Upcoming Events and Cancellations

Lutheroad – Cancelled
Vacation Bible School – Cancelled
Deutschesfest – Tentatively: Saturday, November 7

Weekly Congregational Update 06/07/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Here are some things worth noting:

  • Please check the bulletin each week for a current list of needed food items for Saturday Servants.  Shirley Ebert sends me an update on Thursday morning.
  • You may drop off items in the room off the narthex using the front church door.  
  • Bob and Jean Vinson will be returning home on Monday, after spending several months at The Garden House.
  • I am saddened to inform you of the death of Hattie Lever on 06/04/20.  For many years Hattie was a devoted WELCA leader, member of our congregation, and community volunteer .  You are encouraged to keep her five children, and other family members, in your prayers
  • Please be aware of email or text scams out there requesting gift cards.  Several of you have been contacted by someone claiming to be me or other pastors in the area.  I will never request a gift card from you and if you ever have doubts on the authenticity of the request, simply ask that person to give you a call.   
  • This Sunday is Trinity Sunday.
  • I will be preaching on the theme, “A Holy Kiss.” In preparation for Sunday’s message, research “kiss” in the Bible.
  • In the Word of God, the holy kiss was a sign of love, respect, friendship, and honor.  Some biblical references include:
    • Jacob kissed his father – Genesis 27:27
    • Laban kissed Joseph – Genesis 29:13
    • Esau kissed Jacob – Genesis 33:4
    • Joseph kissed his brethren – Genesis 45:15
    • Aaron kissed Moses – Exodus 4:27
    • Moses kissed Jethro – Exodus 18:7
    • Naomi kissed Ruth and Orpah – Ruth 1:9
    • David kissed Jonathan – I Samuel 20:41
    • The father kissed the prodigal son – Luke 15:20
    • Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss – Luke 22:47-48

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

weekly update 05/31/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

A few things to share with you:

  • This Sunday, May 31, is Pentecost Sunday.  Even though we will not be able to gather for worship, you are still encouraged to wear something with the color red for the day.
  • The Messenger was mailed out today so hopefully you will be receiving this soon.
  • Please read over the changes for our Saturday Servants this year due to COVID-19.
  • After spending a few days in the hospital due to a slight stroke, Elaine Rummage is now at National Health Care.  If you would like to send her a card, her address is in the Bulletin.
  • Several of you have requested the address for Pam Whitt’s sister.  It is:  Kim Ard, 18 Apache Trail, Myrtle Beach, SC  29588.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

New cloth mask challenge

Cloth Mask Challenge 2.0
“Caring for the Community”
After reaching our initial goal of 8,000 cloth masks to provide to our staff, AnMed Health is re-launching our challenge to the community – this time, to provide face-coverings for patients and their caregivers in anticipation of potential shortages.

AnMed Health now requires all patients arriving for appointments or procedures to wear a face-covering. This policy applies to patients arriving at all hospital campuses, emergency rooms, outpatient facilities and physician practices. We’re asking for your support in providing these masks to those who may not have one.

As businesses in our community begin to reopen, AnMed Health encourages residents to continue wearing face coverings whenever in public and to continue practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene.

Details about making/delivering fabric masks

 No specific pattern or style is required
 Donations of bandanas accepted as well
 Use tightly woven cotton fabric
 When fabric masks are complete, please drop them off at the AnMed Health Women’s and Children’s Hospital at 2000 East Greenville Street, Anderson, S.C., daily 24/7

Thank you for thinking of our staff, patients and community during this time! We are truly “in this together!”


Pentecost is significant in both the Old and New Testaments. “Pentecost” is actually the Greek name for a festival known in the Old Testament as the Feast of Weeks
(Leviticus 23:15; Deuteronomy 16:9).
The Greek word means “fifty” and refers to the fifty days that have elapsed since Easter (Acts 2:1-21).

It is traditional to wear red this day.

