2/24/2019 Women’s Fellowship

The WELCA Board is hosting a Fellowship Get Together luncheon February 24th in Fellowship Hall following the 11:00 a.m. service. This invitation is extended to all ladies young and matured. This is a time set aside to meet old friends and great new friends. Please mark your calendars of the date and time and enjoy some great catch up time. A reservation is required so that we will have enough goodies for all. Call Roz before the 17th of February at 864-225-3810.


October 6, 2018
10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
The Dream Center, Easley, SC
RSVP by Sept, 30, 2018
Roz Eckardt — 225-3810
for carpooling

4/22 Painting Party Coming Soon…


A reminder, the Painting Party (sponsored by the Luther’s Ladies Circle) is next Sunday, April 22nd from 2:00 — 4:00 p.m. Orders for your items have been turned in. Bring your money ($20.00) for each item you ordered. Light snacks will be provided. See you next Sunday for an afternoon of fun in Fellowship Hall.

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has not pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?  Dear children, letu us not love, in word or speech, but in truth and action.   1 John 3 16-18

Our speaker will be Cindy Sanders, Executive Director with Pickens County Habitat for Humanity and a member of University Lutheran.  Our church plays an important role in helping support the ministry of the work that is done by this very worthwhile organization.  The Pickens County Habitat for Humanity is part of the global, non-profit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seek to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.



  • Welcome – Pastor Jon Heiliger
  • Guest Speaker – Cindy Sanders/Rosey Davis
  • Lunch
  • Business Session
  • Door Prizes

University Lutheran Church

111 Sloan Street, Clemson, SC 29631

Please RSVP by March 10, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

Please Contact Roz Eckardt: 225-3810 or eckardt536@charter.net if you will be attending and for carpooling information.

February 11th Bold Women Day

Bold Women Day is coming up on February 11th. It is a celebration of women within the ELCA and specifically within HTLC. Please join us as we honor the women of the church.

Sept 16th HTLC Ladies Tea

Wear your pearls, fancy hats, and gloves and remember this is for all ladies in our church from one to hundred!

WELCA Fall Conference

WELCA Fall Conference — Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greenwood, Sept. 30, 10:00 a.m. RSVP Roz Eckardt by September 25th.

Women of the ELCA 2017 events list



February 26              Bold Women Day

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Temple Talk by Sare Alexander, AIM


March 3                      World Day of Prayer

First Presbyterian Church

Anderson, SC


March 11                   Spring Foothills Conference

Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Greenville, SC


May 7                         WELCA Sunday

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


June 9 – 10                SC WELCA Convention

St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church

Lexington, SC

Theme:  “All Anew”


Fall                             Fall Foothills Conference Meeting

Date and Host to be announced


RETREATS               Camp Kinard – February 10 – 11, 2017


Isle of Palms – April 28 – 30, 2017


Wild Women Weekends at Lutheridge:

                                     5 weekends (February 3-5, February 10-12,

March 10-12, March 17-19 and March 24-26, 2017)


July 11-13, 2017      Triennial Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota

July 13-16, 2017      Triennial Gathering, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Calling ALL Ladies” of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

“Calling ALL Ladies” of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

On Sunday, November 13, 2016, you are all invited to join us for a fun-filled afternoon! We would love to see everyone come out and participate in this fun and creative event. Join us for lunch, lunch and painting, or just painting…the choice is yours!

We would love to see everyone and say “Thank You” for a fabulous year!

Date: November 13th

Location: Fellowship Hall

Time: Lunch at 12:30 & Painting at 2:00

Lunch will be provided to ALL ladies by the WELCA Board. Should you plan to join us for the painting party it will be $20.00 per person. This will pay for your item (which you get to choose), paint, and ribbon! This is a fun way to get creative along with decorating your home for the holidays. The item you choose can either be a door hanger for your front door, kid’s bedroom door, or to add to the mantle for decoration. The choice is yours as to how you decorate with it. If you are wondering it is wood! Pick one from the four pictured below and let me know by November 5, so I can place the order with Burlaps and Ribbons! Should you want to do more you can for 20.00 dollars more!



