Mark your calendars! Operation INASMUCH 2018 kicks off at
8:00 a.m. Saturday, April 14 with breakfast in the Fellowship Hall.

The Service Committee is in the process of identifying and finalizing projects.
In the coming weeks, watch your Sunday bulletin for weekly updates.
If you are aware of an individual or an organization in need that may have a project,
please notify one of the following: Shirley Ebert, Jamie Corrigan, Jane Potter, Cheryl Lane, or Pastor Fischer.

Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper results

At the Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 13, the men of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church helped feed 344 meals raising a total of $1,989.01 to be split between Family Promise of Anderson, The Soup Kitchen, and Development Center for Exceptional Children. “Amen for Lutheran Men.”

Easter Lily orders form

We would like to place Easter Lilies in our windows and on the Chancel steps for the services on Easter Sunday. The cost is $14.00. If you desire to place an order for one or more lilies, please click on the link below to download the form. Fill in the information and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office as soon as possible. The deadline is Sunday, March 25th
Because 35 lilies must be special ordered from Whitten’s to have them arrive at their peak for Easter, they will be assigned on a first-ordered, first-served basis. When 35 have been assigned, no more can be purchased. Thanks for your understanding. The Worship and Music Committee

Easter lilly order form 2018


General Lent reminders

Just a reminder
The Forty Days before Easter are the Lenten season. During this time we omit the refrains that are
connected to celebrating Christ’s resurrection and we use the verses appropriate for Lent. They are:
• We refrain from singing Allelulia’s because of its connection to Easter.
• There is no Absolution (minister declaring our forgiveness, page 118) for all of Lent is a time of self-examination.
• Omit the Hymn of Praise: “Glory to God in the highest” and we instead lead straight into The Prayer of the Day.
• We sing the Lenten verse: “Let your steadfast Love” page 125.
• We use the Apostles’ Creed.
On Easter Sunday, April 1, we will return to the verses praising our Lord and His resurrection.

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has not pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?  Dear children, letu us not love, in word or speech, but in truth and action.   1 John 3 16-18

Our speaker will be Cindy Sanders, Executive Director with Pickens County Habitat for Humanity and a member of University Lutheran.  Our church plays an important role in helping support the ministry of the work that is done by this very worthwhile organization.  The Pickens County Habitat for Humanity is part of the global, non-profit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seek to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.



  • Welcome – Pastor Jon Heiliger
  • Guest Speaker – Cindy Sanders/Rosey Davis
  • Lunch
  • Business Session
  • Door Prizes

University Lutheran Church

111 Sloan Street, Clemson, SC 29631

Please RSVP by March 10, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

Please Contact Roz Eckardt: 225-3810 or eckardt536@charter.net if you will be attending and for carpooling information.

Red Dress Sunday 2/25/18

Women, wear your red dress on this day to highlight Heart Disease Awareness and Education in Women.


During Lent many use this time to practice “giving up” something while others may practice “taking up” something. What if you could do both? This Lenten season, the Health Ministry Committee invites you to “take up” healthy eating while “giving up some” of the ingredients and cooking practices that make our food less healthy. Starting Sunday, February 11th, every week, there will be a week’s worth of recipes available from the “Seasoning Lent” cookbook from Church Health. This cookbook includes healthy recipes, reflections, and prayer. The recipes are not only healthy but also easy and family friendly. These weekly packets of recipes will be in the Narthex each Sunday. Please take one per family. Please let Amy Goodson know if more copies are needed. Also, we will be starting a Lenten walking devotional starting Saturday, February 17th at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Amy Goodson if you are interested in participating and if you need a devotional.

Ash Wednesday services 2/14/18

Ash Wednesday Services
Again this year we are offering an additional worship service for Ash Wednesday at 12:00 noon. This will be a simpler type service with no music for those that do not wish to drive in the evening or maybe due to a work schedule. In the evening will be a full liturgical service at 7:00 p.m. Both services will have the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

Synod Apportionment

Synod Apportionment
In an attempt to increase the congregation’s giving to Synod Apportionment, the Church Council approved that the offerings received during our Mid-week Lenten Wednesday night worship services go toward our S.C. Synod Apportionment.


Thank to all for your generous giving

We raised a total of 358 dollars (279 for the Eagles and 79 for the Patriots).
All funds were donated to AIM.


SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY The funds we raise for the “BIG GAME” will benefit A.I.M. Our youth will be receiving your financial gifts on February 4th.