Saturday Servants – Each Saturday in July

Again this year HTLC will prepare bag lunches For Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through The Saturday Servant Program. There are four Saturdays in July. Each Saturday we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. (please note the new time) to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and 100 bologna sandwiches. Each bag will contain a sandwich, fruit, juice, sweet snack cake and chips. Eight hundred bag lunches will be provided during the month of July.

A big thank you to all who donated food items, now all we need are volunteers to help make the sandwiches.  Every Saturday in the month of July we have our Saturday Servants Program where we help feed those who are hungry in Anderson.  We will gather in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. to make 200 sandwiches and assemble food bags to be given out.  This takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the number of volunteers we have.  Then at 11:00 a.m. for those who would like to participate in the distribution of the sandwiches, we carpool over to the Anderson Soup Kitchen located on West Franklin Street.  This takes about 30 minutes.   We begin this Saturday, July 7th.

Vacation Bible School June 25th to 29th details

Summertime and VBS go together naturally like peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin, and salt and pepper. Summertime may allow us a break from school but not a break from learning about God. Summertime gives us the opportunity to gather again in God’s name, in God’s House, to hear anew God’s love for us. There is just something special about summer and Vacation Bible School, not only for children, but for adults as well. We have classes for everyone.
Following is a list of classes being offered June 25-29:
We will have a class for small children, ages 3 — 5.
Our young school-aged children will again be participating in Lutheroad here at Holy Trinity.
The Adult class will be held in the Pairs n’ Spares Room. (see article below)
Please note: there will be no Destination Unknown class for the youth as they will be attending the National Youth Gathering that week.

The adult vacation bible school class will be held in the Pairs and Spares classroom from June 25 through June 28. Class will begin at 6:30 p.m. each day and end at 8:00 p.m.
This year, the adult class will use a DVD lecture series entitled: Great Figures of the New Testament to learn more about the many key figures that played such an important role in the early Christian era. The lectures are presented by Amy-Jill Levine, a professor of religious studies at Vanderbilt University. Each lecture is 30 minutes in length and will be followed by discussion by class members. The Pairs and Spares Sunday School class has used other lecture material presented by Professor Levine and found the lectures informative, interesting and entertaining.
As in earlier classes, class members will enjoy coffee and a dessert during the session. Join the adult class and learn more about some of the Great Figures of the New Testament and share fellowship with other class members. Questions?
Contact Tom Weeks.

As we prepare to house our 2018 Lutheroad counselors, we are in need of a few items. If you would be willing to donate some snacks or breakfast items for our counselors this year, please place them in the box located in the Narthex. Thank you so much for helping us make these talented folks welcome and comfortable while they are working with our children.
Some suggestions for snacks and breakfast foods:
•Microwave popcorn
•Salty treats (crackers or chips)
•Cereal (packs of individual boxes)
•Little Debbie cakes
•Water bottles
•Can sodas
•Pop tarts
We will purchase milk and juice on the day the counselors arrive! Thanks again for your help.


The adult vacation bible school class will be held in the Pairs and Spares classroom from June 25 through June 28. Class will begin at 6:30 p.m. each day and end at 8:00 p.m.
This year, the adult class will use a DVD lecture series entitled: Great Figures of the New Testament to learn more about the many key figures that played such an important role in the early Christian era. The lectures are presented by Amy-Jill Levine, a professor of religious studies at Vanderbilt University. Each lecture is 30 minutes in length and will be followed by discussion by class members. The Pairs and Spares Sunday School class has used other lecture material presented by Professor Levine and found the lectures informative, interesting and entertaining.
As in earlier classes, class members will enjoy coffee and a dessert during the session. Join the adult class and learn more about some of the Great Figures of the New Testament and share fellowship with other class members. Questions? Contact Tom Weeks.

FATHER’S DAY is June 17th.

FATHER’S DAY is June 17th.
A special offering, sponsored by the Lutheran Men, is being received to be given to the
South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission. If you would like to make a donation
In Memory Of or In Honor Of your Father, please fill out the form below (found in the weekly bulletin.)

The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day.

Deadline is June 10th.
In Memory of ___________________________

In Honor of______________________________

Other (To the Glory of God) __________________________

Given by ________________________________

Amount $_______________________________

VBS/Lutheroad Camp June 25-29th

Vacation Bible School
Summertime and VBS go together naturally like peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin, and salt and pepper.
Summertime may allow us a break from school but not a break from learning about God. Summertime gives us the opportunity to gather again in God’s name, in God’s House, to hear anew God’s love for us. There is just something special about summer and Vacation Bible School, not only for children, but for adults as well. We have classes for everyone.

Following is a list of classes being offered June 25-29: 
We will have a class for small children, ages 3 — 5.
Our young school-aged children will again be participating in Lutheroad here at Holy Trinity.
Adult class information will be included in the June Newsletter and following bulletins.
The class will be held in the Pairs n’ Spares Room.

Please note: there will be no Destination Unknown class for the youth as they will be attending
the National Youth Gathering that week.



Lutheroad 2018 registration

Sunday May 20th Pentecost Sunday

Please Wear Red this Sunday


This day is especially important as we will be acknowledging two of our young people at the Late Service for their dedication in completing two years of formal instruction in the Christian faith. Many of us referred to these classes growing up as Catechism Classes or Confirmation Classes. On this Sunday these youth will be taking part in the Rite of Affirmation of Faith, reaffirming their baptism.
There will be a reception this day honoring these students during the Sunday School hour (10:00-10:45 a.m.) in the Fellowship Hall where you will have the opportunity to welcome and congratulate these newest adult members into the congregation.


We would like to acknowledge all our 2018 graduates. If you or a member of your family is graduating from
High School, Tech. School or College this Spring, please contact the church office to let us know where you are
graduating from and what your plans for college or employment may be. We will list them in the June Messenger edition.



The beautiful quilts you see draped over each pew are now ready to be sent overseas. The quilters, at Holy Trinity have been very busy and their 28 quilts will be blessed during the service today and then mailed to Lutheran World Relief to those in need. The quilters thank everyone for their generous gifts of fabric for this worthy project.
You may make a donation to cover the cost of the shipping by writing a check to Holy Trinity and putting “shipping quilts” in the memo and placing it in the offering plate.

Jane Potter, Roz Eckardt, Ashley Rioux, Cherie Brown, Kim Hill, Shirley Ebert and Nancy Korn worked on the quilts.

7/14/18 HTLC Missionaries Visit








The Klines, ELCA Missionaries in Columbia South America the we as a church support are coming to visit.

They will be here on Saturday July 14th form 4PM to 8PM

More details to come