposal with the congregation and allow members the opportunity to raise questions and offer comments.
    2. Then on Sunday, October 15, at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall, committee members will be on hand to give members a final opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. (Please note: there will be no presentation on this day.)
  6. Then on Sunday, October 22, beginning at 9:50 a.m. in Fellowship Hall, there will be a congregational meeting to vote on whether to move forward with the proposal and to approve funding for this project. (Please note:  as per our HTLC Constitution and Bylaws, voting by proxy or by absentee ballot is not permitted.)

Sept 10th Rite of Healing Service with Holy Communion

We believe as followers of Christ Jesus that our Lord desires our wholeness and healing. Broken bodies, minds or spirits are not our God’s intent for us. Yet, we live in a world broken by sin.
During a Service of the Word for Healing, we gather for the purpose of hearing God’s healing Word for us. The Rite of Healing is a time of intentional prayer for healing —healing of mind, body, spirit and relationship. We pray intentionally for the healing of friends, family, and ourselves.
After the Scripture Readings, Sermon, and Prayers of the People, time will be given for silent prayer and for those who desire to come forward and kneel, as part of the Rite, the minister places his/her hands on the recipient’s head and prays. Oil, the ancient balm of healing and anointing, will mark your forehead in the shape of a cross.
Again, your prayers may be for yourself or a loved one. The Rite of Healing, an act as old as the Church, calls to our minds the promises of God to comfort and to remain with us.
You are encouraged to invite a friend and join us for this evening service.

Sept 16th HTLC Ladies Tea

Wear your pearls, fancy hats, and gloves and remember this is for all ladies in our church from one to hundred!

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals Service: Sunday, October 1, at 5:00 p.m


The service was a great success.  35 people gathered to bless 18 dogs, 1 cat and 1 guinea pig.

We plan to do it again next year to commemorate St. Francis of Assisi

WELCA Fall Conference

WELCA Fall Conference — Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greenwood, Sept. 30, 10:00 a.m. RSVP Roz Eckardt by September 25th.

Adult Catechism Classes

As you are aware, October 31 will mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. In honor of the achievements of Martin Luther, throughout the months of September and October I will be leading a 5-week Small Catechism class for the adults. The last time I offered these classes was in 2012 and the course was well attended.
Who should attend? If you became a Lutheran as an adult and missed out on the opportunity of attending Confirmation classes, then these classes are for you. If you recently joined the congregation, then these classes are for you. If you have been a life-long Lutheran and would like a refresher course, these classes are for you. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
Have you ever wondered why we stand during the reading of the Gospel? Are you aware of the Biblical connections to our liturgy? Would you like to know more about the seasons of the church year? Do you know the difference between infant baptism and a believer’s baptism? Do you know what Lutherans believe when it comes to Holy Communion? These are just some of the topics we will cover.
There will be a morning session and an evening session for each topic. Come to the one most convenient for you. Even if you cannot make it to every class, come to the ones you can attend. All classes will be in the Pairs and Spares Room. Bring your questions and favorite Bible.