Congregational update week of 05/24/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


A few updates to pass along to you:


  • Please make sure and read the bulletin article concerning food needs at AIM.
  • The Messenger will be going out next week so if you have a family member graduating from college or a technical school, Tuesday is the last day to get this information to Pat in the church office.
  • Even though many of us may not be traveling like we normally do this Memorial Day Weekend, let us remember what this holiday is all about.  Let us honor and remember those who died while serving our country in the Armed Forces.  As the old saying goes, “Freedom is not free.”
  • I will be preaching on the Ascension of Jesus, based on our First Lesson, Acts 1:6-14, if you would like to read this ahead of time and give it some thought.
  • In the meantime, be thinking what you do to make it through difficult times.  What keeps you going?
  • During this time apart, please know that I continue to spend time each day in prayer for each of you.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Congregational update week of 05/17/20

  • This past Monday evening the Church Council held a conference meeting using Zoom and decided to continue to prohibit the gathering for worship for at least the next 30 days.  Council is monitoring the situation carefully and will revisit the situation again at its next meeting in June.  We are simply not ready to gather safely for worship.  I will tell you that the Church Council has begun discussion of what worship may look like when we are ready to reopen, including the location of worship and how to administer Holy Communion in a safe procedure.  As you are aware, the federal government may not prescribe standards for interactions of faith communities in houses of worship.  However, the SC Synod continues to share recommendations for congregations from the Communities of Faith CDC.
  • Our Bible Study Sunday evening will focus on the topic of anger.  Join us through Zoom and by contacting Jane Cahaly, our leader.
  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel reading, John 14:15-21, by focusing on the fact that we are never alone.  Thought to ponder:
    • What does it mean when Jesus says he will give us another Advocate?
    • What does the word “Advocate” mean?
    • What is the function of an “Advocate”?
    • How has the Holy Spirit spoken to you, lead you, in the past?

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


Congregational update 05/07/20

Dear HTLC Members and Friends of the Congregation,


Here are a few updates on church members and a few thoughts in preparation for Sunday’s message:


  • Elaine Rummage spent several days at AnMed earlier this week and has been moved to the Summit Place this afternoon.  She is in room 13. We keep Elaine and Paul in our prayers during this time of transition.
  • John Dickson underwent a procedure earlier today at the Greenville Memorial Hospital for a blockage in his intestine.  All went well and he is expected to be there another day or two.  We keep John and Sandi in our thoughts and prayers during his recovery.
  • Scott Brady spent several days at AnMed this week but is now home and doing better.  We keep Scott and Anita in our prayers.
  • You may have seen in the news of a house fire in Easley on Tuesday morning from a lightning strike.  The home owner is Michael Bagwell, the nephew of Sharon Christmas.  We pray for all the family members affected.


  • For my sermon message on Sunday, I will be focusing on the last verse of John’s Gospel, where Jesus says, “If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.”
  • What exactly does this mean?
  •  If it is true, then why are all my prayers not answered in the way I request?
  • This verse supports the “gumball theology of prayer” – put a “quarter of prayer in” and get what you want.  Is this sound theology?

Mothers Day


Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Just a reminder that there is still time to send in your information to Pat.  Normally we receive a pretty good response but with no worship services on Sunday, when most folks turn this in, not many requests have been returned this year.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer



MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 10th.   A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, is being received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out the form below and mail, or call the church office with your information.  The names will be listed in Sunday’s bulletin and June’s Messenger.  The deadline to do this is Thursday at 12:00 noon of this week.


In Memory of______________________________________________________________


Honor of_________________________________________________________________


Other (To the Glory of God)_________________________________________________



Given by___________________________________________________________________


If you you want to print out this and mail it in, just click on the link below to download a word document you can print



Update on Mask Project

An Update on Masks

The Community Mask Challenge was for 8000 masks, and that goal has been reached. If you are on facebook, they have a facebook group (AnMed Health Community Mask Challenge). Check it out! According to this page, they are still accepting masks but will be sharing them with other first responders/community groups that need masks. So if you have completed masks, you can either leave them in the box in the room off of the narthex (Nancy Korn  will pick them up and deliver them) or you can deliver them yourself, either to AnMed or to someplace else that might need masks.

Fabric to make more masks is located in the room off of the Narthex.  There is a box for  completed masks there as well. See Nancy Korn for more details.