Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:
• We were thrilled to have Jeff and Roz Eckardt visit with us this past Sunday at the Late Service.
• We keep in our prayers Helen Sidoti who fell recently and broke her left foot and right ankle.
• Lost and Found: After one of the Good Friday worship services, an earring was found in the sanctuary. See photo. If it is yours, please contact me.
• The Statements of Giving will be sent out next week for the first time electronically.
• All of the remaining Easter lilies have been placed in the kitchen off the Pairs and Spares room. If you have not yet picked up your lily, please do so soon. All remaining lilies will be given away after Sunday.
• Sunday I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 24:36b-48, as we explore the significance of Jesus eating fish with His disciples after His resurrection.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer